Le mythe décisif

Book Description

Dans cet essai philosophique de 104 pages, Zefiro dissipe méthodiquement une double illusion régnant sur l'esprit des scientifiques. D'abord, le scientifique est porté à confondre la réalité avec sa pensée de la réalité. Ensuite, lorsqu'il croit penser la réalité, c'est à autre chose qu'il pense. En dévoilant le véritable objet de pensée du scientifique, le penseur masqué nous donne les clefs de l'efficacité (en bien comme en mal) de la science.

Le Mythe Du Sale Boche

Book Description

Comme l’indique le titre, Le mythe du sale boche, les Allemands ne sont pas les ultimes « vilains » de l’histoire. Ils ne sont pas non plus, comme le veut la version officielle, les saboteurs de la paix européenne et la cause des deux Guerres mondiales du siècle dernier. Les atrocités qu’ils auraient soi-disant perpétrées durant ces conflits armés furent inventées de toute pièce par la propagande alliée afin d’obtenir l'appui de l'opinion publique. La propagande de la Shoah, qui est apparue après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a par ailleurs grandement contribué à consolider cette haine du « sale boche ». Mais cette version officielle de l’histoire est-elle véridique ? L'Allemagne est-elle réellement l'incarnation du mal absolu ? Dans ce livre, l'auteur brosse un tableau différent. Il explique en effet que l'Allemagne n'était la cause ni de la Première ni de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mais dans les deux cas, la victime de l’agression des alliés. L'instabilité engendrée par la guerre 14-18 a permis à la révolution bolchévique russe de 1917 d’éclater, ce qui a apporté au monde le communisme. Or, Hitler et l'Allemagne ont tout de suite compris que le communisme international, de sa base en Union soviétique, était une menace existentielle non seulement pour l'Occident, mais pour toute la civilisation chrétienne. L'Allemagne hitlérienne a dès lors amorcé une lutte à mort contre cette idéologie sanguinaire. Loin d'être le saboteur de la paix européenne, l'Allemagne, en s’érigeant en rempart, a donc empêché la révolution bolchévique de s’étendre à toute l'Europe. Il est dommage que les alliés n'aient pas vu la Russie communiste sous le même jour que l’Allemagne. Cette alliance entre les pays occidentaux et le communisme a eu des conséquences désastreuses sur la civilisation occidentale chrétienne. L'auteur se dit convaincu que la France, la Grande-Bretagne et les États-Unis se sont battus du mauvais côté.

Albert Camus in the 21st Century

Book Description

In the first decade of a new century, this collection of bilingual essays examines Camus’s continuing popularity for a new generation of readers. In crucial respects, the world Camus knew has changed beyond all recognition: decolonization, the fall of the Iron Curtain, a new era of globalization and the rise of new forms of terrorism have all provoked a reconsideration of Camus’s writings. If the Absurd once struck a particular chord, Meursault is as likely now to be seen as a colonial figure who expresses the alienation of the settler from the land of his birth. Yet this increasing orthodoxy must also take account of the reasons why a new community of Algerian readers have embraced Camus. Equally, once isolated because of his anti-Communist stance, Camus has been taken up by disaffected members of the Left, convinced that new forms of totalitarianism are abroad in the world. This volume, which ranges from interpretations of Camus’s literary works, his journalism and his political writings, will be of interest to all those seeking to re-evaluate Camus’s work in the light of ethical and political issues that are of continuing relevance today.

Communauté internationale et disparités de développement

Book Description

The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. The work of the Hague Academy receives the support and recognition of the UN. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law .

Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy

Book Description

This book explores motherhood in Greek and Roman literature, focusing on images of mothers and their relationships with their children across a variety of genres.

Genres as Repositories of Cultural Memory

Book Description

This volume deals with the inherent relation between literary genres and cultural memory. Indeed, generic repertoires may be regarded as bodies of shared knowledge (a sort of ‘encyclopaedia' or 'museum' of stocked culture) and have played and still play an important role in absorbing and activating that memory. The contributors have focused on some specific memory-linked genres that prove especially relevant in remembering and transforming past experiences, i.e. the (post)modern historical novel and various forms of (post)modern autobiographical writing. They deal with such renowned authors as Carlos Fuentes, Vargas Llosa, Umberto Eco, Antonio Tabucchi, John Barth, Julian Barnes, Michel Butor, Nathalie Sarraute, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Claude Simon, Georges Perec and Marguerite Yourcenar. The volume, thus, constitutes an attractive and representative sample of (post)modern forms of rewriting and problematizing individual and collective pasts.

The Development of Albert Camus's Concern for Social and Political Justice

Book Description

Chronological in character, the book seeks to evaluate the evolution of Camus's lifelong preoccupation with sociopolitical justice, as expressed in a range of nonfictional genres (essays, journalism, articles, speeches, notebooks, and personal correspondence), where the writer's own concerns come directly to the fore.".

Musical Semiotics in Growth

Book Description

The international research project on Musical Signification, since its founding over ten years ago, has sought to win new scholars to musical semiotics. To that end, the Department of Musicology at Helsinki University has already organized five international doctoral and postdoctoral seminars. They have become something of a tradition. The anthology consists of papers presented in the three first seminars covering areas from music philosophy and aesthetics to the analysis of vocal and instrumental as well as electro-acoustic music, interrelationships of arts, music history, post-modernism, etc.

Perception Des Éléments Dans Les Traditions Hindoues

Book Description

The essays in this volume represent contributions to an international symposium held at the University of Lausanne on June 19-20, 1998, organized by DIHSR.