Life Skills Curriculum: ARISE Sprouts, Book 3: Building a Family and Teenage Pregnancy (Instructor's Manual)

Book Description

ARISE Sprouts: Building a Family and Teen Pregnancy reveals the reality of what caring for a baby really involves. So many teenagers mistakenly think that having a baby to love, dress and play with will improve their lives. Book 3 of the Sprouts Series stops them in their tracks. Topics include defining family, building a strong family, extended family,single parenting, the father's role, child care, and family conflicts and resolution.

Life Skills Curriculum: ARISE Sprouts, Book 1

Book Description

ARISE Sprouts: Prenatal Care, Delivery, Postpartum Expectations & Mental Development focuses on what the future holds during and after pregnancy. These interactive lessons and activities cover the basics of prenatal care, what delivery is like, how one may feel after giving birth, relationship between a child's mental development and influences on his life.

Life Skills Curriculum: ARISE Four Wheel Drive for the Mind, Book 1

Book Description

ARISE Four Wheel Drive: Self Esteem helps your students understand that self esteem and self-worth are born from evidence of our own accomplishments. Interactive self esteem lesson plans include topics such as knowing yourself, building self-esteem, removing negatives and much more.

Life Skills Curriculum: ARISE Basic Health 101, Book 1: Health & Hygiene (Instructor's Manual)

Book Description

ARISE Basic Health 101: Health and Hygiene ends your students confusion about health literacy.. Health and Hygiene topics include personal hygiene, skin care, common illnesses, general health, STD symptoms, prevention and treatment, and more.