La transition démographique de l'Afrique

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Résumé : L'Afrique est sur le bord d'un lancement potentiel de croissance économique soutenue. Cette ascension peut être accélérée par un dividende démographique dû aux changements dans la structure par âge de la population. Les baisses de la mortalité infantile, suivies par la baisse de la fécondité, produisent une génération «renflement» et un grand nombre de personnes d'âge actif, donnant un coup de pouce à l'économie. Dans le court terme, une fécondité plus faible engendre une baisse des taux de dépendance des jeunes et une plus grande participation de la population active féminine en dehors de la maison. La réduction de la taille de la famille signifie également qu’il reste davantage de ressources à investir dans la santé et l'éducation par enfant, augmentant ainsi la productivité future des travailleurs. Au long terme, une durée de vie accrue résultant de l’amélioration dans le domaine de la santé signifie que cette vaste cohorte aux gains élevés sera également désireuse d’épargner pour la retraite ainsi que pour la création de l'épargne et des investissements plus conséquents, conduisant ainsi à d'autres gains de productivité. Deux choses sont nécessaires pour que le dividende démographique génère un décollage économique de l'Afrique. La première consiste à accélérer la baisse de la fécondité qui est actuellement au point mort ou lente dans de nombreux pays. La seconde est les politiques économiques qui profitent de l'occasion offerte par le changement de la démographie. Alors que l'évolution démographique peut produire plus, et des travailleurs de meilleure qualité, cette main-d'œuvre potentielle doit être employée si l'Afrique se doit de récolter le dividende. Cependant, une fois en route, la relation entre l'évolution démographique et le développement humain fonctionne dans les deux sens, c’est-à -dire qu’elle crée un cercle vertueux susceptible d’accélérer la baisse de la fécondité, le développement social et la croissance économique. Les recherches scientifiques montrent trois facteurs clés pour accélérer la transition de la fécondité: la santé des enfants, l'éducation des femmes et l'autonomisation des femmes, notamment par l'accès à la planification familiale. Exploiter le dividende démographique nécessite la création d'emplois pour les grandes cohortes de jeunes qui entrent en âge de travailler et qui stimulent les investissements étrangers jusqu'à faire augmenter l'épargne intérieure et l'investissement. La combinaison appropriée de politiques dans chaque pays dépend de leur stade de transition démographique. Etant la dernière région à subir la transition démographique, l’Afrique peut tirer les leçons des réussites et des échecs des autres régions dans l'exploitation d'un dividende démographique. Le succès exige (i) l'accélération de la transition démographique; (ii) une économie dynamique produisant des revenus et des investissements plus élevés pour une jeunesse mieux éduquée et en meilleure santé.

Ralentissements, résistances et ruptures dans les transitions démographiques

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En matière de démographie, bien des pays ont un chemin assez classique. Mais d'autres ont connu une histoire plus mouvementée : des résistances profondes au changement, des ralentissements dans les progrès en matière de fécondité, de nuptialité ou de mort

Migrants, Markets, and Mayors

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Research on migration and urban development in Africa has primarily focused on larger cities and rural-to-urban migration. However, 97 percent of Africa’s urban centers have fewer than 300,000 inhabitants, and a sizable share of urban migrants come from other urban areas. A more holistic and dynamic perspective, incorporating migration flows along the full urban hierarchy, as well as urban-urban migrants, is needed to better understand and leverage migration for urban development. Migrants, Markets, and Mayors: Rising above the Employment Challenge in Africa’s Secondary Cities draws on demographic data, research literature, key informant interviews, and empirical research to better understand how migrants in Africa’s secondary cities fare in urban labor markets, how they affect aggregate urban productivity, and how mayors can leverage migrants’ potential to the benefit of all. It explores these questions across countries and four urban case settings: Jijiga in Ethiopia, Jinja in Uganda, and Jendouba and Kairouan in Tunisia. Although mayors in secondary cities often see migrants as a burden to their cities’ labor markets and a threat to development, the report finds that migrants contribute increasingly less to urban population growth and that they usually strengthen the resident labor force. The report also finds that labor market outcomes for migrants are at least as good as those for nonmigrants. Africa’s secondary cities are well placed to leverage migration, but evidence-based policies are needed to manage the growth and development of land and labor markets. The report reviews policy options that mayors can take to strengthen the financial, technical, and planning capacity of secondary cities and better leverage migration to benefit migrants and nonmigrants alike. ----------- "Much of the literature on migration to cities examines migration in a nonspatial fashion or focuses on rural-urban migration to the largest, most visible cities. This volume fills a gap by focusing on migration to secondary cities, coming up with a compelling set of facts. Overall, the volume is very well done and sets a benchmark for future research." †“ J. Vernon Henderson, School Professor of Economic Geography, London School of Economics

Accélérer la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique

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Le redressement de l’Afrique subsaharienne a été spectaculaire au cours des deux dernières décennies. Après de nombreuses années de déclin, l’économie du continent a commencé à reprendre de la vigueur au milieu des années 90. Grâce à cette croissance macroéconomique, la santé de la population s’est améliorée, le nombre des jeunes fréquentant l’école a augmenté, et le taux d'extrême pauvreté a diminué de 54 % en 1990 à 41 % en 2015. La région a connu moins de conflits (en dépit de ceux qui couvent dans certains pays et du nombre inquiétant des personnes déplacées), un élargissement des libertés politiques et sociales, et des progrès dans l’égalité hommes-femmes. Malgré ces avancées, les défis sont énormes. La croissance économique a ralenti au cours des dernières années. Les taux de pauvreté affichés dans de nombreux pays sont les plus élevés du monde. Et la croissance démographique africaine provoque une augmentation du nombre des pauvres du continent. Au niveau mondial, on assiste à un déplacement de la pauvreté de l'Asie du Sud vers l'Afrique. La stabilité et la croissance macroéconomiques sont certes des composantes essentielles de la réduction de la pauvreté et de l’amélioration du bien-être, mais elles ne sont pas suffisantes. Ce rapport explore les points d’entrée critiques et les domaines d’action prioritaires pour l’accélération de la réduction de la pauvreté en Afrique. Au-delà de la stabilité et de la croissance macroéconomiques, il cherche à savoir ce qui peut encore être fait et à identifier les points sur lesquels les décideurs devraient se concentrer pour réduire la pauvreté. Un agenda des politiques favorable aux pauvres requiert de la croissance aux endroits où ceux-ci vivent et travaillent, ainsi que de s’attaquer aux nombreux risques auxquels les ménages sont exposés. En conséquence de quoi, le présent rapport a ajouté une optique « emplois » à son travail. Il met carrément l’accent sur la productivité et les moyens de subsistance des pauvres et des personnes vulnérables, autrement dit sur ce qui est nécessaire pour accroître leurs revenus. Il s’attache enfin à la manière de financer l’agenda de lutte contre la pauvreté et de développement.

Under Development: Gender

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Despite various decades of research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender remains an overlooked area in development studies. Looking at key issues in development studies through the prisms of gender and feminism, the authors demonstrate that gender is an indispensable tool for social change.

The Future of Work in Africa

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The Future of Work in Africa focuses on the key themes of creating productive jobs and addressing the needs of those left behind. It highlights how global trends, especially the adoption of digital technologies, may change the nature of work in Sub-Saharan Africa by creating new opportunities and challenges. It argues that, contrary to global fears of worker displacement by new technologies, African countries can develop an inclusive future of work, with opportunities for lower-skilled workers. Harnessing these opportunities is, however, contingent on implementing policies and making productive investments in four main areas. These are enabling inclusive digital technologies; building human capital for a young, rapidly growing, and largely low-skilled labor force; increasing the productivity of informal workers and enterprises; and extending social protection coverage to mitigate the risks associated with disruptions to labor markets. This companion report to the World Bank’s World Development Report 2019 concludes with important policy questions that should guide future research, whose findings could lead to more inclusive growth for African nations.

The Skills Balancing Act in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Despite strong recent economic growth, Sub-Saharan Africa has levels of economic transformation, poverty reduction, and skill development far below those of other regions. Smart investments in developing skills—aligned with the policy goals of productivity growth, inclusion, and adaptability—can help to accelerate the region’s economic transformation in the 21st century. Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing working-age population presents a major opportunity to increase shared prosperity. Countries in the region have invested heavily in building skills; public expenditure on education increased sevenfold over the past 30 years, and more children are in school today than ever before. Yet, systems for building skills in this population have fallen short, and these shortcomings significantly impede economic prospects. In half of the countries, fewer than two in every three children complete primary school; even fewer reach and complete higher levels of education. Learning outcomes have been persistently poor, leading to substantial gaps in basic cognitive skills—literacy and numeracy—among children, young people, and adults. The literacy rate of the adult population is below 50 percent in many countries; functional literacy and numeracy rates are even lower. Systemwide change is required to achieve significant progress. Multiple agencies at the central and local levels are involved in skills development strategies, making skills “everyone’s problem but no one’s responsibility.†? Policies and reforms need to build capacity for evidence-based policies and create incentives to align the behaviors of all stakeholders with the pursuit of national skills development goals. The Skills Balancing Act in Sub-Saharan Africa: Investing in Skills for Productivity, Inclusivity, and Adaptability lays out evidence to inform the policy choices that countries will make in skill investments. Each chapter addresses a set of specific questions, drawing on original analysis and synthesis of existing studies to explore key areas: • How the skills appropriate to each stage of the life cycle are acquired and what market and institutional failures affect skills formation • What systems are needed for individuals to access these skills, including family investments, private sector institutions, schools, and other public programs • How those systems can be strengthened • How the most vulnerable individuals—those who fall outside the standard systems and have missed critical building blocks in skills acquisition—can be supported. Countries will face trade-offs—often stark ones—that will have distributional impacts and a bearing on their development path. Committed leaders, reform coalitions, and well-coordinated policies are essential for taking on the skills balancing act in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Social Contracts for Development

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Sub-Saharan Africa has achieved significant gains in reducing the levels of extreme poverty in recent decades, yet the region continues to experience challenges across the development indicators, including energy access, literacy, delivery of services and goods, and jobs skills, as well as low levels of foreign direct investment. Exacerbating the difficulties faced by many countries are the sequelae of conflict, such as internal displacement and refugee migration. Social Contracts for Development: Bargaining, Contention, and Social Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa builds on recent World Bank attention to the real-life social and political economy factors that underlie the power dynamic and determine the selection and implementation of policies. Applying a social contract approach to development policy, the authors provide a framework and proposals on how to measure such a framework to strengthen policy and operational engagements in the region. The key message is that Africa’s progress toward shared prosperity requires looking beyond technical policies to understand how the power dynamics and citizen-state relations shape the menu of implementable reforms. A social contract lens can help diagnose constraints, explain outbreaks of unrest, and identify opportunities for improving outcomes. Social contract assessments can leverage the research on the nexus of politics, power relations, and development outcomes, while bringing into focus the instruments that underpin state-society relations and foster citizen voice. Social contracts also speak directly to many contemporary development trends, such as the policy-implementation gap, the diagnostic of binding constraints to development, fragility and conflict, taxation and service delivery, and social protection. The authors argue that policies that reflect the demands and expectations of the people lead to more stable and equitable outcomes than those that do not. Their focus is on how social contracts are forged in the region, how they change and why, and how a better understanding of social contracts can inform reform efforts. The analysis includes the additional impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic on government-citizen relationships.

All Hands On Deck

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In Sub-Saharan Africa, the scale of undernutrition is staggering; 58 million children under the age of five are too short for their age (stunted), and 14 million weigh too little for their height (wasted). Poor diets in terms of diversity, quality, and quantity, combined with illness and poor water and sanitation facilities, are linked with deficiencies of micronutrients—such as iodine, vitamin A, and iron—associated with growth, development, and immune function. In the short term, inequities in access to the determinants of nutrition increase the incidence of undernutrition and diarrheal disease. In the long term, the chronic undernutrition of children has important consequences for individuals and societies: a high risk of stunting, impaired cognitive development, lower school attendance rates, reduced human capital attainment, and a higher risk of chronic disease and health problems in adulthood. Inequities in access to services early in life contribute to the intergenerational transmission of poverty. Recent World Bank estimates suggest that the income penalty a country incurs for not having eliminated stunting when today’s workers were children is about 9†“10 percent of gross domestic product per capita in Sub-Saharan Africa. Much of the effort to date has focused on the costing, financing, and impact of nutrition-specific interventions delivered mainly through the health sector to reach the global nutrition targets for stunting, anemia, and breastfeeding, and interventions for treating wasting. However, the determinants of undernutrition are multisectoral, and the solution to undernutrition requires multisectoral approaches. An acceleration of the progress to reduce stunting in Sub-Saharan Africa requires engaging additional sectors—such as agriculture; education; social protection; and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)—to improve nutrition. This book lays the groundwork for more effective multisectoral action by analyzing and generating empirical evidence to inform the joint targeting of nutrition-sensitive interventions. Using information from 33 recent Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), measures are constructed to capture a child’s access to food security, care practices, health care, and WASH, to identify gaps in access among different socioeconomic groups; and to relate access to these nutrition drivers to nutrition outcomes. All Hands on Deck: Reducing Stunting through Multisectoral Efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa addresses three main questions: • Do children have inadequate access to the underlying determinants of nutrition? • What is the association between stunting and inadequate food, care practices, health, and WASH access? • Can the sectors that have the greatest impact on stunting be identified? This book provides country authorities with a holistic picture of the gaps in access to the drivers of nutrition within countries to assist them in the formulation of a more informed, evidence-based, and balanced multisectoral strategy against undernutrition.

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