Lectures On Cosmology And Action-at-a-distance Electrodynamics

Book Description

This book describes the subject of electrodynamics at classical as well as quantum level, developed as an interaction at a distance. Thus it has electric charges interacting with one another directly and not through the medium of a field. In general such an interaction travels forward and backward in time symmetrically, thus apparently violating the principle of causality. It turns out, however, that in such a description the cosmological boundary conditions become very important. The theory therefore works only in a cosmology with the right boundary conditions; but when it does work it is free from the divergences that plague a quantum field theory.

A Great Man of Science

Book Description

Francis Andrew has completed a monumental ten year task of writing appraisals on all of the published works of the late Sir Fred Hoyle. It is truly a worthwhile accomplishment as all of Hoyles books are now out of print. Francis Andrews work therefore offers a great service in preserving the thoughts of one the twentieth centurys greatest minds. Gihan, Weerasekara. Dompe, Sri Lanka. A Great Man of Great Science covers all of Sir Fred Hoyles publications from his fi rst in 1950 to his last in 2001. Francis Andrews appraisal of each of these works is the next best thing to reading the original works of Hoyle himself. After reading these appraisals, one could well be tempted to take the next step and read the actual works of Hoyle. Siddhant Bahuguna. Uttar Pradesh, India. Francis A. Andrew has truly done a magnificent job in writing appraisals for each of Sir Fred Hoyles works. As Francis style of writing has done so much to make Hoyle come alive and inject into his works a relevancy for the twenty fi rst century, so it would be that even if readers of this volume were unacquainted with any of Hoyles books, they would surely be tempted to procure for themselves the original works of Hoyle. Ajinkya Bhede. Maharashtra, Nagpur, India.

The Big Bang and God

Book Description

As advanced by astronomer-cosmologist Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomy, biology, astrobiology, astrophysics, and cosmology converge agreeably with natural theology. In The Big Bang and God, these interdisciplinary convergences are developed by an astronomer collaborating with a theologian.

"Thermodynamic" Universe, The: Exploring The Limits Of Physics

Book Description

Particle Physics and High Energy Physics have stagnated since the early 1970s. Now, the underlying principle of reductionism — so sacred to twentieth-century physics — is itself being questioned. This book examines these tumultuous developments that are leading to a paradigm shift and a new horizon for Physics.Presenting the new paradigm in fuzzy spacetime, this book is based on some 100 papers published in peer-reviewed journals including Foundations of Physics, Nuovo Cimento and The International Journal of Modern Physics (A&E), as well as two recently published books, The Chaotic Universe (Nova Science, New York) and The Universe of Fluctuations (Springer). The work had predicted correctly in advance epoch-turning observations, for example, that the Universe is accelerating with a small cosmological constant driven by dark energy when the prevalent line of thinking was the exact opposite. Similarly, the prediction of a minimum thermodynamic residual energy in the Universe has also been realized more recently. Further to a unified description of gravitation and electromagnetism via fluctuations, several other features are presented in complete agreement with experiments, in sharp contrast to the present ideas which are neither verifiable nor disprovable.

The Thermodynamic Universe

Book Description

Particle Physics and High Energy Physics have stagnated since the early 1970s. Now, the underlying principle of reductionism ? so sacred to twentieth-century physics ? is itself being questioned. This book examines these tumultuous developments that are leading to a paradigm shift and a new horizon for Physics.Presenting the new paradigm in fuzzy spacetime, this book is based on some 100 papers published in peer-reviewed journals including Foundations of Physics, Nuovo Cimento and The International Journal of Modern Physics (A&E), as well as two recently published books, The Chaotic Universe (Nova Science, New York) and The Universe of Fluctuations (Springer). The work had predicted correctly in advance epoch-turning observations, for example, that the Universe is accelerating with a small cosmological constant driven by dark energy when the prevalent line of thinking was the exact opposite. Similarly, the prediction of a minimum thermodynamic residual energy in the Universe has also been realized more recently. Further to a unified description of gravitation and electromagnetism via fluctuations, several other features are presented in complete agreement with experiments, in sharp contrast to the present ideas which are neither verifiable nor disprovable.

Introduction to the Classical Theory of Particles and Fields

Book Description

This volume is intended as a systematic introduction to gauge field theory for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in high energy physics. The discussion is restricted to the classical (non-quantum) theory in Minkowski spacetime. Particular attention has been given to conceptual aspects of field theory, accurate definitions of basic physical notions, and thorough analysis of exact solutions to the equations of motion for interacting systems.

Causality and Locality in Modern Physics

Book Description

The Symposium entitled: Causality and Locality in Modern Physics and As tronomy: Open Questions and Possible Solutions was held at York University, Toronto, during the last week of August 1997. It was a sequel to a similar sym posium entitled: The Present Status of the Quantum Theory of Light held at the same venue in August 1995. These symposia came about as a result of discussions between Professor Stanley Jeffers and colleagues on the International Organizing Committee. Professor Jeffers was the executive local organizer of the symposia. The 1997 symposium attracted over 120 participants representing 26 different countries and academic institutions. The broad theme of both symposia was the enigma of modern physics: the non-local, and possibly superluminal interactions implied by quantum mechanics, the structure of fundamental particles including the photon, the reconciliation of quantum mechanics with the theory of relativity, and the nature of gravity and inertia. Jean-Pierre Vigier was the guest of honour at both symposia. He was a lively contributor to the discussions of the presentations. The presentations were made as 30-minute lectures, or during an evening poster session. Some participants did not submit a written account of their presentation at the symposium, and not all of the articles submitted for the Proceedings could be included because of the publisher's page limit. The titles and authors of the papers that had to be excluded are listed in an appendix.

Fundamentals Of Solar Astronomy

Book Description

There are several textbooks available on solar astronomy which deal with advanced astrophysical aspects of solar physics, and books which provide very elementary knowledge about the Sun. This book will help to bridge the gap. It aims to stimulate interest in solar astronomy, presenting at one place the basic methods and techniques used in the field, together with the latest findings and the excitement in solar physics. As solar astronomy is becoming very popular among amateur astronomers and laymen, the book provides the practical knowledge to build simple solar telescopes and other equipment for making solar observations. Amateur astronomers have made important contributions to solar astronomy, and this book will help to guide them in their endeavours. The book can also serve as a text for undergraduate and graduate students starting out on solar physics. Using it, graduate students can easily embark on specific topics of research in solar astronomy.

Lost and Found in Mathematics. Dissident cosmologists’s guide to the Universe

Book Description

This book is inspired by a German theoretical physicist, Sabine Hossenfelder’s publication: “Lost in Mathematics”. Her book seems to question highly mathematical and a lot of abstraction in the development of physics and cosmology studies nowadays. There is clear tendency that in recent decades, the physics science has been predominated by such an advanced mathematics, which at times sounding more like acrobatics approach to a reality. Through books by senior mathematical-physicists like Unzicker and Peter Woit, we know that the answer of TOE is not in superstring theories or other variations of such 26 dimensional bosonic string theory, of which none of those theories survived experimental test, but perhaps in low dimensional physics. As Alexander Unzicker suggests, perhaps it is more advisable to consider rotation in 3D space (known as SO3), or a kind of superfluid vortices version of gravitation theory. We can also reconsider proposition by the late Prof F. Winterberg (formerly professor at Univ. Nevada, Reno), that it is most likely that superfluid phonon roton theory in 3D can replace the entire superstring theories. While we don’t explore yet implications of his model to particle physics, we discuss here some published papers at several journals in the past few years.

Physics Of Comets (3rd Edition)

Book Description

This revised edition places a unique emphasis on all the new results from ground-based, satellites and space missions — detection of molecule H2 and prompt emission lines of OH for the first time; discovery of X-rays in comets; observed diversity in chemical composition among comets; the puzzle of the constancy of spin temperature; the well-established mineralogy of cometary dust; extensive theoretical modeling carried out for understanding the observed effects; the similarity in the mineralogy of dust in circumstellar shell of stars, comets, meteorites, asteroids and IDPs, thus indicating the generic relationship between them.