La seguridad colectiva internacional

Book Description

Analizar el sistema de seguridad colectiva internacional plasmada en las Cartas Constitutivas de 1919 y 1945 que crearon la Sociedad de Naciones y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas con la óptica del proyecto hegemónico global estadounidense; investigar la adopción de los esquemas de seguridad colectiva internacional establecidos por las superpotencias en los organismos regionales:OTAN, Pacto de Varsovia y OEA-TIAR y, por otro, examinar las implicaciones de dicho enfrentamiento en el interior de la ONU con la aparición de las OMP y en las relaciones ONU-Organismos regionales hasta el fin de la Guerra Fría, analizar las implicaciones del reforzamiento y consolidación de la seguridad colectiva estadounidense en el Consejo de Seguridad con un nuevo orden mundial caracterizado por un contexto de lucha contra el terrorismo, y profundizar en la reestructuración del sistema de seguridad colectiva internacional dentro de las Naciones Unidas. El trabajo así estructurado contiene cuatro capítulos, en el primero trata de la evolución que tuvo la concepción de seguridad colectiva para promover la creación de la Sociedad de Naciones y después, como es institucionalizado, en el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas. En el segundo capítulo se aborda el desarrollo de los diferentes organismos regionales de seguridad con la óptica de las superpotencias. También trata el surgimiento y evolución de las omp como producto del clima de tensión conocido como Guerra Fría. En el tercer capítulo se analizan las implicaciones del reforzamiento (fin de la Guerra Fría) y consolidación (11-S) del sistema hegemónico global estadounidense en el seno del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, concretamente en los casos de Afganistán e Irak, así como también en sus estructuras de defensa regional, como la OTAN y OEA-TIAR. En el cuarto capítulo se abordan las principales propuestas de reforma a la carta de 1945 y la posición de la superpotencia estadounidense dentro de su concepto de “seguridad colectiva estadounidense”, así como las ensas relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Rusia durante la administración Obama (2009-2017) que paralizaron cualquier intento de reformar la Carta de San Francisco y los pronunciamientos y actitudes del presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, respecto a la Alianza Atlántica.

National Sovereignty and International Organizations

Book Description

This book deals with the question of national sovereignty and States' participation in International Organizations, whether traditional or supranational ones. Although there has been much discussion on the problems posed by the transference of sovereignty, this volume provides an original insight in that transfer of state sovereignty is approached as a dynamic process that can be divided into three different phases. Part one, called `the initial phase', focuses on the examination of the domestic legal basis for the transfer of state sovereignty. Part two, `the transfer phase', investigates how the process of transfer evolves within the core of two International Organizations: the United Nations and the European Communities. Part three, `the post-transfer phase', analyses the States' responses to the effects and consequences of the transfer of sovereignty.

Los grandes problemas de México. Relaciones internacionales. T-XII

Book Description

A setenta años de su fundación, El Colegio de México publica esta serie de dieciséis volúmenes, titulada Los grandes problemas de México, en la que se analizan los mayores retos de la realidad mexicana contemporánea, con el fin de definir los desafíos que enfrentamos en el siglo XXI y proponer algunas posibles respuestas y estrategias para resolver nuestros problemas como nación. Serie: Los grandes problemas de México. Vol, XII Relaciones internacionales, diecinueve estudiosos y diplomáticos con amplia experiencia en la conducción de las relaciones con el exterior abordan algunos de estos asuntos y problemas, los retos que han implicado para México y la forma en la que se ha intentado hacerles frente. Se analizan algunos de los grandes temas de las relaciones internacionales, incluyendo aquellos que tiene o pueden tener repercusiones más significativas en México. También se abordan las principales relaciones con países o grupos de países, poniendo énfasis en la conducción de las mismas por parte del Estado mexicano, así como asuntos relacionados con el funcionamiento de algunos organismos internacionales y las posiciones que al respecto hemos mantenido hasta ahora ay las que podemos o debemos adoptar.

Culture and Security

Book Description

A comprehensive and empirically rich set of case studies that examine the impact of socio-cultural influences on multilateral arms control and security-building processes around the world.

Spanish Yearbook of International Law

Book Description

The "Spanish Yearbook of International Law" brings together information concerning Spanish legal practice and a bibliography over the period of one year and makes it available to an international readership. It serves as a vehicle for furthering knowledge of Spanish practice in the field of international law among an audience with no knowledge of Spanish. It deals with both private and public international law, taken in a broad sense to include summary treatment of international organizations of which Spain is a member.

Revolutions in International Law

Book Description

In 1917, the October Revolution and the adoption of the revolutionary Mexican Constitution shook the foundations of the international order in profound, unprecedented and lasting ways. These events posed fundamental challenges to international law, unsettling foundational concepts of property, statehood and non-intervention, and indeed the very nature of law itself. This collection asks what we might learn about international law from analysing how its various sub-fields have remembered, forgotten, imagined, incorporated, rejected or sought to manage the revolutions of 1917. It shows that those revolutions had wide-ranging repercussions for the development of laws relating to the use of force, intervention, human rights, investment, alien protection and state responsibility, and for the global economy subsequently enabled by international law and overseen by international institutions. The varied legacies of 1917 play an ongoing role in shaping political struggle in the form of international law.

The Triggering Procedure of the International Criminal Court

Book Description

The Rome Statute, unlike the statutes of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda, creates a permanent court whose dormant jurisdiction covers the territory and includes the nationals of States Parties and is universal in cases where the Security Council makes a referral. Besides, unlike the "ad hoc" tribunals, which have jurisdiction over specific crisis situations whose personal, territorial and temporal parameters have been defined in their respective statutes by the UN Security Council, in the case of the ICC it is not possible to determine a priori in which situations the ICC will be involved. As a result, the most relevant activity of the Court is the determination of those situations regarding which the dormant jurisdiction of the Court will be triggered. The book "The Triggering Procedure of the International Criminal Court" constitutes the first comprehensive analysis of the proceedings that, prior to any criminal investigation, aim to make such a fundamental determination.

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2017

Book Description

The Global Community Yearbook is a one-stop resource for all researchers studying international law generally or international tribunals specifically. The Yearbook has established itself as an authoritative source of reference on global legal issues and international jurisprudence. It includes analysis of the most significant global trends in a way that allows readers to monitor the development of the global legal order from several perspectives. The Global Community Yearbook publishes annually in a volume of carefully chosen primary source material and corresponding expert commentary. The general editor, Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, employs her vast expertise in international law to select excerpts from important court opinions and to choose experts from around the world to contribute essay-guides, which illuminate those cases. Although the main focus is recent case law from the major international tribunals and regional courts, the first four parts of each year's edition features expert articles by renowned scholars who address broader themes in current and future developments in international law and global policy, themes that appear throughout the case law of the many courts covered by the series as a whole. The Global Community Yearbook has thus become not just an indispensable window to recent jurisprudence: the series now also serves to prepare researchers for the issues facing emerging global law. The 2017 edition of The Global Community Yearbook both updates readers on the important work of long-standing international tribunals and introduces readers to more novel topics in international law. The Yearbook has established itself as an authoritative resource for research and guidance on the jurisprudence of both UN-based tribunals and regional courts. The 2017 edition continues to provide expert coverage of the Court of Justice of the European Union and diverse tribunals from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to criminal tribunals such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, to economically based tribunals such as ICSID and the WTO Dispute Resolution panel. This edition contains original research articles on the development and analysis of the concept of global law and the views of the global law theorists. It also includes expert introductory essays by prominent scholars in the realm of international law, on topics as diverse and current as the erosion of the postwar liberal global order by national populism and the accompanying disorder in global politics, a bifurcated global nuclear order due to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty, and the expansion of the principle of no-impunity and its application to serious violations of social and economic rights. New to the 2017 edition, the author of the article in Recent Lines of International Thought will now talk about their own work as a Scholar/Judge. In addition, this edition memorializes the late M. Cherif Baasiouni. The Yearbook provides students, scholars, and practitioners alike a valuable combination of expert discussion and direct quotes from the court opinions to which that discussion relates, as well as an annual overview of the process of cross-fertilization between international courts and tribunals and a section focusing on the thought of leading international law scholars on the subject of the globalization. This publication can also be purchased on a standing order basis.

De la sociedad de las naciones a la globalización: Visiones desde América y Europa

Book Description

El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.