La Sociedad Orgánica

Book Description

La creacin de toda estructura organizacional exitosa pasa inicialmente por el anlisis de los motivadores del comportamiento del hombre, para luego modelarlo e integrarlo conceptualmente a las organizaciones. El ser humano no puede ser modelado como un ente exclusivamente racional, sino como un ser con capacidad de razonar, sentir, intuir e integrarse a su realidad organizacional y social. La realidad puede ser entendida de acuerdo al paradigma que se est utilizando. El paradigma mecanicista modela las estructuras organizacionales como mquinas, mientras que el paradigma orgnico puede modelar las organizaciones como seres vivos. Las organizaciones, las instituciones y la sociedad pueden ser modelados como estructuras orgnicas en la medida en que el ser humano aumente su nivel de consciencia de pertenecer a un orden maravilloso basado en la Ley del Amor. Toda estructura organizacional y social tiene un grado de organicidad de acuerdo al nivel de cooperacin que haya entre sus integrantes. Mientras mayor su capacidad de cooperar, mayor ser su grado de organicidad. El paradigma orgnico puede contribuir a modelar conceptualmente la Sociedad, el sistema econmico y el Estado. El proceso de transicin de la Sociedad Moderna a la Sociedad Orgnica puede darse a travs de cambios minimalistas intercalados con acciones radicales puntuales que permitan alcanzar el resultado esperado. Si este tipo de proceso no es implementado, pueden surgir crisis en el sistema que degeneren en situaciones de caos.

La educación mediática en la universidad española

Book Description

En un entorno social y cultural en el que la mayor parte de las comunicaciones son mediadas por tecnologías la educación mediática se convierte en un requisito indispensable para el desarrollo de la autonomía personal de los ciudadanos y la plena implementación de una cultura democrática. Por ello, el mundo académico debería conceder una importancia capital a la educación mediática. En el libro se parte de esta premisa y se recogen los resultados y conclusiones de una investigación I+D+i sobre la situación de la educación mediática en la universidad española, tanto en los grados de educación como en los de comunicación. Del análisis de toda la información obtenida se extraen conclusiones sobre fuerzas y flaquezas, carencias y retos de la educación mediática en el marco de la Cultura Digital.


Book Description

Social and Economic Development is a component of Encyclopedia of Development and Economic Sciences in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. The Theme on Social and Economic Development provides the essential aspects and a myriad of issues of great relevance to our world such as: Socioeconomic Developmental Social Work; Perspectives on Contemporary Socioeconomic Development; Sustainable Development of Natural Resource Capital; Sustainable Development Of Human Resource Capital; Intellectual And Knowledge Capital For Sustainable Development At Local, National, Regional, And Global Levels; Economic And Financial System Development Information And Knowledge; Institutional And Infrastructure System Development Information And Knowledge; Basic Principles Of Sustainable Development; Environmental Economics And Sustainable Development; Implementing Sustainable Development In A Changing World; Economic Sociology: Its History And Development; The Socioeconomics Of Agriculture; Agricultural And Rural Geography; Impact Of Global Change On Agriculture; Human Nutrition: An Overview; The Role Of Inter- And Nongovernmental Organizations; Nongovernmental Organizations; Social And Cultural Development Of Human Resources. This 8-volume set contains several chapters, each of size 5000-30000 words, with perspectives, issues on social and Economic Development. These volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.

The Future Internet

Book Description

Readers seeking to gain a handle on the internet's global expansion will find this book rich in scholarly foundations combined with cutting-edge discussion of emerging ICTs and services and the complex societal contexts in which they are embedded. To explore possibilities to the fullest extent, a sociotechnical systems approach is employed, focusing on the interplay of technical, social, cultural, political, and economic dynamics to explore alternative futures (ones that are not part of the dominant discourse about the internet). These shared perspectives are not well addressed elsewhere in current discussions. Awareness of these dynamics, and the fluidity of the future, is important, as humankind moves forward into the uncertain future. Due to the sociotechnical complexity of the Internet, policymakers, businesspeople, and academics worldwide have struggled to keep abreast of developments. This volume's approach is intended to stimulate dialogue between academics and practitioners on a topic that will affect most aspects of human life in the near-term future.


Book Description

History and Philosophy of Science and Technology is a component of Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. The Theme on History and Philosophy of Science and Technology in four volumes covers several topics such as: Introduction to the Philosophy of Science; The Nature and Structure of Scientific Theories Natural Science; A Short History of Molecular Biology; The Structure of the Darwinian Argument In The Origin of Species; History of Measurement Theory; Episodes of XX Century Cosmology: A Historical Approach; Philosophy of Economics; Social Sciences: Historical And Philosophical Overview of Methods And Goals; Introduction to Ethics of Science and Technology; The Ethics of Science and Technology; The Control of Nature and the Origins of The Dichotomy Between Fact And Value; Science and Empires: The Geo-Epistemic Location of Knowledge; Science and Religion; Scientific Knowledge and Religious Knowledge - Significant Epistemological Reference Points; Thing Called Philosophy of Technology; Transitions from Function-Oriented To Effect-Oriented Technologies. Some Thought on the Nature of Modern Technology; Technical Agency and Sources of Technological Pessimism These four volumes are aimed at a broad spectrum of audiences: University and College Students, Educators and Research Personnel.

Temporalidades digitales

Book Description

El uso y la comprensión del tiempo ha sido un tema capital para el estudio de las sociedades, el arte, la ciencia o la filosofía. Y lo es hoy también para la creación audiovisual en la era de los new media e Internet. Temporalidades Digitales analiza las nuevas configuraciones temporales del audiovisual interactivo desde dos perspectivas: por un lado, la de la estructuración narrativa digital, sus usos, componentes y mecanismos de tratamiento temporal; y por el otro, la de su vivencia y percepción subjetiva. El resultado es una aproximación interdisciplinar que cubre ámbitos de estudio tan diversos como la narratología, los media studies o la filosofía a través del análisis de obras del cibertexto, el arte digital, los documentales interactivos o los videojuegos. Se trata de una de la primeras investigaciones que adoptan esta aproximación. Una contribución con análisis y modelos de comprensión para futuros estudios y diseños de obras interactivas

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History of Catalonia and Its Implications for Contemporary Nationalism and Cultural Conflict

Book Description

Recent political developments in Spain regarding Catalonia have prompted scholars from several disciplines to research the singularity of this region and of the territories of the old Crown of Aragon. Against the backdrop of the pro-independence movement, those in favor and against have insisted on the particularity or commonality of Catalonia and the Països Catalans (Catalan-speaking areas) within the Spanish State. From the Catalan point of view, their singularity is not sufficiently recognized, and respect for their institutions and their autonomy is at stake to the point that many prefer to secede from Spain. Singularity or its absence play a relevant role in the construction of identity, which seems to be key in understanding many Catalans' attitudes towards the central government, a fluid concept that allows for a variety of interpretations. History of Catalonia and Its Implications for Contemporary Nationalism and Cultural Conflict is a critical reference book that centers around the topic of Catalan cultural and linguistic identity. With input from renowned scholars in several fields, the chapters explore the issue of Catalan identity from a variety of perspectives. While highlighting the legal and historical component to identity and also sociolinguistics and political linguistics, this book is ideally intended for scholars in the fields of Hispanic studies, history, linguistics, political science, and literary studies as well as practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in contemporary politics and the political developments in Spain regarding Catalonia.

Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices

Book Description

Whether through speech, writing, or other methods, language and communication has been an essential tool for human cooperation and development. Across the world, language varies drastically based on culture and disposition. Even in areas in which the language is standardized, it is common to have many varieties of dialects. It is essential to understand applied linguistics and language practices to create equitable spaces for all dialects and languages. The Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices discusses in-depth the current global research on linguistics from the development of language to the practices in language acquisition. It further discusses the social factors behind language and dialect as well as cultural identity found behind unique traits in language and dialect. Covering topics such as linguistic equity, phonology, and sociolinguistics, this major reference work is an indispensable resource for linguists, pre-service teachers, libraries, students and educators of higher education, educational administration, ESL organizations, government officials, researchers, and academicians.

Video Games and the Global South

Book Description

Video Games and the Global South redefines games and game culture from south to north, analyzing the cultural impact of video games, the growth of game development and the vitality of game cultures across Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, the Indian subcontinent, Oceania and Asia.