Les bases éthiques pour le droit et la société

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Problèmes de Conflits de Lois en Matière de Filiation, Jacques Foyer Jacques Foyer, Professor at the University of Paris II, notes in introduction of his course that it can be enlightening to compare the different modern methods of solution of the conflict of laws regarding filiation. The study of the different systems shows that there exist at least three methods to contradict the classic choice-of-law rule. The course is structured around the analysis of these three methods. Firstly, it is the criticism of the rigid character and the unpredictability of the traditional rule that triggers the temptation of a manipulation of the choice of law rule. The author then points out that one could question its abstract and arbitrary character, which leads on the one hand to an attempt to hierarchization, and on the other hand, to a diversification of the choice-of-law rules. Lastly, it is the principle of the foreign law's purpose to govern legal relationships in the same way as the lex fori that is questioned, which leads to its partial elimination to the profit of a more or less systematic application of the territorial law or of the one of the court hearing the action. General Course on Private International Law, Friedrich K. Juenger According to Friedrich Juenger, Professor at the University of California in Davis, the outstanding characteristic of the conflict of laws is the lack of consensus on the discipline's goals and methods. He proposes to put the accent in his course on the events for which public international law must find a solution in order to avoid the constant danger that threatens the discipline: that is, to become a simple academic game. Three examples of reported cases and the kinds of issues they raise are given in the Introduction. Professor Juenger next gives a detailed historical overview of the conflict of laws, from Antiquity to Mancini. In addition, the author presents the emergence of new orthodoxies, or rather proposes to re-examine the traditional doctrines, and points out the advantages of a teleological approach. That allows him to revisit the three cases mentioned in the Introduction. Les Bases éthiques pour le Droit et la Société Perspectives de la Commission indépendante sur les questions humanitaires internationales, Sadruddin Aga Khan Conference of July 30, 1985 Sadruddin Aga Khan, President of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues, recalls in his course on the ethical bases of law and society that the role of the commission he presides is to remind us of the basic elements of a code of ethics which has the same spiritual significance as that found in all major religions. Lawyers as well as scientists, adds the author, must mobilize their immense resources, bearing in mind that the rule of law should never disregard moral appreciation.

Recueil Des Cours - Collected Courses, 1992-III

Book Description

The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the" "Hague Academy of International Law," This volume contains: - Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation by L. COLLINS, Solicitor, London; Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge; Visiting Professor, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London. - Constitutional Limits on Choice of Law by P.E. HERZOG, Professor at the Syracuse University, New York. - Le droit international prive, droit savant, par B. OPPETIT, professeur a l'Universite de Paris II.

General course of private international law

Book Description

The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law."

La dimension sociale du droit international privé

Book Description

Ce cours apporte la cohérence au pluralisme des méthodes, dans une perspective qui tient compte des intérêts de la société. Les règles de conflit de lois sont présentées dans une nouvelle structure, exhaustive, permettant de définir la place des règles unilatérales et bilatérales et des lois de police et d’y intégrer le droit de l’Union européenne. On distinguera ainsi entre les règles attributives, matérielles et réceptives de conflit de lois. Le lecteur emportera le message que les « mécanismes », la « proximité », l’« harmonie des solutions », la « coopération » et tant d’autres « techniques » en droit international privé doivent être remplies d’une idée de justice sans laquelle elles n’ont pas de mérite. Cette justice met en valeur l’identité et la protection de la personne à travers les ordres juridiques. Le regard sur cette idée sera le meilleur guide dans l’étude des règles et des méthodes du droit international privé.

Aspects et sens du droit international privé

Book Description

The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. The work of the Hague Academy receives the support and recognition of the UN. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law .

Private International Law

Book Description

This book compares the two golden ages of private international law (PIL): the first is the era of Story and Savigny in the nineteenth century, while the second comprises the last fifty years. The period between 1970 and 2020 has been one of rapid changes and dense legislative responses, exemplified by the adoption of over one hundred national PIL codifications and almost as many international or regional conventions and regulations. These instruments provide a rich source for this book’s incisive and instructive comparisons and a fertile ground for a reliable assessment of the progress of PIL as a discipline. This book skillfully uncovers and meticulously documents the gradual—and largely unnoticed—transition of PIL from the idealism of the nineteenth century to the pragmatic eclecticism and pluralism of the twenty-first century.

Recueil Des Cours - Collected Courses

Book Description

The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law."

La méthode de la référence à l'ordre juridique compétent en droit international privé

Book Description

Sovereign Equality of States in International Law, R.P. Anand R.P. Anand, Professor at the Jawaharlal University of New Delhi, points out in the introduction of his course that the principle of sovereign equality of States refers to two twin principles which are accepted as unimpeachable norms of modern international law which cannot be questioned: the principles of equality and of sovereignty of States. Taking this as his starting point, the author first discusses the sovereignty of States in an interdependent world. He then examines the principle of equality of States in an unequal world from a historical perspective. Finally, Professor Anand tackles the questions of equality of States in a hierarchical world order, and mini-States and equality of rights. La Méthode de la Référence à l'Ordre juridique compétent en Droit international privé, Paolo Picone Paolo Picone, Professor at the University of Naples, notes in the introduction to his course that contemporary international law, such as it evolved during the 19th century, developed different methods of coordination. One method has nevertheless been neglected, which consist in choosing not the applicable law, but the competent legal system. After discussing the crisis in private international law, the author examines the method of coordination of legal systems based on the applicable law, followed by one that is based on reference to the @@@competent legal system. @@@He describes the functioning of the latter method in the case of the creation of legal situations in the @@@for, and in the case of recognition of foreign legal situations in the for. Professor Picone finishes his course by investigating the use of this method in solving the problem of preliminary matters in private international law, the method's area of application and its future prospects.

E Pluribus Unum:Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz - on the Progressive Unification of Private International Law

Book Description

The unification of Private International Law is a goal to which all the contributors to this impressive volume have committed themselves, and one which seems increasingly to attract the attention of legal practitioners, researchers, writers and legislators. The essays give a unique overview of the current state of the law with respect to those areas which have been unified, or which are susceptible to unification. Insights are given into national as well as international practice, and theoretical aspects have not been neglected.