Ecosystèmes d’affaires et PME

Book Description

Les écosystèmes d'affaires représentent des enjeux à la fois économiques et territoriaux. Plusieurs dimensions les caractérisent : une grande hétérogénéité des acteurs, un destin commun, un standard ou un savoir-faire utilisé par plusieurs entreprises, un ou plusieurs leaders dont le rôle est crucial pour l'écosystème, une vision partagée par les autres membres de l'écosystème d'affaires et des processus de coopétition. À partir d'études de cas, mais aussi de points de vue théoriques structurants, cet ouvrage propose un état des lieux des connaissances actuelles des écosystèmes d'affaires. Il examine plus particulièrement le rôle des PME dans ces coalitions. Comment les différencier des autres formes de réseaux ? Quel cadrage théorique utiliser pour bien appréhender les écosystèmes ? Quelles stratégies mettre en oeuvre ? Comment coordonner l'écosystème ?

Understanding Business Ecosystems

Book Description

Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? builds on strategic management and innovation management academic contributions to better understand theoretical and empirical challenges of business ecosystems. Even if the concept of business ecosystem was coined in 1993, it will lie fallow during more than ten years before gaining scholars’ interest. Managers will however recognize the relevance of this concept as it grasps the complexity of their business reality in terms of new collaborative and innovative strategies. Thus, the main purpose of this book is twofold. On the one hand, the objective is to identify the epistemological and theoretical fundamentals of business ecosystems, and on the other hand, the purpose is to analyse the various managerial challenges. This volume analyses in particular the issues of knowledge management, coopetition strategies, platforms, governance, etc. Understanding Business Ecosystems: How Firms Succeed in the New World of Convergence? is finally a key reference book that innovates by integrating for the first time well known French speaking scholars’ contributions from the strategy and innovation management fields.

Business Under Crisis, Volume II

Book Description

Crises present significant challenges for organizations. But, while critical events are inevitable, not every business is sufficiently equipped for when things don’t go according to plan. This book focuses on business under crisis conditions, along with organizational responses and adaptation. Adaptation can be seen as a learning process. It encompasses meaningful ways that help companies sustain their viability over the long term. Companies that respond quickly, often achieve more than just surviving. Some organizations will learn from a crisis, develop reactive resilience, and emerge stronger from the period of turbulence. They will be able to explore possibilities and create new patterns of relationships. Bringing together descriptive and prescriptive research studies, chapters explore adaptation in different sectors, including public health, tourism, garment, Information Technology, high-tech companies, global trade networks, hospitality, security and the social sector. Ultimately, the book covers wide range of topics, linking strategy, entrepreneurship, and leadership to reciprocal organizational adaptations that help us delineate crisis, as well as its interconnections in differing settings.


Book Description

In the same way as there are many futures, not just one, there are many ways to conceive and practice foresight. The challenge of the great turning point of our civilization is to free ourselves from our prejudices in order to imagine and build desirable futures. The process is, by nature, ethical and prospective. In a complex, uncertain and geopolitically transforming world, we must be open to the diversity of cultures and the different perceptions of the future. This requires us to reflect on the purpose and means of our societies. Futures proposes different cultural and ethical views on civilizational transformation by offering a rare, transnational panorama of the visions of the future in a European, American and Chinese context. Through numerous examples, this book illustrates how foresight is practiced and what this can achieve in strategic terms.

European Yearbook / Annuaire Européen, Volume 71 (2023)

Book Description

The European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation.

Open Labs and Innovation Management

Book Description

This book examines returns on experience and managerial practices to generate deeper collaboration, intensify co-creation, support start-ups and established companies to explore, develop and accelerate their projects thanks to open labs (living labs, fab labs, coworking spaces, "third spaces", etc). Open labs are the beatbox to create a rhythm in ecosystems and make all stakeholders move forward, faster, together. This book proposes a framework to understand how open labs, innovation hubs and collaborative spaces contribute to ecosystems. The book looks beyond the short-term effects of open labs and identifies four main dimensions: communities, physical spaces, events, and portfolios of services offered to private businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups, established companies, or public institutions. Drawing on extensive field research lasting over five years, with more than 40 cases and more than 200 interviews plus direct observation within different environments, this edited book investigates how managers run these labs, and how ‘users’ or ‘clients’ evolve when benefitting from their services. All chapters analyse how an actual management impacts the dynamics of communities, how it shapes the co-evolution between open labs and their ecosystems, and how the management of the physical space impacts the mission of the lab and its role in the ecosystem. Open Labs and Innovation Research is written for scholars and researchers within the fields of innovation studies and management science. This book can also inform teaching, public policy making, and professional practice.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education

Book Description

This book is a compilation of tools, techniques and frameworks for use in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I) education. Developed and honed over the past two decades, these teaching approaches are combined with well-versed practical insight. As professors know all too well, the human brain cannot articulate more than three or four dimensions of a problem without the aid of what could be referred to as Âchecklists for thinkingÂ: frameworks (visual or otherwise) that help students think in terms of multiple variables affecting a problem. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education provides a Âtoolbox of more than 50 frameworks for analyzing entrepreneurship and innovation problems, and for enabling effective decision-making. It is a useful guide for professors and students alike who are looking for an overview of available tools, methods and approaches to actively learn how to go from the visionary idea to the market.

L’avenir du travail en Afrique

Book Description

L‘avenir du travail en Afrique se penche sur deux questions fondamentales : comment créer des emplois productifs et comment subvenir aux besoins des laissés-pour-compte. Le rapport met en lumière comment l’adoption des technologies numériques, conjuguée à d’autres phénomènes mondiaux, transforme la nature du travail en Afrique subsaharienne et pose un défi en même temps qu’elle crée de nouvelles possibilités. Les auteurs montrent que les nouvelles technologies ne sont pas simplement synonymes de destruction d’emplois, comme on le craint généralement, mais qu’elles peuvent permettre aux pays africains de construire un monde du travail inclusif et offrir des opportunités aux travailleurs les moins qualifiés. Pour exploiter ces opportunités, cependant, il est indispensable de mettre en place des politiques publiques et de réaliser des investissements productifs dans quatre domaines principaux. Il faudra notamment promouvoir des technologies numériques inclusives, développer le capital humain d’une main-d’oeuvre jeune, globalement peu qualifiée et qui s’accroît rapidement, augmenter la productivité des entreprises et des travailleurs du secteur informel et élargir la couverture de la protection sociale pour atténuer les risques liés aux bouleversements du marché du travail. Le présent rapport, prolongement du Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 2019 de la Banque mondiale, aborde en conclusion d’importantes questions de politique publique qui viendront alimenter de futurs travaux de recherche permettant de guider les pays africains sur la voie d’une croissance plus inclusive.

Cyber Campus : Uniting and expanding the cybersecurity ecosystem

Book Description

On 16 July, at the instigation of the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister entrusted Michel Van Den Berghe with the task of studying the feasibility of a "cyber campus" with all the players in the digital ecosystem. His aim: to define a new center of gravity for digital security and trust in France and Europe. The prefiguration report for the Cyber Campus was presented at the 2020 International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille by Cédric O, Secretary of State for Digital Affairs, and Michel Van Den Berghe. This document defines the major missions as well as the vision for this unifying project. It also presents the keys to its success, directly from the opportunity study that is also proposed.

Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1

Book Description

Innovation, in economic activity, in managerial concepts and in engineering design, results from creative activities, entrepreneurial strategies and the business climate. Innovation leads to technological, organizational and commercial changes, due to the relationships between enterprises, public institutions and civil society organizations. These innovation networks create new knowledge and contribute to the dissemination of new socio-economic and technological models, through new production and marketing methods. Innovation Economics, Engineering and Management Handbook 1 is the first of the two volumes that comprise this book. The main objectives across both volumes are to study the innovation processes in todays information and knowledge society; to analyze how links between research and business have intensified; and to discuss the methods by which innovation emerges and is managed by firms, not only from a local perspective but also a global one. The studies presented in these two volumes contribute toward an understanding of the systemic nature of innovations and enable reflection on their potential applications, in order to think about the meaning of growth and prosperity.