Laboratory Astrophysics (IAU S350)

Book Description

Laboratory astrophysics is the Rosetta Stone that enables astronomers to understand and interpret the distant cosmos. It provides the tools to interpret and guide astronomical observations and delivers the numbers needed to quantitatively model the processes taking place in space, providing a bridge between observers and modelers. IAU Symposium 350 was organized by the International Astronomical Union's Laboratory Astrophysics Commission (B5), and was the first topical symposium on laboratory astrophysics sponsored by the IAU. Active researchers in observational astronomy, space missions, experimental and theoretical laboratory astrophysics, and astrochemistry discuss the topics and challenges facing astronomy today. Five major topics are covered, spanning from star- and planet-formation through stellar populations to extragalactic chemistry and dark matter. Within each topic, the main themes of laboratory studies, astronomical observations, and theoretical modeling are explored, demonstrating the breadth and the plurality of disciplines engaged in the growing field of laboratory astrophysics.

Honoring Charlotte Moore Sitterly (IAU S371)

Book Description

This symposium honors the contributions of Charlotte Moore Sitterly as a pioneer of spectroscopy, and astronomical spectroscopy in particular. The need for precise and accurate laboratory data in astrophysics has not diminished. Every time better spectrographs are built or new wavelength domains explored, we find critical information missing that is needed for analyses to derive abundances or to compare models of stars and planets to observations, in order to more fully understand the universe that we observe. IAU Symposium 371 encompassed nearly all the science themes that the IAU covers, from near to far in the universe, and at all wavelengths. But it concerned more than lab work in and of itself and brought together laboratory astrophysicists with the people who use that information, to learn about current advances and limitations, and future needs. A broad spectrum of the IAU's membership can benefit from these proceedings.

Under One Sky: The IAU Centenary Symposium (IAU S349)

Book Description

The IAU Centenary Symposium was held at its General Assembly in Vienna in 2018. It starts with plenary lectures, by Malcolm Longair on 100 years of astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology, and by Catherine Cesarsky, who reflects on a century of IAU history. There follows reminiscences from past IAU presidents and general secretaries and presentations on various aspects of IAU history, including some of the famous astronomers who served the Union. The volume then examines the relations between the IAU and different geographical regions, including the issues relating to the Central Powers after World War I, and the "China crisis", when China withdrew from the Union in 1960 and was absent for two decades. The IAU's internal structures and organization are reviewed, along with trends in astronomical publishing and astronomical education. IAU S349 finishes with a vision of the IAU's future from its current president, Ewine van Dishoeck.

Effects of Mass Loss on Stellar Evolution

Book Description

The IAU Colloquium No. 59, "The effects of mass loss on Stellar Evolution" was held on September 15-19, 1980 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Miramare, Trieste (Italy), under the auspices of the IAU Executive Co~ mittee and the Italian National Council of Research. The planning of this conference began two years ago du ring the IAU Symposium No. 83 "Mass loss and evolution of 0 type stars" (Qualicum Beach, Victoria, Canada) when we felt that mass loss and its effects on the evolution of stars was too broad a subject for being confined to 0 type stars only. Therefore we thought that a conference dealing with the general problem of mass loss across the whole HR diagram would have been of interest to all people working in the field. The main idea was that bringing together Astronomers and Astrophysicists of the widest range of interests and e~ pertize - all in some way related to the problem of mass loss from stars - would have spurred thorough discussions on the many aspects and implications of this topic. We hope this goal has been achieved. Furthermore, the most recent observational and theoreti cal developments on the problem of mass loss from early ty pe stars avoided this meeting to be a simple updating of the Qualicum Beach Symposium as far as this issue is concerned.

History of the IAU

Book Description

This History has its origin in a suggestion, made in September 1990 by former IAU General Secretary Derek McNally, who felt "that a 75 year history of the Union was needed before the col lective memory of those who knew the Union before the Second World War vanished. It would then be a preparatory volume to a centennial history in 2019. " Indeed, of those who knew the Union that long ago, few are still with us. Six years ago, at Baltimore on August 2, 1988, listening and reminiscing at the Inaugural Ceremonies of the Union's 20th General Assembly, I realized that it was almost exactly half a century ago that, at the age of 24, I attended the Inaugurations at my "first" Assembly: on August 3, 1938 in Stockholm. Now, in 1994, this is almost 56 years ago, three quarters of the Union's age. Only vague recollections - no better than that -lead me back to this event, just before World War II. And so, this is not a history based on recollection, far from it. Recollection was helpful in that it allowed me, better perhaps than a younger author, to appreciate circumstances under which the letters and reports which form the basis for this History were written. The account is largely based on archival documents, collected from a wide variety of sources.

Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009 (IAU XXVIIA)

Book Description

The Transactions XXVIIA Reports on Astronomy 2006-2009 provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of what has been achieved in astronomy during the years 2006 to 2009. These insightful and up-to-date reviews have been written by the presidents and chairpersons of the IAU scientific bodies: the Divisions, the Commissions, and the Working Groups. Topics covered in this wide-ranging volume include: fundamental astronomy; the Sun and heliosphere; planetary sciences; stars; variable stars; interstellar matter; the Galactic system; galaxies and the Universe; optical and infrared techniques; radio astronomy; space and high-energy astrophysics; and other IAU activities. The reviews have been written at a level suitable for colleagues in the same fields, but will also be useful for students and researchers wishing to gain an overview of astronomical fields beyond their own research area.

Reports on Astronomy 2003-2005 (IAU XXVIA)

Book Description

Transactions XXVIA of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) provides a comprehensive and authoritative review of what has been achieved in astronomy during the years 2003 to 2005. The insightful and up-to-date reviews are written by the Presidents and Chairpersons of the IAU's different Divisions, Commissions and Working Groups and each focuses on a different subject area. Topics covered in this wide-ranging volume include: fundamental astronomy; the Sun and heliosphere; planetary systems sciences; stars; variable stars; interstellar matter; the Galactic system; galaxies and the Universe; optical and infrared techniques; radio astronomy; space and high energy astrophysics; and other IAU activities. The reviews are written at a level suitable for colleagues in the same field, but they will also be useful for students and researchers wishing to gain an overview beyond their own research area.

Highlights of Astronomy

Book Description

The year 1973 marked the highest peak of IAU activity up to now. Besides the Gen eral Assembly in Sydney, and the Extraordinary General Assembly in Poland, there were held eleven IAU Symposia and one Colloquium. Several IAU Publications cover this activity. The Proceedings of the Symposia are published in separate Volumes, while the Transactions of the General Assembly and of the Extraordinary General Assembly contain short reports of the Commission meetings, the administrative sessions, and the opening ceremonies. The present Volume covers some of the scientific Highlights of the General As sembly and of the Extraordinary General Assembly. It contains five Invited Dis courses given in Sydney and Poland, some selected papers, and the Joint Discussions at the General Assembly of Sydney. Of course, there were many more papers of special interest presented in Sydney that could not be included in this Volume. Their titles can be seen in the reports of the various Commissions. It is regrettable that the Invited Discourses of C. H. Townes (Interstellar Molecules) and F. J. Low (Infrared Astronomy) were not submitted for publication. Also only five papers or abstracts of the Joint Discussion on the 'Origins of the Moon and Satellites' have been available. Despite these minor shortcomings, I believe that the present Volume is faithful to its title: it gives a substantial part of the Highlights of Astronomy in 1973.

Gas in the Interstellar Medium

Book Description