Stratégie de Développement Durable, 2000

Book Description

This is Health Canada's second sustainable development strategy. It provides a blueprint for Health Canada's actions on sustainable development for the period April 2001 to March 2004. The strategy is based on the following themes: helping to create healthy social and physical environments; integrating sustainable development into Departmental decision-making and management processes; minimizing the environmental and health effects of the Department's physical operations and activities.

Sexual Education Around the World - Past, Present and Future Issues

Book Description

Sexual education is a worldwide concern that intersects with various attitudes, values, and cultural norms. It is an area of life that has for many years been kept private, but now there is recognition that there is a need to support people, especially young people in modern societies. The way sexual education is taught and applied within institutions shapes the way we understand and approach human sexuality. Various societies have chosen various means to provide sexual education both at school and to the wider society. There is still much more development and support needed, however. We can begin to identify strategies for overcoming challenges in sex education, promoting healthier attitudes, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their own bodies and relationships. This book is organized into three sections. The first section focuses on issues in sexual education, such as sexual harassment, sexuality and relationship education and advocacy by people with disabilities, future challenges, and sex differences in physical attractiveness. The second section focuses on the means of sexual health education interventions, including the use of technology. The last section includes a chapter on sex education and the invisibility of intersex people in the curriculum.

Confidence and Legitimacy in Health Information and Communication

Book Description

The question of trust is crucial in the field of health. First, because health is indicative of particularly strong issues at the societal, regulatory, institutional or individual levels; secondly, because the boundaries between specialized information validated by legitimate instances and uncommitted information have become permeable; finally, because it appears to be central within relations between actors in the field. In this book, we propose to address the trust in terms of the information and communication phenomena that are at work in the health sector, and to look at the process of building the legitimacy of information in the health sector. health.

Développement territorial durable : renforcement des relations intersectorelles

Book Description

L'aménagement du territoire joue un rôle important dans le renforcement des relations intersectorielles. Mais, la diversité de l'environnement, des valeurs culturelles, et des caractéristiques nationales et ethniques est un atout majeur en Europe qu'il convient de préserver et de mettre en valeur dans le contexte de la mondialisation. Il est tout aussi important de réduire les disparités entre pays, régions et communes d'Europe en matière de qualité de vie, de perspectives économiques, de prospérité et de niveau de développement. La question de l'accès aux services essentiels - accès à l'eau potable, assainissement des eaux usées, collecte et traitement des déchets, transport public, construction durable - dans ce contexte prend ici toute son importance. Ouvrage en anglais et en français.

Étude sur le secteur privé de la santé au Mali

Book Description

Under its Health in Africa Initiative, IFC intended to conduct a country assessment of the private health sector in Mali, working in close collaboration with the World Bank and the Government of Mali. The Core objective of the Mali Country Assessment Report was to work closely with the Government of Mali and Development partners to develop recommendations for a reform program to strengthen the existing policy framework for the public-private interface in the health sector and to improve the delivery of health related goods and services for all Malians. As part of this, the purpose of the book was to: • Determine the role the private sector currently plays in Mali’s health care system. • Present a diagnose of the nature and effectiveness of the existing interface between the public and private sectors in Mali, health system constraints, as well as the business enabling and investment environment. • Assist the World Bank Group to engage in policy dialogue with stakeholders in Mali’s health care system, and particularly with public officials and policy makers; and help develop detailed recommendations for the Government of Mali with policy makers and key stakeholders.

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Green Schools Globally

Book Description

This book brings together stories of the green schools movement ((Eco Schools, Enviroschools, Green Schools, Sustainable Schools, ResourceSmart Schools etc) in several countries around the world, with a focus on the impact of the movement on the development and implementation of education for sustainable development in each of the countries. In particular, each story will explain the history of the movement per country, its current status, achievements, obstacles and broader impact. There have been a number of evaluations of these school movements at a national or more local level, and numerous articles and chapters have been published on aspects of these schools’ activities, but to date these have not been brought together in a single volume that focuses attention on the impact of the movement on education for sustainable development in each country. This is the purpose of this volume. The green schools movement focuses on a whole school approach which aims to include everyone (students, teachers and the local community), to improve school environments, including resource usage and the environmental footprint of the school, to motivate students to take on environmental problems and seek resolutions particularly at a local level but also thinking globally, and to improve students' attitudes and behaviours as part of developing a sustainable mind set.

Under Development: Gender

Book Description

Despite various decades of research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender remains an overlooked area in development studies. Looking at key issues in development studies through the prisms of gender and feminism, the authors demonstrate that gender is an indispensable tool for social change.

Education for Responsibility

Book Description

Changing your mind to change the world is the general principle proposed to educate for responsibility. Using an interdisciplinary scientific approach, this book dissects the functioning of the ego, that is to say the belief in a self, an illusion that causes disharmony. After an original modeling of the notion of responsibility, the author deduces that it is incumbent on all of us to become aware of the relationship between our own minds and the world. Thus, gaining consistency and awareness, everyone would have the potential to free themselves from the illusion of the ego and contribute to a more harmonious world. This book therefore proposes psychospiritual skills, favored in particular by different forms of reflexivity and by meditation (and mindfulness), which can serve as a basis for a curriculum to educate for responsibility. This academic connection between meditation and ethics is a major innovative contribution.

Prospects for a sustainable dairy sector in the Mediterranean

Book Description

Dairy products have always constituted an essential component in the Mediterranean diet. In addition to their nutritional values, they represent also a part of the cultural heritage of the people. Prospects for a sustainable dairy sector in the Mediterranean, preconditions for its development and the future consumers' demand were some of the issues covered by the papers presented at the EAAP - CIHEAM - FAO Mediterranean symposium. It was organised by the Tunisian Office for Livestock and Pastures and the National Agronomic Research Institute and sustained by the Government of Tunisia, FAO, ICAR and CIRVAL. Over 280 participants from 25 countries participated. The symposium identified a variety of technically viable and scientifically sound policy options and defined the main fields requiring further scientific research and the development of new sustainable technologies. The available technologies to address intensive, semi intensive and extensive production systems and the existing institutional framework (research, education, extension systems, organisation of the sector), although requiring continuous adjustments and improvements, have proved to be in a position to meet a variety of demands and challenges. In this respect, the Symposium called for an increase in research for the semi-intensive farming systems in the South and emerging issues resulting from changes in agricultural policies in the North. It emphasised the importance of producers1 associations as representatives of the interests of the sector and partners in the overall dialogue on policy matters and in the identification of research needs. The Symposium confirmed the wish and capacity of the dairy sector in the Region to contribute to the sustainable rural development, to the creation of new employment opportunities and to the reasonable and harmonious management of the natural resources.