Living Nonduality

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Living Nonduality

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Hard cover edition

Living Nonduality

Book Description

Through the lens of self-realization, Wolfe discusses modern and ancient nondual teachers, exploring the enlightenment teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, and other sources of inquiry into reality.

The Book of No One

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In this poignant book, humanist psychologist Richard Sylvester provides readers with unique insights regarding life’s most difficult question: Who are we? The human mind is compelled to search for meaning. But when we let go of our notion of the self, we are often confronted with the emptiness of the world. However, even in that emptiness, love and purpose can be found. In The Book of No One, Richard Sylvester continues to communicate the radical and uncompromising view of non-duality expressed in his first book, I Hope You Die Soon. With clarity, humor, and compassion, Sylvester answers many questions about the harsh truths of reality, especially the nature of non-duality, liberation, and enlightenment.

Living Realization

Book Description

Living Realization is a contemporary approach or method created by noted author/speaker Scott Kiloby for realizing freedom, otherwise known as 'nonduality'. More specially, it's the realization that you are already free at the core of your experience and that all separation, both in space and time, is a belief system. Living Realization is known for its simplicity. The basic invitation invites us to: recognize awareness, let all appearances be as they are and see that all appearances are inseparable. These simple points are really all you need to recognize freedom in the midst of your life.

Nothing to Grasp

Book Description

This book points relentlessly to what is most obvious and impossible to avoid: the ever-present, ever-changing, nonconceptual actuality of the present moment that is effortlessly presenting itself right now. This book is an invitation to wake up from commonplace misconceptions and to see through the imaginary separate self at the root of our human suffering and confusion. Nothing to Grasp is a celebration of what is, exactly as it is.

Die to Love

Book Description

This is book is for those who have been genuinely searching and longing for 'awakening' or 'the truth'. Die to Love directly points the reader to the end of the spiritual search once and for all. 'I am not trying to help you. If you read this book I will simply destroy you. And who am I? I am you. I am Life itself.' Die to Love explores the desperate longing for love and surrender that so many people feel. But are we willing to lose everything that is familiar and safe in order to know that love that we long for? Are we willing to die for love? This is the death, not of the body, but of the identity called 'me'. Unmani looks at what it is to fall in love and how in moments of intimacy there is no separation. Two merge and become one. Two separate individuals know that they can never be separate. There are also chapters on relationships and the madness of love as well as unconditional and conditional love, and what compassion really is.

Abiding in Nondual Awareness

Book Description

The condition from which all forms appear is from the timeless and unlimited formless presence. This Absolute condition was existent before your particular form arose and will continue to persist after your material form has dis-integrated. It is the source from which the cosmos arose. Your material form, or organism, is a product of this same source, or Intelligence. Your brain is a product of this source. Hence, your thoughts and actions owe their manifestation to this ultimate actuality. Thus, the teachings instruct, "You are not the Doer." When one recognizes that "all that's being done, is That doing what it does," it becomes clear that (from the ultimate standpoint) all which is unfolding is an unprecedented, spontaneous development of the Omnipresent manifesting as, and through, every immediate occurrence. From the vantage point of the Absolute, it makes no difference what occurs, since there is no confinement to a finite consequence. Regardless how the individual organism may evaluate each occurrence, in the final analysis it makes no difference. This nondual perspective of non-attachment is reminded to us each night, in our deepest sleep. We return to a condition of empty awareness in which the self-perception disappears, all relative interests disappear, the world disappears, the cosmos disappears. In that unperturbed awareness, there is an emptiness which is choiceless and in which nothing really matters. For those who realize the implications of the nondual teachings, the fact that ultimately nothing really matters is carried over into one's waking awareness and daily life. It is also clear that while we are embodied in this material form and continue to function in the relative world, the dualistic perspective (rather than the nondual awareness) is the state of mind which pertains for most persons-who are typically not prepared to hear that their "self" has no meaning in the ultimate sense. It's probably not surprising that such teachings were once kept secret. However, they're not secret anymore, and can lead to a life-changing perspective, or Consciousness. === After my first book, Living Nonduality, was published in 2009, I received dozens of e-mails, in addition to some letters, from people all over the U.S. and abroad. In many instances, particular questions or quandaries concerning the subject of enlightenment were expressed. My publisher set up a blog page on my website ( and the more succinct queries were often responded to there. In other instances, I sent my reply by mail. The monographs printed in this volume include such correspondences with people on nonduality and are an expansion on the material published four years ago; a few of the selections are those for which there wasn't room in my previous book; and a few others are akin to journal entries. All of them relate to various aspects of nondual realization. Each, in its own way, is a letter to you.

Life Without A Centre

Book Description

We try to escape from the play of life and the suffering that being "a person in the world" entails. Our efforts to find spiritual enlightenment have the opposite effect and reinforce an underlying feeling of lack, of separation. In Life Without a Centre, Jeff Foster suggests that there is only ever the present appearance of life, with no individual at its core who could ever escape even if they wanted to. The entire spiritual search is nothing more than a game we play with ourselves, the cosmic entertainment. Jeff cuts through the confusion and frustration surrounding the search for escape through spiritual enlightenment, by pointing to the utterly obvious: This moment, and everything that arises in it, is already the liberation that is sought. Life, just as it is, is already what we've been searching for our entire lives. Jeff Foster graduated in astrophysics from Cambridge University. Soon after graduation, life events propelled him onto an intense two-year spiritual search, culminating in the realisation that there was never anything to find in the first place. He currently writes and talks on what some people have called "non-duality," but which he just refers to as "the utterly, utterly obvious."

A Really Good Day

Book Description

"In an effort to treat a debilitating mood disorder, Ayelet Waldman undertook a very private experiment, ingesting 10 micrograms of LSD every three days for a month. This is the story--by turns revealing, courageous, fascinating and funny--of her quietly psychedelic spring, her quest to understand one of our most feared drugs, and her search for a really good day"--