La respuesta desde las instituciones y el derecho frente a la violencia doméstica en Aragón

Book Description

Perspectiva global sobre la praxis del derecho y las instituciones en la lucha contra la violencia doméstica de género en Aragón. Se exponen los principales resultados de la investigación realizada para el Instituto Aragonés de la Mujer durante 2002 y se contrastan con las aportaciones de expertos procedentes de los campos teórico y práctico.

La respuesta desde las instituciones y el derecho frente a la violencia doméstica en Aragón

Book Description

A través de diversos datos estadísticos recogidos en la C.A. de Aragón en el año 2000, se muestra la situación jurídica de la mujer en esta Comunidad. Se comenta cuál es la práxis del Derecho en estos casos y la respuesta de las Instituciones contra la violencia de género. Se hace un recorrido por las diferentes normativas que sobre la violencia de género se han dictado en España los últimos años y se presentan las conclusiones de diferentes ponencias y jornadas sobre el asunto.

Identity in Narrative

Book Description

This volume presents both an analysis of how identities are built, represented and negotiated in narrative, as well as a theoretical reflection on the links between narrative discourse and identity construction. The data for the book are Mexican immigrants' personal experience narratives and chronicles of their border crossings into the United States. Embracing a view of identity as a construct firmly grounded in discourse and interaction, the author examines and illustrates the multiple threads that connect the local expression and negotiation of identity to the wider social contexts that frame the experience of migration, from material conditions of life in the United States to mainstream discourses about race and color. The analysis reveals how identities emerge in discourse through the interplay of different levels of expression, from implicit adherence to narrative styles and ways of telling, to explicit negotiation of membership categories.

The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History

Book Description

European law, including both civil law and common law, has gone through several major phases of expansion in the world. European legal history thus also is a history of legal transplants and cultural borrowings, which national legal histories as products of nineteenth-century historicism have until recently largely left unconsidered. The Handbook of European Legal History supplies its readers with an overview of the different phases of European legal history in the light of today's state-of-the-art research, by offering cutting-edge views on research questions currently emerging in international discussions. The Handbook takes a broad approach to its subject matter both nationally and systemically. Unlike traditional European legal histories, which tend to concentrate on "heartlands" of Europe (notably Italy and Germany), the Europe of the Handbook is more versatile and nuanced, taking into consideration the legal developments in Europe's geographical "fringes" such as Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The Handbook covers all major time periods, from the ancient Greek law to the twenty-first century. Contributors include acknowledged leaders in the field as well as rising talents, representing a wide range of legal systems, methodologies, areas of expertise and research agendas.

The She-Devil in the Mirror

Book Description

Salvadorean society is shocked by the gruesome murder of a young upper-class woman, and no one more so than her best friend Laura. In her first-person solo narration, Laura rattles on and on about her disbelief and horror at the evils all around her—but who’s that in the mirror? Laura Rivera can’t believe what has happened. Her best friend has been killed in cold blood in the living room of her home, in front of her two young daughters! Nobody knows who pulled the trigger, but Laura will not rest easy until she finds out. Her dizzying, delirious, hilarious, and blood-curdling one-sided dialogue carries the reader on a rough and tumble ride through the social, political, economic, and sexual chaos of post-civil war San Salvador. A detective story of pulse-quickening suspense, The She-Devil in the Mirror is also a sober reminder that justice and truth are more often than not illusive. Castellanos Moya’s relentless, obsessive narrator—female, rich, paranoid, wonderfully perceptive, and, in the end, fabulously unreliable—paints with frivolous profundity a society in a state of collapse. Castellanos Moya’s Senselessness was acclaimed “an innovative and invigoratingly twisted piece of art” (Village Voice) and “a brilliantly crafted moral fable, as if Kafka had gone to Latin America for his source materials” (Russell Banks).

Post-invasion Panama

Book Description

On December 20, 1989, the United States sent over ten thousand troops to Panama to overthrow the military government led by General Manuel Noriega. More than ten years after the invasion, how has the country adjusted? In this volume, scholars of Panamanian politics and society examine the political, economic, and social changes the country has faced following the U.S. invasion. In addition, they analyze the prospects for democratic stability as Panama prepares to take over control of the Panama Canal. Post-Invasion Panama is an important book for scholars of foreign policy and international relations interested in the United States's controversial role as an international police force.

The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises

Book Description

The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises focuses on two interrelated aspects of migration crises: the contexts that give rise to such crises, and the role of the media and public officials in framing migratory flows as crises. It critically examines what crises are, where they arise, and how this concept is used in scholarship and policy.

Employment in Metropolitan Areas

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The Political Economy of Agrarian Change in Latin America

Book Description

This book makes an original contribution to the discussion about agro-food exporting countries’ governmental policy. It presents a historicized and internationally contextualized exploration of the political economy of agrarian change in three Latin American countries: Argentina, Praguay, and Uruguay. By comparatively examining how these states have acted in a context of global driven market forces and historically formed institutions, the monograph illuminates the differing capacities of state autonomy under the present era of globalized agriculture.