Lee's Ophthalmic Histopathology

Book Description

Completely revised and updated third edition of Lee’s Ophthalmic Histopathology, this well-illustrated and practically-oriented text has retained its general layout and style and division into specimen-based chapters. The visual image remains key to explaining the pathological processes - facilitated by full colour photography throughout the text. The text and illustrations are also provided as a searchable CD-ROM. The book emphasizes pertinent recent advances, particularly in the molecular basis of disease and in the diagnosis and classification of tumours. including improvements in immunohistochemistry and cytogenetic and molecular biological studies. This book is an invaluable source of reference for ophthalmic pathologists, general pathologists and ophthalmologists.

Ophthalmic Histopathology

Book Description

The first edition of this book was written prior to 1991 and it seemed appropriate to revise and update the text in view of the rapid expansion in information which has occurred in the last decade. Furthermore, in the first edition, the reproduction of some of the illustrations was not of sufficient standard to be of value to the reader. Accordingly some of the inadequate figures have been replaced by colour figures which have been inserted into the text. Colour has also been included because many histopathological illustrations, e. g. special stains such as Gram, PAS, trichrome stains etc. , and immunohistochemical reactions, are much better appreciated. With regard to references, I have taken advantage of the currently available access to all the medical literat ure, which is what I anticipate will be the course of action of the reader. Glasgow, 2001 Acknowledgements It is a pleasure to re cord the support I have received in the last decade from Professors Wallace Foulds, Colin Kirkness and Gordon Dutton and from Mr Bertil Damato in their continuing efforts to educate me in the subtleties of clinical ophthalmology. I am particularly indebted to Dr Sarah Coupland who provided the information on lymphoid neoplasia which is included in this book and I must thank Dr Weng Sehu who established the computer equipment which has been so valuable in the preparation of the new illustrations.

Pocket Guide to Ocular Oncology and Pathology

Book Description

This handbook is designed to serve as a compact, up-to-date, and easy-to-use reference on the clinical features and pathology of ocular tumors. It comprises approximately 75 entries that cover the full spectrum of clinically encountered ocular tumors as well as tumor classification and other selected topics. Each entry addressing a given tumor or class of tumors is organized in a standard way, with information on synonyms, definition, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prophylaxis, therapy, prognosis, and epidemiology. Key references are also provided. The book has the advantage of having been written by members of an ocular oncology group from a leading cancer center, and will be of great practical value for ophthalmologists and ophthalmic pathologists.

Eye Pathology

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive, in-depth, and up-to-date resource on eye pathology that will be of great practical value for ophthalmic and general pathologists and ophthalmologists. Congenital abnormalities, inflammatory conditions, infections, injuries, degenerative diseases, and tumors are all covered with the aid of more than 700 images. In the case of tumors, the wide variety of neoplasms that occur in the eyelid, conjunctiva, retina, uveal tract, lacrimal gland and sac, orbit, and optic nerve are comprehensively reviewed, and the most recent knowledge on the relation between genetics and prognosis is presented. Entries on specific diseases are organized in a standard way, with information on etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, pathological characteristics, differential diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis. The authors are all recognized experts and members of the European and American ophthalmic pathology societies.​

Ophthalmic Histopathology

Book Description

This book has been written to give guidance to histopathologists who are dealing with pathological specimens submitted by ophthalmologists, whether in a general pathology laboratory or in a specialist ophthalmic pathology laboratory. The bias has been given to the diseases encountered commonly in the routine service or in the autopsy room and the intention is to show how to achieve the maximum information from each specimen. Conventional textbooks deal with diseases of the eye on an anatomical basis, but this is inappropriate for a histopathologist who is studying a globe in which the disease has varying effects on each of the individual tissue components. While unconventional, it seemed more acceptable to lay the book out under the relatively limited and broad headings which ophthalmologists use as indications for enucleation: "trauma", "tumour", "endophthalmitis", "vascular disease", etc. It also seemed logical to include a separate chapter on ocular disease as it is encountered in the autopsy room and, continuing the theme, to consider a keratoplasty specimen and the topics of orbital biopsy and conjunctival biopsy in separate chapters. In each pathological process, whenever appropriate, it was important to include the effects of modern therapeutic measures because this is one of the main features of interest for the clinician. For the beginner, an introductory chapter on the techniques and rationale of the preliminary systematic macroscopic examination of a globe has been included with an account of the supplementary techniques which are essential for an accurate diagnosis.

Histopathology Specimens

Book Description

Covering anatomical, clinical, pathological and laboratory aspects of surgical histopathology specimens, Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects, Second Edition relates specimen dissection and its clinical context to relevant histopathology reports, and therefore a more comprehensive patient prognosis and management is possible. Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects, Second Edition explains pathological and clinical terminology, including a glossary of clinical request form abbreviations. A standardised step-wise approach to specimen handling is illustrated with simple line diagrams and highlights essentials of the histopathology report, relating them to appropriate specimen dissection. The integrated multidisciplinary team approach taken to the modern clinical management of patients is reflected by correlating patient presentation, diagnostic and staging investigations with histopathology specimens. Current WHO and TNM tumor classifications are referenced. Histopathology Specimens: Clinical, Pathological and Laboratory Aspects, Second Edition will be of educative value and act as a reference tool for the medical undergraduate student, medical trainee in histopathology and the biomedical scientist, and as a useful aide memoire for the histopathology consultant.

Ophthalmic Pathology with Clinical Correlations

Book Description

A review of ophthalmic pathology, aimed at students who are beginning to study the visual system and practitioners who want to distill the clinical implications from a pathologist's report. This work describes and illustrates the pathologic features of all disorders seen in ophthalmic practice, with emphasis on clinicopathologic correlations. There are illustrations to demonstrate the correlations between clinical entities and their pathologic counterparts. Special attention is given to those disorders that are most commonly encountered and/or most serious. The book also includes a discussion of the pathologist's relationship to the clinician.