The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman

Book Description

John Henry Newman (1801-90) was brought up in the Church of England in the Evangelical tradition. An Oxford graduate and Fellow of Oriel College, he was appointed Vicar of St Mary's Oxford in 1828; from 1839 onwards he began to have doubts about the claims of the Anglican Church and in 1845 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. He was made a Cardinal in 1879. His influence on both the restoration of Roman Catholicism in England and the advance of Catholic ideas in the Church of England was profound. Volume VIII covers a turbulent period in Newman's life with the publication of Tract 90. His attempt to show the compatibility of the 39 Articles with Catholic doctrine caused a storm both in the University of Oxford and in the Church. He and others were horrified by the establishment of a joint Anglo-Prussian Bishopric in Jerusalem, considering it an attempt to give Apostolical succession to an heretical church. In 1842 he moved away from the hubbub of Oxford life to nearby Littlemore.

The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman Volume IX

Book Description

John Henry Newman (1801-90) was brought up in the Church of England in the Evangelical tradition. An Oxford graduate and Fellow of Oriel College, he was appointed Vicar of St Mary's Oxford in 1828; from 1839 onwards he began to have doubts about the claims of the Anglican Church and in 1845 he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. He was made a Cardinal in 1879. His influence on both the restoration of Roman Catholicism in England and the advance of Catholic ideas in the Church of England was profound. This volume covers a crucially important and significant period in Newman's life. The Church of England bishops' continuing condemnation of Tract 90 - plus Pusey's two-year suspension for preaching a university sermon on the Real Presence - are major factors in Newman resigning as Vicar of St Mary's, Oxford. His doubts about the Church of England are deeper and stronger than ever, and he is moving closer to Rome. William Lockhart's sudden defection to Rome in August 1843 precipitates his resignation. He preaches his final Anglican sermon, 'The Parting of Friends', and retires into lay communion at Littlemore. The first edition of University Sermons, including the celebrated sermon on theological development, virtually sells out within a fortnight.

The Quotable Newman, Vol. II

Book Description

This volume supplements "The Quotable Newman" (Sophia Institute Press, 2012), with 136 new topics and an overlap of 39 topics. Volume II is a bit more wide-ranging and perhaps also more "fun" (in a sense) for Newman devotees. Examples of the latter aspect might include Cardinal Newman's reflections upon his own writing and books, science and Christianity, heaven and hell, and old age. The citations also tend to be relatively shorter, and to include proportionately more material from his correspondence. I found two additional volumes of "Letters and Diaries" (volumes 27 and 28): covering the years of 1874-1878. They contain a lot of excellent observations and "gems" on a variety of topics, that I was delighted to find and now to pass along, for the education and edification of the reader. Once again, theology is the overwhelming emphasis. Anyone interested in Cardinal Newman's Catholic (or Anglican) doctrinal thinking and beliefs will, I trust, enjoy and learn from what I have compiled.

Authentic Liturgical Renewal in Contemporary Perspective

Book Description

The ongoing debates on the present state and the future of the Roman Catholic worship are not confined to specialists, but are clearly of interest to a wider public, as the responses to the Sacra Liturgia UK conference, held in London in July 2016, have shown. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference and raises the question of how to bring to fruition the insights and instructions of the Second Vatican Council and its key document on the liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, in the life of the Church today. The initial contribution from Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, calls for a fuller implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium. Following on from this other leading figures and liturgical scholars, such as Joris Geldhof, David Fagerberg and Alcuin Reid, examine Catholic worship from a variety of perspectives, including historical, pastoral, social, cultural and artistic themes. Taken together, these chapters present another crucial step along the route of authentic liturgical renewal in the contemporary world.

The Commonweal

Book Description