Intervention as Indirect Rule

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One of the largest peace-keeping missions currently being undertaken by the United Nations is in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the UN is attempting to deal with the civil wars and other conflicts that have plagued the country since 1996. In Intervention as Indirect Rule, Alex Veit uses a close study of the district of Ituri, a major battlefield and a laboratory for international intervention, to explore the micropolitics of warfare and statebuilding. Combining detailed firsthand empirical data with a historically informed analysis, Veit shows the effect that contemporary humanitarian interventions have on state-society relations. He also pays particular, and much needed, attention to the question of why the very organizations that should be helping with international statebuilding efforts--local authorities and civil society groups--so often instead turn out to be corrupt or hostile. Ultimately Veit argues that international intervention tends inadvertently to replicate--or even amplify--historical structures of political inequality, rather than establishing a liberal form of statehood.

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The Great African War

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This book examines a decade-long period of instability, violence and state decay in Central Africa from 1996, when the war started, to 2006, when elections formally ended the political transition in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A unique combination of circumstances explain the unravelling of the conflicts: the collapsed Zairian/Congolese state; the continuation of the Rwandan civil war across borders; the shifting alliances in the region; the politics of identity in Rwanda, Burundi and eastern DRC; the ineptitude of the international community; and the emergence of privatized and criminalized public spaces and economies, linked to the global economy, but largely disconnected from the state - on whose territory the "entrepreneurs of insecurity" function. As a complement to the existing literature, this book seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of concurrent developments in Zaire/DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda in African and international contexts. By adopting a non-chronological approach, it attempts to show the dynamics of the inter-relationships between these realms and offers a toolkit for understanding the past and future of Central Africa.

Spirit Possession, Modernity & Power in Africa

Book Description

In Africa as well as in Europe, many spirits and their mediums are part of local as well as global cultures. Christian spirits named Hitler, Mussolini, or King Bruce (Bruce Lee) flourish in a pantheon of new holy spirits in Uganda waging war against the government. Spirits of airplanes, engines, guitars, and angels are found in Central Africa; and thunder, snakes, and rain as well as playboys and prostitutes inhabit the spirit world in West Africa. Spirit possession cults have continued to proliferate, even in the secular West, and continue to be a subject of intense interest. Despite the continuous expansion of the field, some problems are only now beginning to be explored. The experts in this volume focus on questions of power, the history and inner dynamics of cults, the role of gender and images of the other, based on research conducted during the last fifteen years in Africa. The contributors document changes taking place across the continent as possession beliefs and practices respond to new circumstances and address the shifting local implications of an increasingly global socio-economy. Gender, ethnicity, and class are examined as intersecting forces and features of spirit phenomena. The case studies presented are richly contextualized: history, social organization and upheaval, alternative religious options--all are considered relevant to an understanding of possession forms. Contributors: Leslie Sharp, Heike Behrend, Adeline Masquelier, Mathias Krings, Jean-Paul Colleyn, Alexandra O. de Sousa, Susan Kenyon, Tobias Wendl, Ute Luig, and Linda Giles Co-published with James Currey Publishers, U.K. The Wisconsin edition is not for sale in the United Kingdon, the traditional British Commonwealth (excepting Canada), nor in Europe.

Éducation, violences, conflits et perspectives de paix en Afrique subsaharienne

Book Description

Phénomène universel, la violence en milieu scolaire n'épargne pas l'Afrique et y demeure encore très peu documentée. Par ailleurs, rares sont les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne qui n'ont pas connu de conflits armés, souvent d'envergure régionale. Leurs effets immédiats : la destruction - partielle ou totale - des systèmes éducatifs et la mobilisation de jeunes devenus enfants-soldats entravent l'Éducation Pour Tous (EPT). Cet ouvrage interroge la dynamique éducative de sociétés africaines dans trois contextes. En situation de paix : quelles formes de violences l'Éducation et l'école sécrètent-elles en temps de paix ? Quels en sont les sources et les soubassements ? Peuvent-elles être enrayées, sinon réduites ? Pendant les conflits : quelles sont les voies de la " politisation " de l'éducation ? Quelles sont les conséquences immédiates et à long terme des conflits sur l'éducation ? L'offre de service éducatif répond-elle à la spécificité des besoins des personnes déplacées, rapatriées ou réfugiées ? Enfin, après les conflits, l'éducation peut-elle participer à la reconstruction d'un pays et à la pacification des esprits ? Comment fonder les programmes d'éducation à la paix ? Les contributions rassemblées, études de cas (Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Niger, Zimbabwe, Cameroun, Congo et République Démocratique du Congo) et recherches prospectives, invitent à réfléchir aux interrelations, possibles ou avérées, entre l'éducation, les violences, les conflits et les perspectives de paix. En définitive, l'ouvrage tente de cerner les dynamiques sociales et politiques qui - avant, pendant et après les conflits - corroborent aux fragiles devenirs de l'éducation en Afrique.

African Conflicts and Informal Power

Book Description

In the aftermath of an armed conflict in Africa, the international community both produces and demands from local partners a variety of blueprints for reconstructing state and society. The aim is to re-formalize the state after what is viewed as a period of fragmentation. In reality, African economies and polities are very much informal in character, with informal actors, including so-called Big Men, often using their positions in the formal structure as a means to reach their own goals. Through a variety of in-depth case studies, including the DRC, Sierra Leone and Liberia, this comprehensive volume shows how important informal political and economic networks are in many of the continent’s conflict areas. Moreover, it demonstrates that without a proper understanding of the impact of these networks, attempts to formalize African states, particularly those emerging from wars, will be in vain.

Political Economy of the Great Lakes Region of Africa

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This book examines the international factors such as enforced democracy and globalization that have affected the Great Lakes region of Africa. The horrendous consequences in terms of violence and human suffering of the events in this area have been exhibited in the media, however news coverage after 1994 was at times unreliable. This book takes a look at life since then, adopting an independent, and on occasion controversial perspective.

Femmes twas et droits des Twas dans la région africaine des Grands Lacs

Book Description

Les Twas, en tant que peuple autochtone de la région africaine des Grands Lacs, sont dénigrés par de nombreux autres groupes ethniques. Si les Twas dans leur ensemble souffrent de discrimination, de marginalisation et d’extrême pauvreté, combien plus les femmes twas en souffrent-elles. Cette situation a été récemment exacerbée par le violent conflit qui a secoué la région. Dorothy Jackson possède de nombreuses années d’expérience et de travail aux côtés des communautés twas de la région et des femmes twas en particulier. On devine clairement les voix des femmes twas dans ce rapport, qui plaident pour des changements et la reconnaissance de leurs droits – en tant qu’autochtones et en tant que femmes. Malgré la discrimination et la pauvreté qui sont leur lot quotidien, elles sont pleines d’énergie, d’idées et de courage, ce que ce rapport suffit à démontrer. La question foncière est aujourd’hui de premier ordre pour les femmes comme pour les communautés twas. Les Twas étaient traditionnellement dépendants des forêts et des territoires sur lesquelles ils vivaient. Or aujourd’hui, la plupart des Twas sont sans terre. Leur culture et leur existence même sont en danger. Qui plus est, les changements profonds qui affectent aujourd’hui leurs sociétés sont en train de remettre en question le statut traditionnel d’égalité entre hommes et femmes. Ce rapport présente les politiques gouvernementales et les instruments juridiques internationaux relatifs aux droits humains que les Twas et les organisations qui les soutiennent pourraient utiliser au Burundi, en Ouganda, en République démocratique du Congo et au Rwanda. En guise de conclusion, le rapport offre des recommandations aux gouvernements de ces Etats et aux organisations de développement.

Warlord Democrats in Africa

Book Description

Post-war democratization has been identified as a crucial mechanism to build peace in war-ridden societies, supposedly allowing belligerents to compete through ballots rather than bullets. A byproduct of this process, however, is that military leaders often become an integral part of the new democratic system, using resources and networks generated from the previous war to dominate the emerging political landscape. The crucial and thus-far overlooked question to be addressed, therefore, is what effect the inclusion of ex-militaries into electoral politics has on post-war security. Can 'warlord democrats' make a positive contribution by shepherding their wartime constituencies to support the building of peace and democracy, or are they likely to use their electoral platforms to sponsor political violence and keep war-affected communities mobilized through aggressive discourses? This important volume, containing a wealth of fresh empirical detail and theoretical insight, and focussing on some of Africa's most high-profile political figures – from Paul Kagame to Riek Machar to Afonso Dhlakama – represents a crucial intervention in the literature of post-war democratization.