Les impératifs du développement industriel durable en République démocratique du Congo

Book Description

Catalyseur des forces vives, l’État a pour mission l’organisation des structures juridiques et institutionnelles. Il doit prendre en charge la réalisation des infrastructures industrielles à travers le pays pour la sécurité des biens et des personnes, tandis que la production de biens et services sera assumée par le secteur privé. Le rôle du secteur privé doit, lui, se faire en amont, par la valorisation de la fonction d’investissement. Celle-ci s’effectuerait grâce à une stratégie juridique adéquate capable de promouvoir rapidement les secteurs prioritaires du programme gouvernemental à l’aide des capitaux nationaux et étrangers, afin de réussir la reconstruction. Cet ouvrage aidera les Congolais et étrangers à mieux connaître la République démocratique du Congo. Il tente de décrire le pays sur ce qu’il faut savoir et faire pour y entreprendre une activité ou un projet économique dans des domaines divers : minier, agricole, forestier, etc. Ce livre est également notre appui au gouvernement pour son plan directeur d’industrialisation dévoilé le 22 août 2021. Tous les compatriotes congolais, femmes et hommes adultes, doivent participer effectivement à la réalisation de ce programme de développement industriel durable du pays.

2nd Pan-African Symposium on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Africa

Book Description

This bilingual publication results from a four-day symposium aimed at capturing the general directions and analytical issues that characterize approaches to sustainable use in Africa. The papers included in this work are organized under four major headings: modes of use, devolution, scale issues and external issues. Authors explore these themes through the use of case studies and the description of specific regional experiences. External issues are further explored in a series of commissioned policy papers which have also been included.

Culture: urban future

Book Description

Report presents a series of analyses and recommendations for fostering the role of culture for sustainable development. Drawing on a global survey implemented with nine regional partners and insights from scholars, NGOs and urban thinkers, the report offers a global overview of urban heritage safeguarding, conservation and management, as well as the promotion of cultural and creative industries, highlighting their role as resources for sustainable urban development. Report is intended as a policy framework document to support governments in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Urban Development and the New Urban Agenda.

State of World Aquaculture 2006

Book Description

Aquaculture is developing, expanding and intensifying in almost all regions of the world, except in sub-Saharan Africa. Although the sector appears to be capable of meeting the gap between future demand and supply for aquatic food, there are many constraints and challenges which must be addressed in order to at least maintain the present level of per capita consumption at the global level. Key issues are the need for enhanced enforcement of regulation and better governance of the sector, as well as greater producer participation in the decision-making and regulation process. This publication examines past trends in aquaculture development as well as the current global status, drawing on a number of national and regional reviews.

Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research

Book Description

The Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research is the critical reference source for the growing field of engineering education research, featuring the work of world luminaries writing to define and inform this emerging field. The Handbook draws extensively on contemporary research in the learning sciences, examining how technology affects learners and learning environments, and the role of social context in learning. Since a landmark issue of the Journal of Engineering Education (2005), in which senior scholars argued for a stronger theoretical and empirically driven agenda, engineering education has quickly emerged as a research-driven field increasing in both theoretical and empirical work drawing on many social science disciplines, disciplinary engineering knowledge, and computing. The Handbook is based on the research agenda from a series of interdisciplinary colloquia funded by the US National Science Foundation and published in the Journal of Engineering Education in October 2006.


Book Description

This report reviews engineering's importance to human, economic, social and cultural development and in addressing the UN Millennium Development Goals. Engineering tends to be viewed as a national issue, but engineering knowledge, companies, conferences and journals, all demonstrate that it is as international as science. The report reviews the role of engineering in development, and covers issues including poverty reduction, sustainable development, climate change mitigation and adaptation. It presents the various fields of engineering around the world and is intended to identify issues and challenges facing engineering, promote better understanding of engineering and its role, and highlight ways of making engineering more attractive to young people, especially women.--Publisher's description.

Engineering for Sustainable Development

Book Description

The report highlights the crucial role of engineering in achieving each of the 17 SDGs. It shows how equal opportunities for all is key to ensuring an inclusive and gender balanced profession that can better respond to the shortage of engineers for implementing the SDGs. It provides a snapshot of the engineering innovations that are shaping our world, especially emerging technologies such as big data and AI, which are crucial for addressing the pressing challenges facing humankind and the planet. It analyses the transformation of engineering education and capacity-building at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution that will enable engineers to tackle the challenges ahead. It highlights the global effort needed to address the specific regional disparities, while summarizing the trends of engineering across the different regions of the world.

Mining, Society, and a Sustainable World

Book Description

This is the first book of peer-reviewed, edited papers that examines the minerals industry in relation to sustainable development. The book takes a proactive, positivist, and solution-oriented approach, while not shying away from the fundamental problems.

Mining in Africa

Book Description

The continent of Africa is rich in minerals needed by Western economies, but rather than forming the basis for economic growth the mining industry contributes very little to African development Investigating the impact of the 2003 Extractive Industries Review on a number of African countries, the contributors find the root of the problem in the controls imposed on the African countries by the IMF and World Bank. They aim to convince academics, governments and industry that regulation needs to be reformed to create a mining industry favourable towards social, economic and environmental development. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach and provides a historical perspective of each country, making it ideal for students of development studies and development organizations.