Europe of Rights: A Compendium on the European Convention of Human Rights

Book Description

This book is a systematic commentary on half a century of case law on the Convention system made by a group of legal experts from various universities and legal disciplines. It provides a guide of the rights protected under ECHR as well as a better understanding, open to supranational scenarios, of fundamental rights in the respective Constitutions. Our intention is not only to make available a mere case law commentary. This work indeed offers succinct information on the most consolidated lines of case law and this is probably where it is most useful. Nevertheless there is also academic reflection, which we believe is nowadays essential as Europe is becoming more than a continent: it is, above all, a civilisation, with a common language of rights, a developing ius commune.

The Position of Aliens in Relation to the European Convention on Human Rights

Book Description

This study examines the standards of treatment afforded to aliens under the European Convention on Human Rights and examines the concept of alienage under specific provisions of the Convention as well as in Strasbourg's case-law.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2001/Annuaire De LA Convention Europenne Des Droits De L'Homme

Book Description

This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights," prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2001. Its presentation follows that of previous volumes. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A bibliography and index are included.

Book Description

La situation des étrangers au regard de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme

Book Description

Le droit de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme applicable aux étrangers s'est considérablement enrichi ces dernières années. En vingt-cinq ans, le nombre d'Etats parties à la Convention a doublé et l'éventail des droits et des libertés qu'elle protège s'est élargi avec l'adoption de nouveaux protocoles. Le Protocole n° 11 a réformé les organes et les mécanismes de contrôle de la Convention afin de faire face à l'augmentation du nombre d'affaires. Le volume de ces dernières continuant à croître, de nouvelles modifications importantes ont été apportées avec le Protocole n° 14 dont l'entrée en vigueur permettra d'améliorer le fonctionnement de la Cour européenne des Droits de l'Homme. Le Protocole n° 12 a, quant à lui, étendu l'interdiction de la discrimination énoncée à l'article 14 de la Convention à "tout droit prévu par la loi". Dans le même temps, la démographie a beaucoup évolué. L'intégration des Etats de l'Union européenne s'est renforcée, favorisant la mobilité de leurs citoyens tandis que les pressions politiques et économiques provoquaient un afflux de + réfugiés et de demandeurs d'asile d'Europe et d'ailleurs. C'est dans ce contexte que paraît la troisième édition de La situation des étrangers au regard de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme

The Legal Foundations of INTERPOL

Book Description

This book is a study of the legal aspects of the birth and development of an international organisation, using the example of INTERPOL as a detailed case study. It is not a constitutional manual for INTERPOL, but an organisational study, and does not seek to be exhaustive in terms of its description of INTERPOL's operations. Its main focus is the examination of the question whether an international organisation, in this case INTERPOL, can be created without a solemn and formally celebrated treaty. At the same time the book sets out the legal foundations for extra-judicial international police enforcement cooperation and explains the creation, structure and operation of INTERPOL, the organisation that promotes that cooperation. For practitioners who, for whatever reason, have to deal with INTERPOL, it provides a much-needed explanation of the legal foundations of the Organisation, its legal status and some basic guidance on its operations. It also includes information relevant for lawyers litigating issues with INTERPOL about how their clients can challenge the way the Organisation has processed information concerning them, or has alerted police forces worldwide about them. The work is to be welcomed not only because of its thorough research and main conclusions, but primarily because it submits known facts about INTERPOL to a rigorous legal analysis from the perspective of public international law…The practical, as well as theoretical importance of the study needs to be underlined. The study provides practitioners who for whatever reason have to deal with INTERPOL, with the much needed explanation about the legal foundation of the Organisation, its legal status and some basic guidance on its operations. Foreword by Ronald K Noble, Secretary General of INTERPOL, July 2009

Droits de l'investisseur étranger et protection de l'environnement

Book Description

En droit international de l’investissement, le prisme de l’expropriation indirecte couvre une large catégorie de mesures – telles que les réglementations – qui n’impliquent pas de transfert de propriété mais aboutissent à une grave interférence avec un investissement. La définition des dépossessions indemnisables constitue une question extrêmement sensible, située à la croisée des chemins entre la protection des droits des investisseurs et la préservation des prérogatives de l’Etat. Cet ouvrage explore, à travers l’exemple de la réglementation environnementale, le droit applicable à cette notion controversée. Il montre que l’approche traditionnelle – reposant sur une dilution du concept d’expropriation – n’est nullement appropriée et il contribue à clarifier l’étendue de la protection de l’investisseur sur le fondement du droit de la responsabilité internationale de l’Etat. In international investment law, the prism of indirect expropriation includes a broad range of measures – such as regulatory measures – which do not involve a transfer of property but result in a serious interference with an investment. The definition of compensable taking is a very sensitive issue situated at the crossroads between the protection of investors' private rights and the safeguarding of the state's sovereign prerogatives. This book explores, through the example of environmental regulation, the law applicable to this controversial topic. It suggests that the traditional approach – based on an extension of the concept of expropriation – is inappropriate and it contributes to clarifying the scope of the international protection of the investor on the ground of the law of state responsibility.

Le droit des étrangers pratique

Book Description

Quelle est la bonne carte de séjour à demander ? Quelles conditions permettent d’obtenir le droit d’asile ? Comment procéder au regroupement familial ? Comment devenir Français ? Quels dangers courent les immigrés clandestins ? Cet ouvrage apporte des réponses concrètes à ces questions et à bien d’autres auxquelles sont confrontés les candidats à l’immigration aussi bien que les immigrés. Guide pratique écrit en langage non technique, il se veut une aide précieuse pour les non juristes confrontés au très complexe droit des étrangers. Indiquant systématiquement toutes les références aux textes juridiques visés, de la loi jusqu’aux circulaires, il sera aussi un outil indispensable pour les professionnels.

The Dynamics of the Protection of Human Rights in Europe

Book Description

Over the years the protection of human rights, both at the regional level in Europe and at other levels, has been marked by profound change. This is certainly true of the way in which fundamental rights, such as the right to a fair trial, are interpreted and applied by international and domestic courts. New issues such as minority rights and the protection of economic, social and cultural rights have emerged. At the same time, a number of institutional questions have arisen amongst which the possibility of responding to urgent human rights abuses, the need to reform the monitoring mechanism of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the relationship between the Convention and the European Communities. This volume provides the reader with a comprehensive and challenging overview of the most topical aspects of the international protection of human rights.