La seguridad energética de los Estados Unidos en el siglo XXI. El sistema post estadounidense

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Ensayo del año 2010 en eltema Economía - Relaciones económicas internacionales , FLACSO Ecuador (GOBERNANZA ENERGÉTICA), Materia: SEGURIDAD ENERGÉTICA, Idioma: Español, Resumen: El petróleo es el principal factor de la economía estadounidense desde 1859 hasta nuestros días, pero también es su gran debilidad en los actuales momentos, y este pequeño problema de los Estados Unidos ha hecho que la energía se seguritice a nivel mundial. Ahora en el análisis realizado se demostró como en la perspectiva del siglo XX, dentro de las tres tendencias propuestas por Hobsbawm (el Fascismo, el Socialismo y el Liberalismo) este último fue la visión triunfadora en el sistema internacional. Contenido: - Antecedentes del siglo XX de EE.UU - El poder estructural estadounidense para su bienestar - Dos visiones de la hegemonía de Estados Unidos en el siglo XXI - La emergencia del resto del mundo - La línea de continuidad de seguridad energética en el Medio Oriente

Poder y seguridad energética en las relaciones internacionales

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La seguridad energética ha emergido como una de las grandes cuestiones de seguridad internacional del siglo XXI. Las cuestiones derivadas del abastecimiento energético han tenido un destacado protagonismo en las Relaciones Internacionales en los últimos cien años y una gran influencia en la configuración de nuestro mundo actual. Por tanto, este trabajo pretende desbrozar el concepto de seguridad energética para centrar su análisis en uno de los elementos más relevantes que esta dimensión de la seguridad plantea en el ámbito internacional; la posibilidad de que las relaciones de abastecimiento energético se puedan convertir en canales que permiten el ejercicio de poder de unas naciones sobre otras. Para abordar esta cuestión, la obra se centrará, en un primer momento, en el estudio de la seguridad energética como elemento conceptual. El objetivo será el de aportar un concepto válido de seguridad energética donde además se identifiquen los riesgos que plantea. En segundo lugar, se analizarán los recursos materiales de los que depende la seguridad energética, los hidrocarburos, ya que sólo mediante la comprensión de los elementos que afectan a la producción y comercialización de dichos recursos se podrá delimitar el marco teórico que identifica las condiciones necesarias para la instrumentalización de la energía como recurso de poder. Esta cuestión ocupará la tercera parte de este trabajo, donde, además, se contemplan los objetivos de política exterior que puede sustentar la energía, así como las acciones que los Estados han llevado a cabo para tratar de reducir sus vulnerabilidades frente a la dependencia energética.

La Transición Energética

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Energías renovables

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Global Power Europe - Vol. 2

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This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU’s external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor. Volume 1: The first volume “Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU’s External Relations” addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU’s institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU’s international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies) Volume 2: The second volume “Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU’s External Relations”, examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.

Earth at Risk in the 21st Century: Rethinking Peace, Environment, Gender, and Human, Water, Health, Food, Energy Security, and Migration

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Earth at Risk in the 21st Century offers critical interdisciplinary reflections on peace, security, gender relations, migration and the environment, all of which are threatened by climate change, with women and children affected most. Deep-rooted gender discrimination is also a result of the destructive exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of soils, water, biota and air. In the Anthropocene, the management of human society and global resources has become unsustainable and has created multiple conflicts by increasing survival threats primarily for poor people in the Global South. Alternative approaches to peace and security, focusing from bottom-up on an engendered peace with sustainability, may help society and the environment to be managed in the highly fragile natural conditions of a ‘hothouse Earth’. Thus, the book explores systemic alternatives based on indigenous wisdom, gift economy and the economy of solidarity, in which an alternative cosmovision fosters mutual care between humankind and nature. • Special analysis of risks to the survival of humankind in the 21st century. • Interdisciplinary studies on peace, security, gender and environment related to global environmental and climate change. • Critical reflections on gender relations, peace, security, migration and the environment • Systematic analysis of food, water, health, energy security and its nexus. • Alternative proposals from the Global South with indigenous wisdom for saving Mother Earth.

Energy Transitions in Latin America

Book Description

This book comprehensively analyzes the challenges and opportunities associated with transitioning to sustainable energy systems in Latin America. Recognizing that energy transition goes beyond mere changes in energy systems, it is also essential to address the imperative of ensuring a just transition and equitable benefits for all, particularly for vulnerable populations. This recognition emphasizes prioritizing social equity and inclusivity throughout the energy transition process. By adopting a critical perspective grounded in multidisciplinary approaches from the social sciences, the book delves into the complex energy transition issues, exploring the broader social, economic, and political dimensions involved. The book is divided into four parts. Part I highlights the changing energy mix in Latin America and the geopolitical implications of the increasing reliance on renewable sources. Part II examines the dilemmas faced by countries that rely on oil and gas revenues and the obstacles they face in transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Part III analyzes the production, technology, and costs as limits and opportunities for energy transition and adoption of renewable energies. Finally, part IV explores energy access and the democratization of energy generation in Latin America, including efforts to address energy poverty, the growth of distributed energy, and prosumers. Energy Transitions in Latin America: The Tough Route to Sustainable Development is a valuable resource that will benefit researchers in energy studies and policymakers alike. It serves as a comprehensive guide for those seeking to navigate the complexities of energy transitions. It is an essential source for fostering informed decision-making and driving sustainable development in the region.