Lectures on Finsler Geometry

Book Description

In 1854, B Riemann introduced the notion of curvature for spaces with a family of inner products. There was no significant progress in the general case until 1918, when P Finsler studied the variation problem in regular metric spaces. Around 1926, L Berwald extended Riemann's notion of curvature to regular metric spaces and introduced an important non-Riemannian curvature using his connection for regular metrics. Since then, Finsler geometry has developed steadily. In his Paris address in 1900, D Hilbert formulated 23 problems, the 4th and 23rd problems being in Finsler's category. Finsler geometry has broader applications in many areas of science and will continue to develop through the efforts of many geometers around the world.Usually, the methods employed in Finsler geometry involve very complicated tensor computations. Sometimes this discourages beginners. Viewing Finsler spaces as regular metric spaces, the author discusses the problems from the modern metric geometry point of view. The book begins with the basics on Finsler spaces, including the notions of geodesics and curvatures, then deals with basic comparison theorems on metrics and measures and their applications to the Levy concentration theory of regular metric measure spaces and Gromov's Hausdorff convergence theory.

Lectures on Finsler Geometry

Book Description

In 1854, B Riemann introduced the notion of curvature for spaces with a family of inner products. There was no significant progress in the general case until 1918, when P Finsler studied the variation problem in regular metric spaces. Around 1926, L Berwald extended Riemann''s notion of curvature to regular metric spaces and introduced an important non-Riemannian curvature using his connection for regular metrics. Since then, Finsler geometry has developed steadily. In his Paris address in 1900, D Hilbert formulated 23 problems, the 4th and 23rd problems being in Finsler''s category. Finsler geometry has broader applications in many areas of science and will continue to develop through the efforts of many geometers around the world. Usually, the methods employed in Finsler geometry involve very complicated tensor computations. Sometimes this discourages beginners. Viewing Finsler spaces as regular metric spaces, the author discusses the problems from the modern metric geometry point of view. The book begins with the basics on Finsler spaces, including the notions of geodesics and curvatures, then deals with basic comparison theorems on metrics and measures and their applications to the Levy concentration theory of regular metric measure spaces and Gromov''s Hausdorff convergence theory. Contents: Finsler Spaces; Finsler m Spaces; Co-Area Formula; Isoperimetric Inequalities; Geodesics and Connection; Riemann Curvature; Non-Riemannian Curvatures; Structure Equations; Finsler Spaces of Constant Curvature; Second Variation Formula; Geodesics and Exponential Map; Conjugate Radius and Injectivity Radius; Basic Comparison Theorems; Geometry of Hypersurfaces; Geometry of Metric Spheres; Volume Comparison Theorems; Morse Theory of Loop Spaces; Vanishing Theorems for Homotopy Groups; Spaces of Finsler Spaces. Readership: Graduate students and researchers in geometry and physics.

Lectures on Differential Geometry

Book Description

This book is a translation of an authoritative introductory text based on a lecture series delivered by the renowned differential geometer, Professor S S Chern in Beijing University in 1980. The original Chinese text, authored by Professor Chern and Professor Wei-Huan Chen, was a unique contribution to the mathematics literature, combining simplicity and economy of approach with depth of contents. The present translation is aimed at a wide audience, including (but not limited to) advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, as well as physicists interested in the diverse applications of differential geometry to physics. In addition to a thorough treatment of the fundamentals of manifold theory, exterior algebra, the exterior calculus, connections on fiber bundles, Riemannian geometry, Lie groups and moving frames, and complex manifolds (with a succinct introduction to the theory of Chern classes), and an appendix on the relationship between differential geometry and theoretical physics, this book includes a new chapter on Finsler geometry and a new appendix on the history and recent developments of differential geometry, the latter prepared specially for this edition by Professor Chern to bring the text into perspectives.

Lectures On Differential Geometry

Book Description

This book is a translation of an authoritative introductory text based on a lecture series delivered by the renowned differential geometer, Professor S S Chern in Beijing University in 1980. The original Chinese text, authored by Professor Chern and Professor Wei-Huan Chen, was a unique contribution to the mathematics literature, combining simplicity and economy of approach with depth of contents. The present translation is aimed at a wide audience, including (but not limited to) advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, as well as physicists interested in the diverse applications of differential geometry to physics. In addition to a thorough treatment of the fundamentals of manifold theory, exterior algebra, the exterior calculus, connections on fiber bundles, Riemannian geometry, Lie groups and moving frames, and complex manifolds (with a succinct introduction to the theory of Chern classes), and an appendix on the relationship between differential geometry and theoretical physics, this book includes a new chapter on Finsler geometry and a new appendix on the history and recent developments of differential geometry, the latter prepared specially for this edition by Professor Chern to bring the text into perspectives.

Some Problems on Finsler Geometry

Book Description

Finsler geometry is a metric generalization of Riemannian geometry and constitutes a comparatively young branch of differential geometry. The germs of Finsler geometry were present in the epoc-making lecture of B. Riemann at Gottingen University in 1854. Finsler geometry has wide applications in the fields of Physics and Biology such as Thermodynamics, Optics, Relativity, Cosmology, Ecology and developmental Biology.

Lectures on the Geometry of Manifolds

Book Description

The goal of this book is to introduce the reader to some of the most frequently used techniques in modern global geometry. Suited to the beginning graduate student willing to specialize in this very challenging field, the necessary prerequisite is a good knowledge of several variables calculus, linear algebra and point-set topology.The book's guiding philosophy is, in the words of Newton, that ?in learning the sciences examples are of more use than precepts?. We support all the new concepts by examples and, whenever possible, we tried to present several facets of the same issue.While we present most of the local aspects of classical differential geometry, the book has a ?global and analytical bias?. We develop many algebraic-topological techniques in the special context of smooth manifolds such as Poincar‚ duality, Thom isomorphism, intersection theory, characteristic classes and the Gauss-;Bonnet theorem.We devoted quite a substantial part of the book to describing the analytic techniques which have played an increasingly important role during the past decades. Thus, the last part of the book discusses elliptic equations, including elliptic Lpand H”lder estimates, Fredholm theory, spectral theory, Hodge theory, and applications of these. The last chapter is an in-depth investigation of a very special, but fundamental class of elliptic operators, namely, the Dirac type operators.The second edition has many new examples and exercises, and an entirely new chapter on classical integral geometry where we describe some mathematical gems which, undeservedly, seem to have disappeared from the contemporary mathematical limelight.

Riemann-Finsler Geometry

Book Description

Riemann-Finsler geometry is a subject that concerns manifolds with Finsler metrics, including Riemannian metrics. It has applications in many fields of the natural sciences. Curvature is the central concept in Riemann-Finsler geometry. This invaluable textbook presents detailed discussions on important curvatures such the Cartan torsion, the S-curvature, the Landsberg curvature and the Riemann curvature. It also deals with Finsler metrics with special curvature or geodesic properties, such as projectively flat Finsler metrics, Berwald metrics, Finsler metrics of scalar curvature or isotropic S-curvature, etc. Instructive examples are given in abundance, for further description of some important geometric concepts. The text includes the most recent results, although many of the problems discussed are classical. Graduate students and researchers in differential geometry.

Finsler Geometry

Book Description

This volume features proceedings from the 1995 Joint Summer Research Conference on Finsler Geometry, chaired by S. S. Chern and co-chaired by D. Bao and Z. Shen. The editors of this volume have provided comprehensive and informative "capsules" of presentations and technical reports. This was facilitated by classifying the papers into the following 6 separate sections - 3 of which are applied and 3 are pure: * Finsler Geometry over the reals * Complex Finsler geometry * Generalized Finsler metrics * Applications to biology, engineering, and physics * Applications to control theory * Applications to relativistic field theory Each section contains a preface that provides a coherent overview of the topic and includes an outline of the current directions of research and new perspectives. A short list of open problems concludes each contributed paper. A number of photos are featured in the volumes, for example, that of Finsler. In addition, conference participants are also highlighted.

Handbook of Finsler geometry. 2 (2003)

Book Description

There are several mathematical approaches to Finsler Geometry, all of which are contained and expounded in this comprehensive Handbook. The principal bundles pathway to state-of-the-art Finsler Theory is here provided by M. Matsumoto. His is a cornerstone for this set of essays, as are the articles of R. Miron (Lagrange Geometry) and J. Szilasi (Spray and Finsler Geometry). After studying either one of these, the reader will be able to understand the included survey articles on complex manifolds, holonomy, sprays and KCC-theory, symplectic structures, Legendre duality, Hodge theory and Gauss-Bonnet formulas. Finslerian diffusion theory is presented by its founders, P. Antonelli and T. Zastawniak. To help with calculations and conceptualizations, a CD-ROM containing the software package FINSLER, based on MAPLE, is included with the book.

Finsler and Lagrange Geometries

Book Description

In the last decade several international conferences on Finsler, Lagrange and Hamilton geometries were organized in Bra§ov, Romania (1994), Seattle, USA (1995), Edmonton, Canada (1998), besides the Seminars that periodically are held in Japan and Romania. All these meetings produced important progress in the field and brought forth the appearance of some reference volumes. Along this line, a new International Conference on Finsler and Lagrange Geometry took place August 26-31,2001 at the "Al.I.Cuza" University in Ia§i, Romania. This Conference was organized in the framework of a Memorandum of Un derstanding (1994-2004) between the "Al.I.Cuza" University in Ia§i, Romania and the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. It was especially dedicated to Prof. Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli, the liaison officer in the Memorandum, an untired promoter of Finsler, Lagrange and Hamilton geometries, very close to the Romanian School of Geometry led by Prof. Dr. Radu Miron. The dedica tion wished to mark also the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli. With this occasion a Diploma was given to Professor Dr. Peter Louis Antonelli conferring the title of Honorary Professor granted to him by the Senate of the oldest Romanian University (140 years), the "Al.I.Cuza" University, Ia§i, Roma nia. There were almost fifty participants from Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Romania, USA. There were scheduled 45 minutes lectures as well as short communications.