Cadre Promotionnel Pour la Sécurité Et la Santé Au Travail

Book Description

Gives the texts of the proposed ILO Convention and the proposed ILO Recommendation for the promotion of occupational safety and health. Appends a list of relevant ILO instruments.

Le Cadre promotionnel pour la sécurité et la santé au travail

Book Description

Présente les instruments et les éléments techniques de l'OIT dans le cadre promotionnel pour la santé et la sécurité au travail au titre des conventions et des recommandations.

Record of Proceedings

Book Description

The Vatican in the Family of Nations

Book Description

Based on a collection of statements delivered between 2003 and 2015, The Vatican in the Family of Nations provides a new understanding of the social doctrine and actions of the Catholic Church in international law and relations. These statements address contemporary issues that stir deep emotional responses, from disarmament, migrations, trade, and intellectual property to discrimination and freedom of conscience. This volume disputes irrational fears of newcomers, offers reasonable adaptations to allow for peaceful coexistence, and insists on investigating the root causes of today's conflicts and displacements. As an independent voice, the Holy See offers these reflections with the view of prioritizing the common good before confessional interests, even when their aims and ends converge. In this sense, this book is a unique collection in international literature on the intersection of theology, human rights and social issues, which opens courageous new paths for the future.

HIV/AIDS and the World of Work

Book Description

The present bilingual volume contains the English and French versions of the proposed Recommendation on HIV/AIDS and the world of work, amended in the light of the observations made by governments and by employers' and workers' organizations and for the reasons set out in the Office commentaries.

Statement of Treaties and International Agreements Registered or Filed and Recorded with the Secretariat during the Month of May 2009

Book Description

This monthly publication contains the statement of treaties and international agreements registered in accordance with Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. For each treaty or international agreement listed, the following information is given: registration or recording number, title, date of conclusion, date and method of entry into force, languages in which it was concluded, name of the authority which initiated the formality of registration, and the filing and recording date of that formality. The annex contains ratifications, accessions, supplementary agreements and other subsequent actions concerning the treaties and international agreements. This is a bilingual publication in English and French.