Lifting the Chains

Book Description

All-Black institutions and local community groups have been at the forefront of the freedom struggle since the beginning. Lifting the Chains is a history of the Black experience in America since the Civil War, told by one of our most distinguished historians of modern America, William H. Chafe. He argues that, despite the wishes and arguments of many whites to the contrary, the struggle for freedom has been carried out primarily by Black Americans, with only occasional assistance from whites. Chafe highlights the role of all-black institutions--especially the churches, lodges, local gangs, neighborhood women's groups, and the Black college clubs that gathered at local pool halls--that talked up the issues, examined different courses of action, and then put their lives on the line to make change happen. The book draws heavily on the tremendous oral history archives at Duke that Chafe founded and nurtured, much of which is previously unpublished. The archives are now a collection of more than 3,600 oral histories tracing the evolution of Black activism, managed under the auspices of the Duke Center for Documentary History. The project uncovered the degree to which Blacks never gave up the struggle against racism, even during the height of Jim Crow segregation from 1900 to 1950. Chafe draws on these valuable resources to build this definitive history of African American activism, a history that can and should inform Black Lives Matter and other contemporary social justice movements.

10/20/Life Second Edition

Book Description

10/20/Life Second Edition If you like Starting Strength or 5/3/1, you''re going to LOVE 10/20/Life! What is 10/20/Life? 10-and-20 weeks at a time, for a lifetime of positive momentum in training and in LIFE. This philosophy is a life-long approach for any level of lifter or athlete. Many recreational lifters utilize the protocols in this book to have a better plan in the gym, with no plans to ever compete. On the other hand, many competitive lifters from Beginner to Pro use this approach with great success! From The Author, Brian Carroll: "With 10/20/Life, my objective is to teach you to get the results you want by coaching yourself-the same way a superior coach would take you through an individualized program in a great gym. We start out with a thorough examination of your weak points because that''s how quality coaching works. The idea is to show you what to program, and when, based on your weaknesses in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. This sounds simple, but it''s something most people don''t even consider, much less put into practice. From there, the 10/20/Life system takes you through the best injury-preventative warm-up in the industry, followed by a comprehensive layout of coaching cues for each individual lift. From start to finish, you''ll learn what to look for and what to do, and you''ll learn the reasoning behind all of it. By the time you''re finished working your way through these materials, you''ll be able to coach yourself, and others, like a pro." Learn to be your own coach, attack your weaknesses and utilize a proven philosophy that is a guide to permanent success. This book includes a comprehensive WEAK POINT CHART and WARM-UP INDEX that teach you how to assess your own training and PRESCRIBE THE EXERCISES YOU NEED. 20 YEARS OF RESEARCH AND TRIALS distilled into a program you can actually use! The plan is an easy five-step process: 1. Choose your schedule. (3 different) 2. Determine your weak points in the main lifts. (use the coaching guide to correct form) 3. Use the Weak Point and Assistance Exercise indexes to custom design your own program. (pick your assistance work as specified in the Weak Point index) 4. Follow the warm-up protocol listed. (4 parts, super easy and custom) 5. Determine your level of readiness, then train according to the system''s RPE plan for that day or if you''re in precontest, you go off of percentages. (this all depends on where you are in your phase of training) Just a few of the sizable additions to this "second edition" physical copy: * New chapter "Deload" * New chapter "Establishing a baseline" * New chapter "Speed work" Other updated features include: * A reintroduction of the 10/20/Life philosophy and update with AMAZING testimonials - male and female, raw and equipped. * The 5 main principles of 10/20/Life * How do you gain a mental edge? Tips to do so * What 10/20/Life is NOT - putting to rest speculation * RPE - a different approach * Nutrition - a closer look with detail * Coaching cues updated and expanded * Weak point index updated and expanded * Combo day updated and modified * Step-by-step set-up and the pro''s and con''s of a "wide base bench" vs the "traditional tucked" approach * New offseason training split "Jumbo Day" for those with little to no time to train or those who can''t recover between sessions with a typical split or even the "combo day" * All new pictures and charts throughout the entire book * Percentages for pre-contest modified and addressed with suggestions * Many new exercise and section "breakouts" for explanations of movement, an important note, or simply a summary of the section * FAQ section with 15 of the most commonly asked questions. And so much more!

Standard Handbook of Chains

Book Description

Since its founding, the American Chain Association (ACA) has set the standard of excellence in developing the chain industry and enhancing the benefit to customers. The first edition of Chains for Power Transmission and Material Handling served as the keystone reference to the field for more than twenty years. Fully updated with the latest developm