Las cuatro vidas de Steve Jobs

Book Description

No existe un Steve Jobs, sino que debemos hablar de cuatro Jobs (el joven indeciso que no sabe qué hacer con su vida, el fundador de Apple, el hijo pródigo propietario de Pixar y su regreso triunfal a la marca de la manzana con el lanzamiento del iPod, el iPhone y el iPad). En todas sus vidas el éxito ha sido el denominador común, un éxito alcanzado gracias a un talento desmesurado, un carisma arrollador y una dedicación absoluta a la persecución de sus objetivos. Sin duda una obra de referencia sobre uno de los grandes genios de nuestra época.

The Four Lives of Steve Jobs

Book Description

The Four Lives of Steve Jobs Daniel Ichbiah No. 1 on the best-sellers list in August 2011 (French version). New edition updated in 2016 "So at thirty I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating... ...I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me." This was Steve Jobs' confession on that morning in June 2005 to students at Stanford University. It summed up the growth that was slowly taking place in him. Chased out of Apple like scum in 1985, Jobs had made a resounding comeback ten years later and gave us devices that left a mark on their time, such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. The world's most admired CEO, Steve Jobs mostly went against the tide, driven by a vision of genius and an extraordinary strength of conviction. However, he could also get it wrong: he was the one who nearly ruined Apple in 1984 after launching the Macintosh by insisting on poor technical choices! The 4 lives of Steve Jobs depicts Jobs' troubled youth, his rise to glory following the founding of Apple, his disgrace and his vain attempt at revenge followed by a return to the top. It also reveals a thousand unexpected facets of the extraordinary artist who ran Apple. * His quest for enlightenment in India * His initial refusal to recogniae the paternity of his daughter Lisa * His relationship with folk singer Joan Baez * The search for his mother, who abandoned him at birth * The attempt to treat his cancer with a vegetarian diet In his own way, Steve Jobs never stopped wanting to change the world, to change life... A best-seller Published by Leduc Editions in April 2011, the French version of The Four Lives of Steve Jobs was a number one best-seller at the end of August, 2011.

Philosophers in the Technological Age

Book Description

Greek philosophers built great discussions about reality, which are still current in our times and still inspire today's great thinkers. From mathematical teachings by Pythagoras, encompassing Plato's and Aristotle's ideas, these great discussions have been essential for our present intelectual development. Today, however, this role has been adopted by a new class of visionaries. Brought together by this new Platonic Academy based in Stanford University; devoted to proving and making use of the supremacy of numbers and mathematics in the digital world; intent on finding the new Holy Grail embodied in the perfect algorithm, present time's entrepreneurs of new technologies have radically transformed, for good or otherwise, the world as we know it. Ulrich Richter Morales delves deep into the legacy – sometimes clear, sometimes mystical and esoteric – of the Pythagoreans in their diverse historical incarnations. He particularly emphasizes their dominant role in these digital times, while he introduces a debate regarding the sort of machines we ought to develop. Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, among others, are declared heirs of the Mathematician from Samos and, always engrossed in polemic discussions, they are inseparable from our concept of how the world works. Getting to know them as persons and as thinkers is a way to better understand modern day life and our role as citizens, in the unstable, volatile grounds we tread on today.

Les 4 vies de Steve Jobs

Book Description

Les 4 vies de Steve Jobs

Book Description

Les quatre vies de Steve Jobs Biographie de Steve Jobs N°1 au hit-parade des ventes en août 2011. « À trente ans je me suis retrouvé sur le pavé. Viré avec perte et fracas. La raison d’être de ma vie n’existait plus. J’étais en miettes. Je ne m’en suis pas rendu compte tout de suite, mais mon départ forcé d’Apple fut salutaire… » Telle a été la confession de Steve Jobs en ce matin de juin 2005 aux étudiants de l’Université de Stanford. Elle résumait la maturation qui s’étaot lentement opérée en lui. Chassé d’Apple comme un malpropre en 1985, Jobs avait réussi un come-back retentissant dix ans plus tard et décliné des œuvres qui marquent leur époque tels l’iPod, l’iPhone et l’iPad. _______________________________________ PDG le plus admiré au monde, Steve Jobs a le plus souvent navigué à contre-courant, poussé par une vision de génie et une force de conviction hors du commun. Pourtant, il pouvait aussi se tromper : c'est lui-même qui a failli couler Apple en 1984 après avoir lancé le Macintosh en imposant des choix techniques incohérents ! Les 4 vies de Steve Jobs dépeint la jeunesse troublée de Jobs, l’accession à la gloire suite à la fondation d’Apple, sa disgrâce et sa vaine tentative de revanche suivie d’un retour en apothéose. Il dévoile aussi mille facettes inattendues de l’artiste hors norme qui dirige Apple. * Sa quête de l’illumination en Inde * Son refus initial de reconnaître la paternité de sa fille Lisa * Sa liaison avec la chanteuse folk Joan Baez * La quête de sa mère qui l’a abandonné à sa naissance * La tentative de soigner son cancer par un régime alimentaire végétarien… À sa façon, Steve Jobs n’a cessé de vouloir changer le monde, changer la vie… Un livre best-seller Publié par Leduc Editions en avril 2011,Les 4 vies de Steve Jobs s'est classé n°1 des ventes fin août 2011.

Steve Jobs

Book Description

Biografia do brilhante e controverso cofundador da Apple, pelo badalado autor de Leonardo da Vinci, é relançada em nova edição Baseando-se em mais de quarenta entrevistas realizadas com Steve Jobs ao longo de dois anos — e em várias outras feitas com mais de cem familiares, amigos, adversários, concorrentes e colegas de trabalho —, Walter Isaacson apresenta nesta biografia a fascinante trajetória de um ícone. Intenso, de personalidade forte e apaixonado por perfeição, Jobs viveu altos e baixos e revolucionou seis indústrias: a de computadores pessoais, a de filmes de animação, a da música, a da telefonia celular, a da computação em tablet e a da publicação digital. Não à toa, cerca de dez anos após sua morte ele continua sendo o representante máximo da inventividade e da imaginação aplicada. Embora tenha cooperado com o autor de sua biografia, Jobs não tentou controlar o conteúdo destas páginas — deu apenas alguns pitacos na capa, segundo Isaacson. Não houve assunto proibido. O empresário, inclusive, incentivou aqueles que conhecia a falarem sobre ele com sinceridade. E ele, por sua vez, foi franco, muitas vezes brutal, ao mencionar as pessoas com quem trabalhou e os concorrentes. Assim, seus amigos, colegas e inimigos oferecem uma visão nua e crua das paixões, do perfeccionismo, das obsessões, do talento artístico, das crueldades e da compulsão por controle que moldaram o jeito de Jobs de fazer negócios e os produtos inovadores que criou. A história de vida de Steve Jobs, como nos mostra este livro que o revela em essência, ensina diversas lições sobre inovação, caráter, prudência, liderança e valores.

Who Were the Beatles?

Book Description

Almost everyone can sing along with the Beatles, but how many young readers know their whole story? Geoff Edgers, a Boston Globe reporter and hard-core Beatles fan, brings the Fab Four to life in this Who Was...? book. Readers will learn about their childhoods in Liverpool, their first forays into rock music, what Beatlemania was like, and why they broke up. It's all here in an easy-to-read narrative with plenty of black-and-white illustrations!

The Innovators

Book Description

Chronicles the lives and careers of the men and women responsible for the creation of the digital age, including Doug Englebart, Robert Noyce, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and more.

Without Saying a Word

Book Description

One wrong move can undercut your message. Believe it or not, our bodies speak louder than our words. Postures, gestures, and expressions convey reams of information—and often not what you’d expect. A smile, for example, is usually considered welcoming. However, crook one corner of your mouth higher and you project superiority, subconsciously chasing other people away. This book explains how even the subtlest motions have meaning. Distilling decades of research, Without Saying a Word deciphers these unspoken signals: facial expressions, fleeting micro expressions, positive body language, negative body language, And much more! Discover which postures and gestures indicate confidence and build rapport—and which reveal disinterest, arrogance, or even aggression. Learn to end off-putting habits, accentuate good ones, and become an authentic and effective communicator. Exhibiting body language that is open, honest, and self-assured increases your social influence and enhances your skill as a negotiator while the ability to read the emotions and intentions of others is equally indispensable. Whether you’re making a presentation, pitching a project, or closing a deal, the right body language can be your best ally.