Le syndrome dys-exécutif chez l'enfant et l'adolescent

Book Description

Parmi les troubles dys ou troubles cognitifs spécifiques neuro-développementaux ceux affectant les fonctions exécutives sont encore trop méconnus. Touchant des fonctions dites "transversales" ils n'ont pas de répercussions circonscrites ce qui rend leur repérage difficile. Favoriser l'établissement d'un diagnostic précoce et rigoureux et ainsi permettre aux sujets qui en souffrent de bénéficier de stratégies thérapeutiques et pédagogiques susceptibles de les améliorer : tel est le double objectif de ce livre. Cette 2e édition propose des mises à jour et enrichissements importants : nouveaux exemples présentant des situations et tâches régulièrement rencontrées à l'école primaire exploration de pathologies génétiques traitements pharmacologiques complémentaires... Composé de deux parties cet ouvrage articule médical et pédagogique. Il présente des approches différentes mais qui s'imbriquent pour atteindre le même but : aider tous ceux qui seront amenés à côtoyer et accompagner les jeunes souffrant de troubles dys-exécutifs. La première partie fait un point synthétique sur les aspects médicaux du syndrome dys-attentionnel (TDA/H) et dys-exécutif. Après une description du développement normal de ces fonctions chez l'enfant sont abordés leurs aspects pathologiques : symptômes répercussions dans les apprentissages puis les stratégies et évaluations qui conduisent au diagnostic. Enfin sont indiquées les grandes lignes des préconisations thérapeutiques (médicamenteuses et rééducatives) ; La seconde partie est consacrée au jeune dys-exécutif en milieu scolaire (école primaire collège et lycée). C'est dans ce cadre que s'expriment essentiellement ses difficultés. A travers un grand nombre d'exemples de devoirs choisis dans l'éventail des disciplines scolaires (sciences littérature histoire-géographie...) les auteurs dessinent une "méthodologie générale de l'adaptation" et jettent les bases d'une réflexion sur les principes qui aideront à l'élaboration de stratégies compensatrices pertinentes indispensables pour ces jeunes.

Le syndrome dys-exécutif chez l'enfant et l'adolescent

Book Description

Parmi les troubles dys-, ou troubles cognitifs spécifiques développementaux, ceux affectant les fonctions exécutives sont encore trop méconnus. Touchant des fonctions dites « transversales », qui irriguent et gèrent toutes les autres, ils n'ont pas de répercussions circonscrites, ce qui rend leur repérage difficile. Favoriser l'établissement d'un diagnostic précoce et rigoureux et ainsi permettre aux sujets qui en souffrent de bénéficier des stratégies thérapeutiques et pédagogiques susceptibles de les améliorer : tel est le double objectif de ce livre. Cet ouvrage est composé de deux parties aux approches très différentes mais qui s'imbriquent pour atteindre le même but : aider tous ceux qui seront amenés à côtoyer et à accompagner les jeunes souffrant de troubles dys-exécutifs. La première partie fait un point synthétique sur les aspects médicaux du syndrome dys-attentionnel (TDA/H) et dys-exécutif. Après une description du développement normal de ces fonctions chez l'enfant, sont abordés leurs aspects pathologiques : symptômes, répercussions dans les apprentissages, puis les stratégies et évaluations qui conduisent au diagnostic. Enfin, sont indiquées les grandes lignes des préconisations thérapeutiques (médicamenteuses et rééducatives). La seconde partie est consacrée au jeune dys-exécutif à l'école. C'est dans ce cadre en effet qu'il passe une bonne part de sa vie, où s'exprime l'essentiel de ses difficultés et où se décide son avenir, personnel, professionnel et social. À travers un grand nombre d'exemples de devoirs choisis dans l'éventail des disciplines scolaires (sciences, littérature, histoire-géographie...) et de tous les niveaux (collège et lycée), les auteurs dessinent une « méthodologie générale de l'adaptation » et au delà jettent les bases d'une réflexion sur les principes qui aideront à l'élaboration de stratégies palliatives pertinentes, indispensables pour ces jeunes. Ce livre s'adresse à tous ceux, professionnels du soin (médecins pratiquant la neuropsychologie infantile, médecins et psychologues scolaires, neuropédiatres, neuropsychologues), professeurs (enseignants, spécialisés ou non, enseignants référents), auxiliaires de vie scolaire (AVS), parents qui cherchent à comprendre les ressorts de ces troubles et à apporter une aide efficace aux jeunes qui en souffrent. Son originalité réside dans le fait d'articuler le médical et le pédagogique.

Sleep Disorders in Adolescents

Book Description

This clinical casebook presents a comprehensive review of common sleep problems in adolescents in a concise, easy-to-read format. Each chapter thoroughly addresses a unique sleep disorder in teenagers through illustrative cases, reviews of relevant literature, and pearls of wisdom for both the practicing sleep specialist and other practitioners involved in the care of adolescents. Early chapters address various sleep disorders in detail: parasomnias, narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and delayed sleep-wake phase disorder, providing clear treatment considerations. Later chapters address sleep when complicated by issues of major depression, PTSD, epilepsy, and Traumatic Brain Injury. In-depth discussions and differential diagnosis engage the reader, and offer a multitude of research-based and clinically guided recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of sleep disorders in the adolescent. An ideal, practical resource for clinicians at all levels, Sleep Disorders In Adolescents provides a valuable contribution to adolescent care.

Pediatric Nutrition in Practice

Book Description

There is no other time in life when the provision of adequate and balanced nutrition is of greater importance than during infancy and childhood. During this dynamic phase characterized by rapid growth, development and developmental plasticity, a sufficient amount and appropriate composition of nutrients both in health and disease are of key importance for growth, functional outcomes such as cognition and immune response, and the metabolic programming of long-term health and well-being. This compact reference text provides concise information to readers who seek quick guidance on practical issues in the nutrition of infants, children and adolescents. After the success of the first edition, which sold more than 50'000 copies in several languages, the editors prepared this thoroughly revised and updated second edition which focuses again on nutritional challenges in both affluent and poor populations around the world. Serving as a practical reference guide, this book will contribute to further improving the quality of feeding of healthy infants and children, as well as enhancing the standards of nutritional care in sick children.

Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Book Description

The term Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is used to describe a group of children who have difficulty. with tasks involving movement such that it interferes with their daily living or academic progress. As with other developmental disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder and dyslexia, DCD is now a prominent concern of both researchers and practitioners. This text is aimed at both researchers and professionals who work in a practical manner with the condition and includes professionals in health, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, health visitors, paediatricians, and - in the educational field - teachers and others who are in daily contact with the children - their parents. The essence of the text is that work with children should be guided by research evidence driving the clinical practice which in turn raisies more questions for research. The authors in this text have both experience in research and are engaged in the day-to-day clinical work with children and bring both of these to bear in the chapters they have written.

The Development of Executive Function in Early Childhood

Book Description

This monograph concerns the psychological processes underlying the development of executive function, or the conscious control of thought and action. It has long been clear that these processes change considerably in early childhood, transforming a relatively stimulus-driven toddler into a child capable of flexible, goal-directed problem solving. However, the nature of these processes has remained elusive. In a programmatic series of 9 experiments, the authors examine circumstances that help or hinder executive function in 3- to 4-year-old children. The results provide the basis for a revision of their Cognitive Complexity and Control (CCC-r) theory, according to which there are age-related increases in the complexity of the rules that children can formulate and use when solving problems. The revised theory (a) specifies more clearly the circumstances in which children will have difficulty using rules at various levels of complexity, (b) provides a more detailed account of how to determine the complexity of rules required in a task, (c) takes account of both the activation and inhibition of rules as a function of experience, and (d) highlights the importance of considering intentionality in the study of executive function.

Comparative Quantification of Health Risks: Sexual and reproductive health

Book Description

Provides a comprehensive assessment of the scientific evidence on prevalence and the resulting health effects of a range of exposures that are know to be hazardous to human health, including childhood and maternal undernutrition, nutritional and physiological risk factors for adult health, addictive substances, sexual and reproductive health risks, and risks in the physical environments of households and communities, as well as among workers. This book is the culmination of over four years of scientific equiry and data collection, know as the comparative risk assessment (CRA) project.

Neuro-Education and Neuro-Rehabilitation

Book Description

In the last decade, important discoveries have been made in cognitive neuroscience regarding brain plasticity and learning such as the mirror neurons system and the anatomo-functional organization of perceptual, cognitive and motor abilities.... Time has come to consider the societal impact of these findings. The aim of this Research Topic of Frontiers in Psychology is to concentrate on two domains: neuro-education and neuro-rehabilitation. At the interface between neuroscience, psychology and education, neuro-education is a new inter-disciplinary emerging field that aims at developing new education programs based on results from cognitive neuroscience and psychology. For instance, brain-based learning methods are flourishing but few have been rigorously tested using well-controlled procedures. Authors of this Research Topic will present their latest findings in this domain using rigorously controlled experiments. Neuro-rehabilitation aims at developing new rehabilitation methods for children and adults with learning disorders. Neuro-rehabilitation programs can be based upon a relatively low number of patients and controls or on large clinical trials to test for the efficiency of new treatments. These projects may also aim at testing the efficiency of video-games and of new methods such as Trans Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for therapeutic interventions in children or adolescents with learning disabilities. This Research Topic will bring together neuroscientists interested in brain plasticity and the effects of training, psychologists working with adults as well as with normally developing children and children with learning disabilities as well as education researchers directly confronted with the efficiency of education programs. The goal for each author is to describe the state of the art in his/her specific research domain and to illustrate how her/his research findings can impact education in the classroom or rehabilitation of children and adolescents with learning disorders.

Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Book Description

This 8.5 x 11 comb-bound workbook provides a master set of the assessment and treatment forms, questionnaires, and handouts recommended by Barkley in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition. Formatted for easy photocopying, many of these materials are available from no other source. All child and adult interview forms and rating scales have been completely revised for DSM-IV and new norms for many of the scales have been provided. Also included are a fact sheet for parents and teachers of children with ADHD, as well as ADHD-diagnosed adults; daily school report cards for monitoring academic progress; and more.

Identifying Patterns of Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Preschool children

Book Description

Mental health problems often debut in early childhood and may last throughout adulthood, thereby making early detection and intervention especially important. The overarching aim of the present thesis was to identify patterns of emotional and behavioural problems indicating mental health problems in preschool children. To facilitate the detection of such problems early on, one available screening instrument Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), was validated. The development and interaction of externalising problems in preschool children were studied over time. Functioning and behaviour and their relations to protective and risk indicators in both environmental and personal characteristics were explored. The long-term goal was to increase knowledge about early identification of emotional and behavioural problems in preschool children in order to facilitate early intervention. In Study I (n=690), the subscales Hyperactivity and Conduct Problems were shown to be valid for children in the age group 1–3 years. A reasonable level of validity was found for the age group 4–5 years when using the original SDQ four-factor solution. The preschool teachers considered most of the SDQ items relevant and possible to rate. Based on the results of Study II (n=815), a score of ?12 on the SDQ Total Problems Scale is recommended as a cut-off for Swedish preschool children. There were significant differences between boys and girls on all subscales except for the Emotional subscale. The Swedish norms for SDQ are to a large extent similar to findings from other European countries. Study III (n=195) showed that preschool children’s conduct problems decrease over time. Children exhibiting more initial hyperactivity (at year 1) have less reduction in conduct problems over time, i.e. the more hyperactivity early in life, the more conduct problems at year 3. In Study IV (n=197), children high in engagement and social interaction function well over time, even in the presence of hyperactivity, while children with low engagement and interaction alone or in combination with hyperactivity and conduct problems continue to have problems. Stability was related to the existence of a larger number of protective or risk indicators respectively. Taken together, this thesis has shown that the SDQ can be used to identify preschool children at risk of developing mental health problems later in life.