La transformation digitale en entreprise

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Les livres comme les articles professionnels ou académiques traitant de la transformation numérique sont légion ces dernières années. Pourquoi un ouvrage supplémentaire sur cette thématique ? Pour deux raisons majeures : tout d’abord, parce que l’introduction des technologies de l’information et de la communication sont à l’origine de changements rapides et en continu et qu’il n’est jamais inutile de faire une mise à jour. Ensuite parce que les thèmes aussi populaires, aussi « à la mode » que celui de la transformation numérique sont tellement traités, par tellement de personnes, que cela peut donner lieu à de la confusion ou, pire, à la diffusion de poncifs. Le regard des chercheurs, chacun dans leur spécialité, chacun sur un point très précis, permet de prendre un peu de recul par rapport à la masse d’informations disponibles et donc de déconstruire les préjugés existants. L’objectif de l’ouvrage est donc de présenter et discuter les différents enjeux de cette transformation « digitale » pour les entreprises. Vous y trouverez trois types de questions/réponses : celles qui permettent de définir les termes un peu techniques du domaine, celles qui permettent de mettre en avant d’importants chiffres clefs et celles qui vont pouvoir transmettre des recommandations pour bénéficier pleinement de la transformation numérique encore en cours.

Digital Transformations in the Challenge of Activity and Work

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TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES AND HUMAN RESOURCES SET Coordinated by Patrick Gilbert The accelerating pace of technological change (AI, cobots, immersive reality, connected objects, etc.) calls for a profound reexamination of how we conduct business. This requires new ways of thinking, acting, organizing and collaborating in our work. Faced with these challenges, the Human and Social Sciences have a leading role to play, alongside others, in designing, supporting and implementing these digital transformation projects. Their ambition is to participate in the development of innovative and empowering devices, that is to say, systems that are truly at the service of human beings and their activity, that empower these professionals to take action and that also provide occupational health services. This book takes a multidisciplinary look at the challenges of these digital transformations, making use of occupational psychology, ergonomics, sociology of uses, and management sciences. This viewpoint also helps provide epistemological, methodological and empirical insights to better understand and support the changes at work.

Digital Enterprise Transformation

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The integration of technological innovations, such as In-Memory Analytics, Cloud Computing, Mobile Connectivity, and Social Media, with business practice can enable significant competitive advantage. In order to embrace recent challenges and changes in the governance of IT strategies, SAP and its think tank - the Business Transformation Academy (BTA) - have jointly developed the Digital Capability Framework (DCF). Digital Enterprise Transformation: A Business-Driven Approach to Leveraging Innovative IT by Axel Uhl and Lars Alexander Gollenia outlines the DCF which comprises six specific capabilities: Innovation Management, Transformation Management, IT Excellence, Customer Centricity, Effective Knowledge Worker, and Operational Excellence. In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), Queensland University of Technology (Australia), University of Liechtenstein (Principality of Liechtenstein), and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), SAP and the BTA have been validating each capability and the corresponding maturity models based on analyzing several ’lighthouse’ case studies comprising: SAMSUNG, IBM, Finanz Informatik, The Walt Disney Company, Google Inc., HILTI AG. Digital Enterprise Transformation presents how these companies take advantage of innovative IT and how they develop their digital capabilities. On top the authors also develop and present a range of novel yet hands-on Digital Use Cases for a number of different industries which have emerged from innovative technological trends such as: Big Data, Cloud Computing, 3D Printing and Internet of Things.

The Role of Ecosystems in Developing Startups

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Presenting cutting-edge research from Europe and beyond, The Role of Ecosystems in Developing Startups examines the diverse triggers of the entrepreneurial process and evaluates the richness of different entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Digital Transformation

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The main aim of this book is to offer companies a simple and practical method to assess their maturity in the Governance Information System, so that they are in working order to face the challenges of Digital Transformation. How can companies effectively manage their investment in IT systems and make the most of their development?

Employability and Industrial Mutations

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Industrial, economic and organizational mutations are creating a transformation in employment, skills and work. Developing the employability of the workforce is one response to these challenges. However, the link between mutations and employability is not obvious: it must be constructed and implemented in order to ensure that employees are able to reach satisfying professional situations. Employability and Industrial Mutations presents a definition of employability and the associated challenges for public authorities, organizations and employees: managing unemployment, successful change and employee empowerment. It then examines several worker profiles to better understand what "being employable" means. It goes on to analyze several examples of management systems for employability at different stages of an individual’s career, and finally explores the issue of developing or maintaining employability in real-life situations and contexts. This book brings together researchers and practitioners from a range of different fields in order to shed light on the complex relationship between mutations and employability.

Technological Change

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Technological change is exciting as much as it is daunting. The arrival of new digital tools affects consumption patterns, types of employment and working conditions, and can pose challenges to organizations and individuals alike. Indeed, although technological change is a factor for economic growth, it can also be an amplifier, or even a catalyst, of inequality. It is also a social change and interacts in complex ways: technology is both the source and the consequence of social transformation. To understand technological change and to harness its effects, this book studies transformations at different levels (societal, organizational and individual). In its analysis of the subject, it also draws on a number of disciplines of the human and social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology and psychology.

Industry 4.0

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Digital technology opens up extraordinary fields for applications that will deeply change the nature of jobs and trade, the very concept of work and the expectations of user–producers. The “masters of algorithms” have disrupted production and services, and this trend will continue for as long as electric energy and the elements of Industry 4.0 are in continued development. Beyond data control, a power struggle is working its way through the links in the value chain: intermediation, control of resources and command over human and physical networks, as well as partnerships, creativity and the political system. Industry 4.0: Paradoxes and Conflicts examines the need for a serious and technological review, as well as for research and training regarding citizenship and politics. This is a new situation in terms of relationships of competence and authority, which must be the subject of scientific as well as political reflections for the whole social body, which needs to be educated about choices. Throughout the book, the author poses the following question: instead of submitting to choices, would it not be better to exercise foresight?

La transformation digitale des entreprises

Book Description

Le mouvement de la digitalisation est lancé depuis quelques années. Où en sont les entreprises aujourd'hui ? Comment ont-elles abordé le digital ? Avec quelles stratégies ? Quels sont les résultats ? Comment ont-elles fait pour