Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera

Book Description

Numerous and charismatic, the Lepidoptera is one of the most widely studied groups of invertebrates. Advances in molecular tools and genomic techniques have reduced the need for large sizes and mass-rearing, and lepidopteran model systems are increasingly used to illuminate broad-based experimental questions as well as those peculiar to butterflies. Putting the spotlight on the second most numerous order of insects living today, this book provides a summary of cutting-edge studies of the Lepidoptera as an organism in and of itself and as model systems. Leading researchers discuss symbiosis, genomes, sex determination, natural products, ecophysiology, sensory systems, pest control, the sterile insect technique, immunity, and evolution development. Understanding the biology and genetics of butterflies and moths may lead to new species-selective methods of control, saving billions of dollars in pesticide use and protecting environmental and human health, making the sections on pest control and the sterile insect technique extremely important.

Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera

Book Description

This checklist does not supercede any other because it is the first of its kind for the Neotropical region. It represents the cUlmination of several years preparation by the con tributing authors and editor, following the initiation of the "Atlas" project in the autumn of 1978. The collaborators to the project continue their work, either for "Atlas" fascicles or for the more immediate completion of the remaining five parts of the checklist. The goal of the project is to provide a foundation work on the Neotropical Lepidoptera, illustrated to the extent possible and encompassing a detailed text covering the basic data known for each described species (original citation, synonymy, diagnosis, range, flight per iod and hosts). New species will be described as each author finds useful, but the primary purpose is initially to document all the species already known. Efforts to document the Lepidoptera faunas of individual countries in Latin America are relatively illogical, since in most cases upwards of 80% of the entire Neotropical fauna is represented in each coun try having tropical forest and, thus, such works would have to deal with most of the conti nental fauna. The "Atlas" project covers the entire region to begin with but as a coopera tive project among all New World nations.

A Survey of the Lepidoptera, Biogeograhy and Ecology of New Caledonia

Book Description

I spent four months in New Caledonia in 1971 with the object of making a quantitative survey of the night-flying macrolepidoptera with light-traps and an assessment of the Rhopalocera and microlepidoptera. This fieldwork was financed by a Government Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Investigations adminis tered by the Royal Society, and by a grant from the Godman Fund. I devoted a further three weeks to sampling on Norfolk I. , and, with the help of local naturalists, Mr. and Mrs. F. JOWETT, was able to produce a detailed account of the biogeography and ecology of the moth fauna (HOLLOWAY, 1977). This book is an account of the results of the New Caledonian work, together with reviews of the geology, phytogeography and general zoogeography pre sented as background for the Lepidoptera fauna and its geography. Previous work on the macroheterocera, primarily papers by VIETTE (1948- 1971), had recorded not many more than a hundred species, a very low total considering the area of the island relative to that of the Fiji group where the moths were being studied by Dr. G. S. ROBINSON when the New Caledonian expedition was at the planning stage. The Fijian fauna then promised consider ably to exceed three hundred species. Evidently many more species awaited discovery in New Caledonia.

Lepidoptera and Conservation

Book Description

The third in a trilogy of global overviews of conservation of diverse and ecologically important insect groups. The first two were Beetles in Conservation (2010) and Hymenoptera and Conservation (2012). Each has different priorities and emphases that collectively summarise much of the progress and purpose of invertebrate conservation. Much of the foundation of insect conservation has been built on concerns for Lepidoptera, particularly butterflies as the most popular and best studied of all insect groups. The long-accepted worth of butterflies for conservation has led to elucidation of much of the current rationale of insect species conservation, and to definition and management of their critical resources, with attention to the intensively documented British fauna ‘leading the world’ in this endeavour. In Lepidoptera and Conservation, various themes are treated through relevant examples and case histories, and sufficient background given to enable non-specialist access. Intended for not only entomologists but conservation managers and naturalists due to its readable approach to the subject.

Interrelationship Between Insects and Plants

Book Description

One of the world's most insightful writers on the subject brings together an array of important and readable information on the ways in which insects and plants coexist in nature. Interrelationship Between Insects and Plants is a rare and expansive look at the intertwining of these two vastly different species. Its aim is to summarize in a simple and understandable way the basis of food selection among insects, and to review the various sides of their relationships with plants.

Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera)

Book Description

This 11th volume in the World Catalogue of Insects comprises 4415 species in 532 genera of Notodontidae & Oenosandridae (Lepidoptera), which is about 1000 species more than ever before provided in any catalogue. Altogether 7434 names of taxonomic entities are included. 27 cases of new synonymies on genus level and 72 new synonymies on species group level are reported and 15 statuses of taxa are changed. One Neotype and 24 Lectotypes are designated to stabilize the nomenclature. In line with recognized homonymies 4 replacement names are proposed. The catalogue also includes 107 new combinations of Notodontidae. The bibliographical source of almost all of the listed taxa (including the infrasubspecific entities) has been checked by the author personally. The exact type-locality of a taxon as well as the depository of the type is given, where traceable.


Book Description

This book contains seven chapters divided into two sections. The first section is "Lepidoptera Systematics." It covers introduction classification and external and internal morphology. It also includes the importance and modern approaches of Lepidoptera collection curation and data management. It also describes molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of Lepidoptera for ecological and evolutionary studies. The second section, "Lepidoptera as a Model for Research," describes eyespot color pattern formation mechanism in the peacock pansy, Junonia almana (L.). The complete mitochondrial genome of the American potato tuberworm, Tecia solanivora (Povolny), is presented to study a mitogenome in insects. Lepidoptera are sensitive to physical and climatic changes. Therefore, their taxocenotic and biocenotic study was conducted in three environments, i.e., the grassland, forest, and ecotone of Rucamanque, a forest remnant.

Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates

Book Description

Gardening with Native Grasses in Cold Climates, is written for inexperienced as well as seasoned gardeners, landscape designers, garden center employees, and anyone interested in native grasses that grow well in cold climates. New information on the benefits of native grasses including their importance as host plants for native Lepidoptera is included. Combinations of specific grasses used by larvae and perennials that the adult butterflies feed on is new and timely information.