
Book Description

Though women played an integral role in the conquest of the New World, little has been written about their contributions. This Spanish-language work examines the lives and deeds of women who influenced the course of history in the Americas some 500 years ago. Covered in detail are the lives of Maria de Toledo, first woman governor in America; Isabel de Bobadilla, governor of Cuba and instrumental in the Spanish expedition to Florida; Ana Francisca de Borja, governor of Peru and a military leader; Beatriz de la Cueva, governor of Guatemala and a political leader; Maria de Penalosa, governor of Nicaragua and a military strategist; Isabel Barreto y Quiros, first and only woman admiral of the Spanish navy; and mestizo leaders Francisca Pizarro and Leonor de Alvarado. Also covered are more than 40 other women of the same period--Spanish, Indian, and black--who held a wide variety of leadership positions. The book draws its information from the writings of respected early historians as well as historical documents from libraries and archives in Spain, Latin America and the United States. Cortes, Pizarro, Alvarado, todos ellos hombres conocidos y famosos. Pero y las mujeres? Si bien fue el hombre el que mayormente cargo sobre sus hombros la empresa conquistadora, muchas fueron las mujeres que tambien formaron parte de tal epopeya. Sin embargo, la historia les paso por encima y las relego al triste olvido. Esta obra se empena en hacerles justicia historica a estas mujeres, destacando sus vidas y hazanas sobre todo a ocho de ellas, quizas las mas conocidas, pero no las unicas. Fueron mujeres excepcionales, resolutas, integras, juiciosas, prontas a echar un pie adelante cuando las circunstancias asi lo exigieron, pero, vale recalcar, sin renunciar en ningun momento a sus dotes de madres y esposas. De las ocho mujeres, seis fueron espanolas y dos indigenas, incluyendose, ademas, a unas cuarenta mas aunque en menos detalle. La obra rebosa humanidad y sentido historico y esta escrita en un lenguaje pulcro y sencillo, al alcance de todo tipo de lector. Sus fuentes son rigurosamente historicas y fidedignas, fruto de las mas excelsas plumas a ambos lados del Atlantico y pertenecientes a todas las epocas, incluyendo, claro esta, a los primitivos cronistas de Indias.


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Black Voices in Early Modern Spanish Literature, 1500-1750

Book Description

In this groundbreaking study, Diana Berruezo-Sánchez recovers key chapters in the history of Afro-Iberian diasporas by exploring the literary contributions and life experiences of black African communities and individuals in early modern Spain. From the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, international trade involving chattel slavery led to significant populations of enslaved, free(d), and half-manumitted black African women, men, and children in the Iberian Peninsula. These demographic changes transformed Spain's urban and social landscapes. In exploring Spain's role in the transatlantic slave trade and its effects on cultural forms of the period, Berruezo-Sánchez examines a broad range of texts and unearths new documents relating to black African poets, performers, and black confraternities. Her discoveries evince the broad yet largely disregarded literary and artistic impact of the African diaspora in early modern Spain, expanding the scope of linguistic practices beyond habla de negros and creating space for early modern black poets in the Spanish literary canon. These textual sources challenge established understandings of black Africans and black African history in early modern Spain. They show how black Africans exerted significant cultural agency by collectively contributing to and shaping the literary texts of the period, including those of the popular genre villancicos de negros, and by developing artistic traditions as musicians, dancers, and poets. As both creators and consumers of cultural forms, black African men and women navigated a restrictive, coercive slave society yet negotiated their own physical and cultural spaces.

Let Spirit Speak!

Book Description

Interdisciplinary celebration of the cultural contributions of members of the African Diaspora in the Western hemisphere.

A Concordance to Juan Ruiz Libro de Buen Amor

Book Description

This book represents the first concordance of Juan Ruiz's Book of Good Love (Libro de Buen Amor), written in the fourteenth century. The volume's editors, dealing with three slightly different manuscripts, have chosen to meticulously integrate the language from all three editions into one thorough concordance. The result is a significant work that serves as a companion to Ruiz's work that would be vital to any study of medieval Spanish linguistics. In addition to the usual material to be found in a concordance, this book has the following features: the text appears in diplomatic transcription from the manuscripts, for fidelity, while the entry list of words has been partly normalized as for spelling, for convenience; an extensive list of homographs; no omission of high frequency words; frequency list at the end; no reproduction of bulky and difficult computer printout. The book has been photocomposed from the tape.

El �rbol de la dicha

Book Description

Roger Taylor se salva milagrosamente, después de un accidente de tráfico donde mueren su esposa y su hija, luego de un largo periodo de inconsciencia, y de una profunda depresión, un misterioso personaje se presenta en su vida, y le deja un mensaje que marca el destino de su vida, esto lo lleva a decidir un futuro inesperado, cumplir con el mensaje y encargo, poco a poco, él descubre que es un hombre, más que ordinario, y su misión en la Tierra es colaborar con la misión encomendada por el incógnito individuo que le da en sus manos, el poder de cambiar la sociedad, él entiende que el camino es muy largo y acepta el reto del misterioso hombre. Su destino también lo marcan otras personas, que él cree que son puestas en su camino por un ente superior. Su personalidad tiene dos caras, se convierte en un hombre con emociones muy profundas, una, el amor de servir a la humanidad, y la otra cara, es un hombre frío implacable, con el deseo de impartir justicia a quienes rompen las leyes, y sacar del camino a criminales que no dejan evidencia en su carrera delictiva de asesinatos. El árbol es la incógnita más grande de su vida, y a la vez, su propia vida.

Moving Beyond Boundaries (Vol. 2)

Book Description

V. 1. International dimensions of Black women's writing -- .