Financial Sustainability and Intergenerational Equity in Local Governments

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Due to the mortgage crisis of 2008, laws aimed at achieving budgetary and financial stability were enacted. The concept of ?nancial sustainability has been linked to the need of rendering public services without compromising the ability to do so in the future. Financial Sustainability and Intergenerational Equity in Local Governments is a critical scholarly resource that analyzes the financial sustainability of local governments with the aim of ensuring equality and intergenerational equity. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as intergenerational equity, public policies, and sustainability management, this book is geared towards government officials, managers, academicians, practitioners, students, and researchers seeking current research on identifying public policies to ensure financial balance.

International Public Financial Management Reform

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This book is intended to give readers detailed information and perspectives on the reform of financial management reform practices in a variety of national settings around the world. The chapters explore the reform agenda in each nation and factors that stimulated change. Each chapter addresses the extent of the influence of "New Public Management" concepts and practices on reform implementation. The nations whose experience is represented in this book are among the most often cited examples of progressive change to be examined and perhaps emulated by governments in other nations. In the introductory chapter the editors address the question whether and to what extent the financial management reforms detailed in the book reveal real progress or a progression of questions and dilemmas faced but not solved over the past several decades.

Comparative Issues in Local Government Accounting

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In recent years there have been a number of significant reforms in local government accounting practices around the world. While the specific reasons for these changes vary, a common factor is the increasing need for governments to measure the efficacy and efficiency of their performance. Nowhere is this trend more apparent than at the local government level. This book aims to give a comparative international perspective on local government accounting innovations, and offers specific cases involving different economic, political and cultural conditions. Countries receiving extended treatment include Belgium, China, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Together, the essays offer a state-of-the-art take on these issues and identify key issues for future research.

Boletín; publicaciʹon mensual

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Multidimensional Approach to Local Development and Poverty: Causes, Consequences, and Challenges Post COVID-19

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The phenomenon of poverty, despite being aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is recurrent and very harmful in peripheral countries. There seems to be no single solution, as each country faces its specificities, requiring an immersion into its causes and consequences. Multidimensional Approach to Local Development and Poverty: Causes, Consequences, and Challenges Post COVID-19 discusses the results of research conducted on the multivariate causes of hunger and poverty and how the pandemic has aggravated this problem, as well as the local development initiatives that have been implemented to mitigate the problem. Covering a range of topics such as sustainable development and public policy, this book is ideal for policymakers, government officials, practitioners, researchers, academicians, instructors, and students.

Finanzas municipales

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Desde Detroit hasta Lahore, la mayoría de las ciudades del mundo enfrentan problemas financieros, y aun así se espera que lleven a cabo sus funciones cada vez más complejas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales toma partido. Se pone del lado de los alcaldes y de los responsables de los asuntos municipales. Son escasas las publicaciones sobre este tema dirigidas tan directa y pragmáticamente a las autoridades decisorias y al personal financiero a nivel local. El contenido y los mensajes principales procuran responder a las inquietudes y a las cuestiones que enfrentan diariamente las ciudades y los municipios en la administración de sus finanzas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales asume una posición. En ocho capítulos, en esta obra se pasa revista a las lecciones aprendidas sobre relaciones intergubernamentales; finanzas de las áreas metropolitanas; gestión financiera, de los ingresos, de los gastos y de los activos públicos; financiamiento externo, y medición del desempeño de las finanzas municipales. Abarca temas tales como la descentralización, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y aborda temas menos explorados como la gestión de activos, la capacidad crediticia, la respuesta frente a crisis financieras y los mecanismos de presentación de informes a los diversos niveles de gobierno y a la ciudadanía. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales hace un llamado a la acción. No solo aporta conocimientos de avanzada en muchas cuestiones técnicas, sino que también guía a los gobiernos locales en el laberinto de los instrumentos existentes. En particular, la autoevaluación de las finanzas municipales que se propone en el capítulo 8 debería ayudar a los municipios a evaluar su propia situación y a avanzar en la senda de las reformas.

Ideas que pegan

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Chip Heath y Dan Heath explican por qué algunas ideas sobreviven y otras mueren.

Disciplina de La Iglesia Metodista Unida 2016

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Translated into Spanish, The Book of Discipline details the plan by which United Methodists govern themselves, and describes their understanding of what is expected of laity and clergy as we seek to be effective witnesses in the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ. As the product of more than 200 years of General Conferences of the denominations that form The United Methodist Church, the Discipline honors the past and addresses the future. The Book of Discipline includes: Church Law & Polity Our Constitution Our history Our doctrinal standards Our theological task Wesley’s inspiring words And more...


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