Book Description
One of the most telling signs of a child of God's is to see how they react during and after life's trials. Minister Darlene Caffey has endured many trials, included, but not limited to illnesses, near kidnappings, and attacks from animals that had it not been for the grace of God, could have caused her demise at an early age. Reflecting back on her life, Darlene's autobiography, "Left For Dead, But Would Not Die," tells of how she, along with a few close to her, were determined to trust God even during their darkness hours. Not only does this book prove that God exists, but it also proves that He is still a healer, deliverer, comforter and friend. As you read her inspiring story, you too will experience a new determination and will to "live and not die, but declare the works of the Lord!!" (Psalm 118:17)