La Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional en el inicio de un nuevo siglo

Book Description

En estas paginas se habla de un Ejercito con la responsabilidad de salvaguardar la soberania y la seguridad nacionales, pero tambien con un alto compromiso con el beneficio social -en ocasiones inadvertido-, que se refleja en muy diversos programas y acciones que van desde la atencion a poblaciones en caso de desastres hasta los ambitos de la salud y la educacion en los que la excelencia es una prioridad y una caracteristica. A la vez, se ponen por primera vez al alcance del lector la estructura de las fuerzas armadas y sus recursos para su comprension y valoracion por la ciudadania. Es, a todas luces, un libro que obedece a los mas claros principios democraticos.

Book Description

Plaza of Sacrifices

Book Description

On October 2, 1968, up to 700 students were killed by government authorities while protesting in Mexico City - many of them women. This analysis of the role of women in the protest movement shows how the events of 1968 shaped modern Mexican society.

Always Near, Always Far

Book Description

During the Cold War, Mexico successfully bucked the tide of US backed military dictatorships that swept Latin America. Ironically, after communism has disappeared as a political force, Mexico's army is mired in multiple counterinsurgency battles, has been infiltrated by narcotics traffickers at the highest ranks, is endemic with corruption, and is increasingly dependent on US weapons, training, and ideology. In 16 chapters, written by 11 experts in military affairs, including two full generals (one retired, the other a political prisoner, who smuggled out his three chapters in this volume via his son on visiting days), a complex and comprehensive picture of the Mexican Armed Forces is presented. The book discusses in great length, over 250 oversize pages, with a wealth of charts, graphs, footnotes and a fold out map, the history, mission, and the constitutional context of Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Guerrero; the growth and institutionalization of paramilitaries; the relation between militarization and economics; the military budget; the drug war; and the problematic relationship between the US and Mexican militaries. A crucial text for anyone wanting to understand what is really going on south of the border.

Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century

Book Description

Account of the rise of modernism in the art of Latin America, published to accompany the exhibition Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century at The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

The New Latin American Left

Book Description

Leading scholars discuss ideology and hotly contested post-structuralist theory.