La terre et l'homme

Book Description

4e de couv.: Face à la ruée vers les terres (Land grab) et à la pression continue sur les ressources naturelles à l'échelle mondiale, comment réagissent les populations locales, en particulier les plus vulnérables d'entre elles comme les Aborigènes australiens ou les populations autochtones du Canada, du Mexique ou du Pérou ? Un congrès international auquel ont contribué des chercheurs partageant les paradigmes de l'anthropologie juridique a été organisé à l'initiative d'ISAIDAT à Turin (Italie), en avril 2011. Le tour de la planète auquel est convié le lecteur part des lagons polynésiens pour arriver aux Oasis algériennes. Outre une plateforme théorique, l'ouvrage propose en effet huit éclairages de situations en Océanie, dans l'Océan Indien, aux Amériques et en Afrique. Elles illustrent tant la contradiction des enjeux et la brutalité de certains modes d'exploitation de l'environnement que l'inventivité des femmes et des hommes qui relèvent le défi d'en maîtriser les ajustements contemporains. Au terme de cette publication, de nouveaux chantiers s'offrent à la recherche sur le foncier :• redécouvrir l'essence du juridique dans les sociétés précapitalistes,• aborder la sécurisation foncière comme un processus complexe de formalisation des droits sur le sol et en valider les solutions dans des forums locaux,• ne reconnaître la propriété privée que là où elle s'impose comme la règle de jeu du marché. Nous sommes donc appelés à réviser nos paradigmes pour sauver nos biens communs les plus précieux, « la terre et l'homme ».

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Man and His World/Terres des hommes

Book Description

The fruits of a unique cultural exchange are brought together in this unusual book. Twenty-eight of the most eminent men and women of our generation – philosophers, historians, and scientists from nineteen countries – here discuss what they consider the most vital issues of our day. Paul-Henri Spaak, Barbara Ward, Gunnar Mydral, Linus Pauling, and many others participated in the Noranda lecture series at Expo 67 in Montreal, and each is concerned here with a special aspect of Expo's theme: Man and His World. The approaches to the theme are as varied as the backgrounds of the speakers. Some of the essays give a revealing and optimistic description of the national and international efforts to ensure a future for mankind; others, less optimistic, stress the increasing insanity of the world and draw attention to the poverty, starvation, hatred, waste, and war which destroy what creative men have built. One group of papers deals with the idea of progress. André Leroi Gourhan offers a panoramic description of man's cultural evolution and sketches the vast possibilities of future development; Karl Löwith questions the very notion of progress and observes that much "progressive" development has resulted in nothing but destruction; Félix Houphouët-Boigny, president of the Ivory Coast Republic, describes progress in one section of the world – Africa, and the Ivory Coast in particular. Other lectures deal with such diverse topics as the proper role of government, the modern scientist, formal and informal aspects of education, the history of architecture, recent biological contributions of chemistry, the population explosion, new advances in physics, and the world as a separate entity from man. "The world as universe is not made by man," Professor Löwith reminds us. "It is there, even without us, existing for and by itself." Originally sponsored by Noranda Mines Ltd., the lectures attracted wide attention at the time of their delivery and again later when some of them were broadcast on radio and television. Collected in this book, they offer a distillation of some of the most significant thinking of today – clear and cogent presentations of ideas that have won Nobel prizes for some of their creators and international recognition for all. In her Introduction, Helen Hogg writes, "It is a book to be sipped and savoured, to be dipped into again and again. Such an approach will enable the reader best to appreciate the penetrating commentaries of some of the world's greatest figures."

The Khilafet

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Issues for 1952- include the proceedings of the 8th- General Assembly of the International Geographical Union

Review of Nations

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Includes the section "Recent Publications".


Book Description

Nothing like wordplay can make difference between languages look so uncompromising, can give such a sharp edge to the dilemma between forms and effects, can so blur the line between translation and adaptation, or can cast such harsh light on our illusion of complete semantic stability. In the pun the whole language system may resonate, and so may literary traditions and ideological discourses. It follows that the pun does not only put translators to the test, it also poses a challenge to the views and concepts of those who study translation. This book brings together experts on translation and the pun, as well as researchers representing a variety of other relevant disciplines and schools of thought, ranging from theology to deconstruction and from contrastive linguistics to feminism. It can be read as a companion volume to Wordplay and Translation, a special issue of The Translator (Volume 2, Number 2, 1996), also edited by Dirk Delabastita