
Book Description

Por que el transhumanismo? El nexo entre el transhumanismo y el uso de ordenadores en el diseno arquitectonico es, posiblemente, menos obvio para el publico general que para los autores de la siguiente seleccion de articulos. Sin embargo, es un tema muy serio: los arqutectos, sin saberlo, actuan como filosofos transhumanistas, sociologos o biotecnologos. Ya es hora de evaluar las consecuencias tanto de la simulacion, concepcion y representacion virtual como del diseno por ordenador en la arquitectura. Aqui les ofrecemos unas perspectivas muy diferentes de esta significativa conexion.

The Failure of Modern Civilization and the Struggle for a "deep" Alternative

Book Description

Western civilization is the Utopia of a better and higher life on Earth. The globalization of neo-liberalism proves that this project has failed. The paradigm of «Critical Theory of Patriarchy» explains this failure and discusses alternatives. By confronting the central civilizations in history, the egalitarian, life-oriented matriarchal one, and the hierarchical, nature and life dominating, hostile patriarchal one, we see that 5000 years of patriarchy have «replaced» matriarchies and nature itself by a «progressive» counter-world of «capital». This transformation characterizes «capitalist patriarchy» including «socialism». Its demise is due to the «alchemical» destruction of the world's resources, thought of, theologically legitimized and fetishized as «creation». This violence is not recognized. Elites have, instead, begun with a new «military alchemy», treating the whole Planet as weapon of mass destruction. Hence, the «Planetary Movement for Mother Earth».

Diskurs und Leidenschaft

Book Description