Book Description

Intelligence artificielle

Book Description

Et si l’intelligence artificielle nous était contée ? Intelligence artificielle – Défis & perspectives a été conçu comme une invitation à découvrir cette révolution technologique et intellectuelle dont les avatars ne sont ni entièrement connus ni sans doute proprement maîtrisés. Si le concept a d’ores et déjà intégré l’imaginaire commun sous bien des formes, il soulève de véritables enjeux juridiques, éthiques et sociétaux que cet ouvrage collectif se propose d’aborder de façon non totalement linéaire, préférant au jardin à la française les arrangements subtilement décalés des espaces verts d’outre-Manche. Tout en permettant d’initier le lecteur à des domaines d’application variés et novateurs et de montrer combien l’intelligence artificielle fait désormais partie de notre quotidien, cet ouvrage apporte des réflexions prospectives sur les évolutions attendues ou souhaitées dans son domaine d’élection. Il reste à espérer qu’à sa lecture, le lecteur voudra bien adhérer à l’idée que l’intelligence artifi cielle peut rester un formidable outil au service du progrès et non constituer une création susceptible à terme de détruire son humanité.

Managing Technologies and Automated Library Systems in Developing Countries: Open Source vs Commercial Options

Book Description

The theme of this meeting was the management of technologies in the context of developing countries, and in the light of recent developments concerning especially open source software and applications. Speakers from various countries debated in English and in French over the importance of changing the rules concerning library management systems, as well as related implications. Results show that open source software might be a solution, although some conditions apply. Réunis sous le thème de la gestion des systèmes automatisés de bibliothèques dans les pays en développement, conférenciers et participants discutèrent des changements récents dans ce domaine, notamment de l'apport des logiciels à code source ouvert. Les conférenciers, provenant de différents pays, présentèrent en anglais et en français leurs différents points de vue et expériences sur cette question importante pour l'avenir, de même que sur les implications qui y sont liées. Les résultats démontrent que les logiciels à code source ouverts peuvent être une solution, mais à certaines conditions.

Elsevier's Dictionary of Information Security

Book Description

The dictionary will contain terms currently used in the broad fields of electronics data protection and data management in today's interconnected world - the Global Village. The terminology will cover all aspects of the modern technology's best practices in multiple subfields, namely: physical (hardware and perimeter) security, wired and wireless telecommunication infrastructure security, internet (e-commerce and business-to-business) security, anti-virus and anti-spyware applications, virtual private networking, theory and practices of cryptography, corporate security policies'methodology, design, implementation and enforcement.5000 terms in English, German, French and Russian* a valuable reference tool for both the general public and the industry experts* can be used as knowledge support in theoretical projects * could also serve as a handy desktop reference book in day-to-day operations in a multilingual environment

Droit d’auteur 4.0 / Copyright 4.0

Book Description

Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions consacrées au droit d’auteur à l’ère du numérique et présentées lors de la Journée de Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( organisée le 22 février 2017 à l’Université de Genève. Ces contributions sont: Blocage de sites web en droit suisse : des injonctions civiles et administratives de blocage au séquestre pénal (Yaniv Benhamou) ; Website Blocking Injunctions-a decade of development (Jo Oliver/Elena Blobel) ; Le marché numérique européen : enseignements de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et perspectives règlementaires (Jean-Michel Bruguière) ; User-generated Content and Other Digital Copyright Challenges: A North American Perspective (Ysolde Gendreau) ; Copyright in the Digital Age: A view from Asia (Wenwei Guan) ; Deep Copyright: Up - and Downstream Questions Related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) (Daniel Schoenberger).

Access to Knowledge for Consumers: Reports of Campaigns and Research 2008-2010

Book Description

Information Program grantee Consumers International has released the results of a global survey designed to expose the obstacles consumers face in gaining access to education and cultural materials. The survey was conducted in 13 languages, covering 15,000 consumers across 24 countries. The survey found that "The biggest barriers that consumers face in accessing copyright works are those created by copyright law. Even so, consumers around the world will choose original copyright works over pirated copies, provided that they are available at an affordable price." While borrowing from libraries and other cultural institutions provided a viable alternative for some consumers priced out of original copyrighted works, the survey found that, particularly in developing countries, "access to libraries is limited and the works they carry are few." Although the authors of the survey saw "copyleft" initiatives like Open Educational Resources and Free and Open Source Software as great ways to help consumers vault access barriers, they concluded that governments needed to act "to address consumers' needs for lower cost original materials to buy, borrow and access online." The survey forms the first two chapters of Consumers International's new report Access to Knowledge for Consumers: Reports of Campaigns and Research 2008-2010"--Publisher description.

Annuaire européen. 42.1994(1996)

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of European organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook"'s subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions. It is bilingual (English and French).

Law, Norms and Freedoms in Cyberspace / Droit, normes et libertés dans le cybermonde

Book Description

Professeur, chercheur, directeur de centre, doyen et recteur, Yves Poullet s’est illustré dans toutes les étapes et fonctions d’une carrière universitaire bien remplie, marquant des générations d’étudiants, de chercheurs, de collègues et de pairs. Spécialiste éminent et incontournable du droit de l’internet et des technologies de l’information et de la communication, il en est aussi l'un des précurseurs en fondant dès 1979 un des premiers centres de recherche européens en la matière. Par cet ouvrage, collègues, amis, anciens doctorants rendent hommage à l’une des plus belles plumes de la discipline, en lui offrant leurs réflexions sur l’influence réciproque du droit et de la technologie. Leurs contributions démontrent l’étendue de l’expertise et des réseaux européens et internationaux d’Yves Poullet. Elles s’articulent autour de trois axes qui furent autant de perspectives dans lesquelles il a inscrit sa recherche : le droit, les normes et les libertés. La richesse de ce volume témoigne de son attention à l’humain, des amitiés qu’il a nouées, mais aussi des sillons qu’il a tracés en droit des technologies de l’information et de la communication, sillons dans lesquels a poussé une forêt luxuriante, toujours fertile. C’est l’héritage d’un grand penseur, d’un véritable universitaire. =========== Yves Poullet has not merely served but excelled in all functions of the University world. Whether as professor, researcher, director of a research centre or as dean and rector, he has left a lasting impression in the minds of generations of students, researchers, colleagues and peers. He is a preeminent expert on the law of Internet and Information and Communications Technologies who, already in 1979, pioneered one of the first European research centres in the field. This volume is a tribute to Yves Poullet from colleagues, friends, former PhD researchers, offering their reflections on the reciprocal influence of law and technology. These contributions highlight both the range of expertise and the extent of the European and international networks he has nourished. They address the three main research axes Yves Poullet has developed through the years: law, norms and freedoms. The authors of this volume pay homage to a mentor, a friend, but above all to an exceptional researcher who has sown countless seeds in the field, enabling a luxurious landscape to grow and become a source of inspiration for many scholars. This is the heritage of a genuine thinker, a real academic.

Intellectual Property Overlaps

Book Description

Intellectual property rights, conventionally seen as quite distinct, are increasingly overlapping with one another. There are several reasons for this: the expansion of IPRs beyond their traditional borders, the creation of new IPRs especially at EU level, the exploitation of gaps in the law by shrewd lawyers, and the use of unfair competition as an alternative when IPRs are either not available at all or expired. The convergence of several IPRs on the same subject-matter poses problems. As they are normally envisaged as water-tight categories, there are very few rules which cater for the sort of regime clash that any overlap of IPRs necessarily entails. This book's aim is to find appropriate rules to regulate overlaps and thereby avoid regime conflicts and undue unstructured expansion of IPRs. The book studies the practical consequences of each overlap at the international, European and national levels (where the laws of France, the UK and Germany are reviewed). It then analyses the reasons for the prohibition or authorisation of overlaps. This analysis enables the determination of criteria and principles that can be used to (re)map the overlaps to achieve appropriateness and legitimacy.