Lenin and Revolutionary Russia

Book Description

Examining the background to and the course of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Lenin's regime, Lee explores both the key aspects and the historical interpretations of Lenin's legacy to Russian history.

Lenin and Revolutionary Russia

Book Description

Lenin and Revolutionary Russia examines the background to and the course of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and Lenin's regime. It explores all the key aspects such as the development of the Bolsheviks as a revolutionary party, the 1905 Revolution, the collapse of the Tsarists, the Russian Civil War and historical interpretations of Lenin's legacy to Russian history.

Introducing Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Book Description

Lenin is the key to understanding the Russian Revolution. His dream was the creation of the world's first Socialist state. It was a short-lived dream that became a nightmare when Stalin rose to absolute power in 1929. Lenin was the avant-garde revolutionary who adapted Marxist theory to the pravtical realitites of a vast, complex and backward Russia.

Lenin's Revolution

Book Description

This study examines one of the key events in history, the Russian Revolution. Since the late Gorbachev period, a wealth of new material has become available to historians that has triggered intense scholarly debate on the nature of revolution. This timely new book takes account of the new scholarship, including - for example - the role of Lenin. It is argued that the intial flexibility of Lenin and the Bolshevik party allowed them to take power, but that the conduct of both changed considerably once they were obliged to take steps to maintain their authority. This book charts the Febuary Revolution, the October Revolution, the Civil War and the main individuals involved, giving a remarkable degree of clarity to the tumultuous events in Russia whose consequences the world lived with for the rest of the twentieth century.

Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Book Description

A study of Lenin and the Russian Revolution. It is designed to fulfil the AS and A Level specifications in place from September 2000. The AS section deals with narrative and explanation of the topic. The A2 section reflects the different demands of the higher level examination.

The State and Revolution

Book Description

Lenin and the Revolutionary Party

Book Description

For generations, historians of the right, left, and center have all debated the best way to understand V. I. Lenin’s role in shaping the Bolshevik party in the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. At their worst, these studies locate his influence in the forcefulness of his personality. At their best, they show how Lenin moved other Bolsheviks through patient argument and political debate. Yet remarkably few have attempted to document the ways his ideas changed, or how they were in turn shaped by the party he played such a central role in building. In this thorough, concise, and accessible introduction to Lenin’s theory and practice of revolutionary politics, Paul Le Blanc gives a vibrant sense of the historical context of the socialist movement (in Russia and abroad) from which Lenin’s ideas about revolutionary organization spring. What emerges from Le Blanc’s partisan yet measured account is an image of a collaborative, ever adaptive, and dynamically engaged network of revolutionary activists who formed the core of the Bolshevik party.

Vladimir Lenin and the Russian Revolution

Book Description

Ending a two-hundred-year tsarist regime and bringing communism to the masses, Vladimir Lenin changed not only Russia, but also the world’s political climate. Using source documents and photos, this text discusses the major events of the Russian Revolution and its consequences in a way that makes the concepts clear, concise, and interesting to students.

V. I. Lenin on Youth

Book Description

Lenin always paid great attention to the young generation of workers, peasants and intellectuals and laid emphasis on involving the largest possible number of them in the revolutionary movement, the struggle to build a new socialist society. Back in 1895, when he drew up the program of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party while in prison, he put forward the demand for universal suffrage for citizens at the age of 21 and over and for prohibition of employment of children under 15. While living in emigration on the eve of the first Russian revolution, Lenin closely followed the development of the students' movement in Tsarist Russia and in the pages of Iskra he stressed its importance for the general struggle of the Russian people against tsarism and called on the students to work out Marxist world outlook and actively assist the Social-Democrats in their illegal work. In August 1903, at the Second Congress of the Party, Lenin moved a resolution on the Social-Democrats' attitude towards students and made a speech on this question. Lenin did not confine himself to the youth movement in Russia only. As leader of the international proletariat, Lenin helped the young Social-Democrats of Switzerland, Sweden and other countries to arrive at a scientific world outlook and correct revolutionary tactics in the struggle against capitalism, passing on to them the experience of the Russian working class and its Party.The present collection includes Lenin's articles, speeches and letters on the youth, as well as those of his works which deal with problems facing the young generation.The various items in this collection are as a rule published in full, excerpts being used only when Lenin's statements on youth form part of his larger works.Lenin's works are distributed under the following heading: The Condition of Children and Young People under Capitalism, The Revolutionary Movement Among the Student Youth in Tsarist Russia, Participation of Young Workers and Peasants in the Revolutionary Struggle and Revolutionary Training of Youth and Participation of Youth in Socialist Construction - Education of the New Man.Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924) was the founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of Bolshevik Revolution (1917), and the architect, builder, and first head (1917-24) of the Soviet State. He was the founder of the organization known as Comintern (Communist International) and the posthumous source of "Leninism," the doctrine codified and conjoined with Marx's works by Lenin's successors to form Marxism-Leninism, which became the Communist world view. If the Bolshevik Revolution is - as some people have called it - the most significant political event of the 20th century, then Lenin must for good or ill be regarded as the century's most significant political leader. Not only in the scholarly circles of the former Soviet Union but even among many non-Communist scholars, he has been regarded as the greatest revolutionary leader and revolutionary statesman in history, as well as the greatest revolutionary thinker since Marx.


Book Description

From a highly distinguished author on the subject, this biography is an excellent scholarly introduction to one of the key figures of the Russian Revolution and post-Tsarist Russia. Not only does it make use of archive material made newly available in the glasnost and post-Soviet eras, it re-examines traditional sources as well, providing an original interpretation of Lenin's life and historical importance. Focal points of this study are: Lenin's revolutionary ascetic personality how he exploited culture, education and propaganda his relationship to Marxism his changing class analysis of Russia his 'populist' instincts. A prominent figure at the forefront of debates on the Russina revolution, Read makes sure that Lenin remains in his place as a highly influential and significant figure of the recent past.