Recherches ouvertes sur le numérique

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En quelques années, les organisations publiques et privées ont imposé à leurs salariés une grande conversion numérique au nom de la performance économique et de l’optimisation des ressources et des moyens. Ce diktat technologique a été massivement plébiscité par les individus eux-mêmes qui ont volontairement intégré ce processus de numérisation à leurs activités personnelles, socialisantes et ludiques. Malgré les études menées ces dernières années en sciences humaines et sociales, confirmant la persistance de fossés numériques, l’émergence de situations de non-usages volontaires et le risque d’avènement d’une société du contrôle, la transformation numérique sociétale apparaît réellement irréversible. Ce nouvel ordre numérique engendre de nouvelles recompositions en matière de communication et de gouvernance au sein des organisations, des changements radicaux dans les relations sociales, des logiques de flux, d’instantanéité, d’immédiateté et d’interopérabilité, etc., et s’avère d’une grande richesse pour la Recherche en Sciences Humaines qui découvre dans cet univers numérique, de nouveaux objets d’étude que cet ouvrage invite à découvrir.

Digital Technologies and African Societies

Book Description

The integration and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in African countries is increasingly observable in various sectors of activity (banking, education, trade, etc.) despite a digital divide still relevant. ICT has become a major sector of the recent growth of a new informal economy in African cities (Chéneau-Loquay, 2008). This question has been at the heart of various international meetings. An overall positive and even utopian momentum is generally heard about the contribution of digital technologies to the development of African states. The adoption or appropriation of digital technologies by Africans is presented in many speeches by politicians or institutions involved in the field of cooperation and international development as an important issue for the development of this continent. These different considerations give rise to reflections on the following themes. - Social Media and Public Space in Africa - Challenges of the digital economy in Africa - ICT and modernization of higher education in Africa

Digital Critical Editions

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Provocative yet sober, Digital Critical Editions examines how transitioning from print to a digital milieu deeply affects how scholars deal with the work of editing critical texts. On one hand, forces like changing technology and evolving reader expectations lead to the development of specific editorial products, while on the other hand, they threaten traditional forms of knowledge and methods of textual scholarship. Using the experiences of philologists, text critics, text encoders, scientific editors, and media analysts, Digital Critical Editions ranges from philology in ancient Alexandria to the vision of user-supported online critical editing, from peer-directed texts distributed to a few to community-edited products shaped by the many. The authors discuss the production and accessibility of documents, the emergence of tools used in scholarly work, new editing regimes, and how the readers' expectations evolve as they navigate digital texts. The goal: exploring questions such as, What kind of text is produced? Why is it produced in this particular way? Digital Critical Editions provides digital editors, researchers, readers, and technological actors with insights for addressing disruptions that arise from the clash of traditional and digital cultures, while also offering a practical roadmap for processing traditional texts and collections with today's state-of-the-art editing and research techniques thus addressing readers' new emerging reading habits.

Ambition numérique

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The "Ambition numérique" ("digital ambition") report is the conclusion of an open debate with the French citizens in order to prepare the government's digital strategy. The report formulates 70 proposals divided in four parts : fairness and freedom in a common digital environment; a new form of public action: openness, innovation, participation; fostering French growth for an innovation-driven economy; solidarity, fairness, empowerment: the challenges of a digital society. During five months (october 2014 - february 2015), the Conseil National du Numérique (French Digital Council) animated a wide consultation on the "digital ambition" of France, in order to collect proposals and plans for action to make of the digital an asset as much for economy as for society. This mission, assigned to the CNNum by the French Prime Minister in september 2014 and followed by Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State assigned to the Digital, and Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State to the Reform of the State and to Simplification, is an unprecedented experimentation of public policy building. The platform conceived with the association Démocratie Ouverte permitted to each citizen, public or private organisation to contribute to the proposed consultations. At the end of those consultation phases, the CNNUM published syntheses open to comments for each consultation, tracing back the great controversies that emerged while staying as neutral as possible and studying the proposed plans for action. During the concertation, 4 "journées contributives" ("contributive days") have been organized on each of the themes - respectively in Lille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Nantes - in presence of local actors. During those days, thematic workshops permitted to deepen the proposals seen on the online platform, and to confront them to participants' feedback. In parallel, "contributive pitches" gave the opportunity to entrepreneurs, studens, members of civil society, law professionals, etc. to present their innovations and to propose their ideas to "update France". A concertation on the network, mobilizing various actors: to stimulate the production of collective ideas, the CNNum developed, while being accompanied by the start-up Nod-A, a DIY resource kit, offering the possibility for actors to organize themselves workshops on the consultations of their choice. The CNNum has also brought their support on methodological and background subject grounds (from a distance or on the spot) to ensure a good appropriation of the tools and of the addressed problems. Organizers, on their side, engaged themselves to post their contributions on the platform at the end of those workshops. A regular followup of the concertation with the government: to ensure the coordination of the concertation's progresses with the government's work (preparation of the digital bill, elaboration of action plans), weekly points were held, gathering the CNNum and the ministerial cabinets of the Prime Minister, Axelle Lemaire and Thierry Mandon. Interministerial meetings were also organized to spread the concertation in administrations.

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Afrique numérique

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Tous les pays africains ont besoin d'avantage d'emplois de qualité pour leurs populations croissantes. Le rapport « Afrique numérique : Transformation technologique pour l’emploi » montre qu'une utilisation plus large, par les entreprises et les ménages, des technologies numériques génératrices de productivité est impérative afin de générer de tels emplois, y compris pour les personnes peu qualifiées. Dans le même temps, cette démarche peut soutenir non seulement l'objectif à court terme de reprise économique postpandémique des pays, mais aussi leur vision d'une transformation économique assortie d’une croissance plus inclusive. Cependant, ces résultats ne seront pas automatiques. La disponibilité de l'internet mobile a augmenté sur l’ensemble du continent ces dernières années, mais l'écart d'utilisation est le plus élevé au monde. Les zones disposant d'au moins un service internet mobile 3G couvrent désormais 84 % en moyenne de la population des pays d'Afrique subsaharienne, mais seulement 22 % utilisent ces services. Et l'entreprise africaine moyenne accuse un certain retard en matière d'utilisation de smartphones et d’ordinateurs, ainsi que de technologies numériques plus sophistiquées qui contribuent à obtenir de nouveaux gains de productivité. Deux problèmes expliquent cet écart d'utilisation : l'absence d'abordabilité de ces nouvelles technologies et la de les utiliser. Pour les 40 % d'Africains qui vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté extrême, les forfaits de données mobiles coûteraient à eux seuls un tiers de leurs revenus, en plus du prix des appareils d'accès, des applications et de l'électricité. Les forfaits de données pour les petites et moyennes entreprises sont également plus chers que dans d'autres régions. De plus, la qualité des services internet †“ de même que la fourniture d'applications attrayantes et adaptées aux compétences qui favorisent l'entrepreneuriat et augmentent les revenus †“ présente des lacunes qui freinent la volonté des entreprises et populations de les utiliser. Pour les pays qui utilisent déjà ces technologies, les retombées du développement sont importantes. De nouvelles études empiriques réalisées pour le présent rapport s'ajoutent aux données sans cesse croissantes qui démontrent que la disponibilité de l'internet mobile augmente directement la productivité des entreprises, accroît le nombre des emplois, et réduit la pauvreté à travers l'Afrique. Pour que ces bénéfices ainsi que d'autres avantages se concrétisent plus largement, les pays africains doivent mettre en oeuvre des politiques complémentaires et synergiques afin de renforcer à la fois la capacité de payer des consommateurs et leur volonté d'utiliser les technologies numériques. Ces interventions doivent accorder la priorité à une utilisation productive en vue de générer un grand nombre d'emplois inclusifs dans une région sur le point de bénéficier d'une main-d'oeuvre massive et jeune, laquelle est appelée à devenir la plus importante du monde d'ici la fin du siècle.

Digital Information Ecosystems

Book Description

Digital information, particularly for online newsgathering and reporting, is an industry fraught with uncertainty and rapid innovation. Digital Information Ecosystems: Smart Press crosses academic knowledge with research by media groups to understand this evolution and analyze the future of the sector, including the imminent employment of bots and artificial intelligence. The book adopts an original and multidisciplinary approach to this topic: combining the science of media economics with the experience of a practicing journalist of a major daily newspaper. The result is an essential guide to the opportunities of the media to respond to a changing global digital landscape. Independent news reporting is vital in the contemporary democracy; the media must itself become a new “smart press”.

Handbook Digital Farming

Book Description

The Handbook Digital Farming sheds light on the technological, economic, social, and legal perspectives of the digital transformation. The authors of the individual chapters explain the state of the art and the development of business models, enabling readers to draw conclusions for their own organizations. They also provide an outlook on trends, and further developments. The handbook provides technological facts from renowned experts and concrete business examples from experienced companies and start-ups. It is aimed at farmers, farm and business managers, decision-makers and developers of digital tools and strategies in the agri-food sector, as well as scientists and students. The handbook provides insights to the discussion of what contribution digital farming can make to the implementation of Green Deal, Farm to Fork and the new Common Agricultural Policy.

Mass Production Processes

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It is always hard to set manufacturing systems to produce large quantities of standardized parts. Controlling these mass production lines needs deep knowledge, hard experience, and the required related tools as well. The use of modern methods and techniques to produce a large quantity of products within productive manufacturing processes provides improvements in manufacturing costs and product quality. In order to serve these purposes, this book aims to reflect on the advanced manufacturing systems of different alloys in production with related components and automation technologies. Additionally, it focuses on mass production processes designed according to Industry 4.0 considering different kinds of quality and improvement works in mass production systems for high productive and sustainable manufacturing. This book may be interesting to researchers, industrial employees, or any other partners who work for better quality manufacturing at any stage of the mass production processes.

Business Opportunities, Start-ups, and Digital Transformation in Africa

Book Description

Volume 23 (2022/2023) of the African Development Perspectives Yearbook focusses on the issues of digital entrepreneurship, digital start-ups, and digital business opportunities in Africa. It investigates links between digitalization and development of productive capacities. It deals with business opportunities created by the digital transformation. It discusses the role of universities in the digital transformation process. It also presents book reviews and book notes. Country case studies include Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and South Africa.