What Jesus Says about Earth's Final Days

Book Description

Two days before He died, Jesus gave His closest followers a sweeping panorama of earth's final days. Responding to questions about the end times, Jesus' great speech on the Mount of Olives described the tribulation and His second coming - and offered several famous parables of practical application for the disciples. In a powerful indication of His priorities, Jesus devoted twice as much time to telling His followers how to live in light of His return as he did to describing the actual event. Readers will be inspired and equipped to live faithfully in expectation of Christ's coming.

Earth's Final Hours

Book Description

I can think of no higher aspiration for the Christian than to gain a thorough knowledge of truth FOR HIMSELF. In fact, this will be increasingly critical as we approach the time for Jesus Christ to return and take His people home. Which martyr has ever died for the beliefs of another? Which persecuted ever suffered for the beliefs of others? The answer to both questions is not even one. Each person MUST know what he or she believes in order to be able to MAKE A STAND for truth. Jo Ann s book helps every critical thinking Christian student do JUST THAT! Thank you Jo Ann! May none of the very elect be deceived because they have not thoroughly and critically examined Bible truths, especially the truths of Salvation and Apocalyptic Prophecy! Bill Kerr South Carolina Why should we pursue knowledge? There are several benefits to learning more of a subject, mostly to bring awareness on the importance of the subject matter to our lives. The same depth of knowledge is needed for comprehending what God s intentions are for the last days of Earth, the Great Tribulation and whether or not the Rapture is part of His plan. Current events show that prophecies expressed in the Bible are being fulfilled, marking how close we are getting to the return of Jesus. Yet, to determine what God reveals in Scripture about biblical prophecy, especially Apocalyptic Prophecy, we may have more questions than answers. Author Jo Ann Hall knows this all too well, having spent the last twenty years studying and prayerfully pondering what God says about the Rapture and End-Times. A solution came forth from her effort, in the form of this new book, Earth s Final Hours: Exposing the Rapture Myth. Comprised of twenty-seven Bible study guides and lessons, the book will enable readers to grasp biblical truths that define prophetic projections for the last days of Earth. Jo Ann begins the study with a commentary on God s formation of His temple on Earth which represents His Holy temple in Heaven; thus, linking events in Heaven with events on Earth. This initial chapter opens the Bible lessons that seek to answer questions about Salvation, Jesus ministry and significant truths revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Earth s Final Hours is a book to prepare us to recognize the signs of Jesus return and allow ourselves to be used by Jesus to help others find Him before it is too late. "

Earth's Final Hour

Book Description

Some people say that the last days are upon us right now. Others say the end times are in the distant future. Who is right? Is it possible to know? If you're wondering what you can know for certain about the timetable of last days' events, you'll find answers in this book: Can I still believe in the soon return of Christ? Why have so many people miscalculated the second coming? How can Christ's return be imminent if there are still unfulfilled prophecies? This balanced look at the unfolding of Bible prophecy in a wildly chaotic world will help you sort fact from fiction. Learn how to avoid excessive speculation and receive hope, inspiration, and a very clear picture of what God has revealed for about the last days.

What on Earth Is Happening

Book Description

The Olivet Discourse sounds a bit stodgy to some—too scholarly for other people. Well, imagine if you had a private tutor (who also happened to be a best-selling author) who would sit down with you over a cup of coffee and explain Christ’s words in everyday language. That’s exactly what Ray Stedman has done, bringing the mysterious realm of end-times theology down-to-earth. In 13 chapters, you’ll explore the prophetic words of Matthew 24 and 25 in a whole new way.

Last Day Events

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The Last Days According to Jesus

Book Description

Analyzes what Jesus said about when he would return and the last days would arrive (as in Matthew 24:34). Defends the trustworthiness of Jesus' teachings.

Jesús Regresa Pronto: Discierna Las Señales de Los Últimos Tiempos Y Prepárese Para Su Retorno

Book Description

Sacudimientos, señales y el regreso de Cristo Usted es mencionado en la profecía bíblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted está incluido ahí. Las profecías de los últimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesús --conocidos como el "remanente"--, quienes están listos para los últimos días y Su retorno, pero también hablan de quienes no están preparados o abandonan antes que Él regrese. ¿Qué profecía usted cumplirá? Las señales del fin de esta era y la aparición de Jesús son evidentes en el mundo físico y espiritual. Pero la mayoría de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. ¿Qué señales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminación de Sus propósitos para el mundo? ¿Cómo podemos discernirlas? ¿Cómo podemos prepararnos? Jesús regresa pronto: Discierna las señales de los últimos tiempos y prepárese para Su retorno le revelará: La razón de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo Lo que nos dicen las señales, incluyendo aquellas señales inusuales como las lunas de sangre Cómo trabaja Dios según las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos Cómo las fiestas judías apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrándonos con precisión el reloj del tiempo de Dios Que las inminentes señales y promesas bíblicas aún no se han cumplido Los juicios que Dios está trayendo a la tierra Dios ha dado profecías sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espíritu está revelando en este momento Sus propósitos para los últimos días. Necesitamos saber cómo recibir la revelación vital y el conocimiento profético que Él quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra. Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ The signs of the end of the age and Jesus's appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? Jesus Is Coming Soon: Discern the End-Time Signs and Prepare for His Return will unfold: The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world. What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons. How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time. How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God's time clock. Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled. The judgments God is bringing to the earth. God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

We Are Not Living in the Biblical Last Days

Book Description

"The Biblical Last Days" are considered by many to be the last days of the physical earth and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The many who believes that theory only believes it because they heard someone say and present that notion. That is a case of scriptural ignorance. It usually comes from the pastor or Sunday school teacher. Nowhere in the scriptures does it teaches the physical earth will end nor does it teaches the physical bodily return of Jesus Christ anytime after the first century. If people would only read and study the Scriptures for themselves and let the written time statements of the book mean what they say; we all would learn --- We Are Not Living in the Biblical Last Days. Stop the Erroneous Teaching.This book is not written for scholarly accolades. However; it is written with a simple flair to give insight to the least learned individual. To get its full adaptation one must drop the preconceived faulty teachings from early Sunday school lessons, bible classes and parental traditions concerning the "Last Days" the Bible speaks of.

Jesús Y Los Últimos Tiempos

Book Description

También vosotros debéis estar preparados en todo momento, porque el Hijo del Hombre vendrá cuando menos se lo espere Mateo 24:44. En la actualidad, se pueden encontrar miles de escritos sobre los últimos días, pero a menudo llenos de especulación y sensacionalismo. ¿A dónde podemos recurrir para obtener información en la que podamos confiar? Acompañe al erudito bíblico Ron Rhodes en una mirada profunda a lo que sabemos con certeza sobre los últimos días, basado en las enseñanzas que Jesús dejó. Aprenderá lo que el Señor mismo dijo sobre el rapto, el período de la tribulación, la segunda venida, el juicio futuro, el reino milenario y más. Entonces, ¿está usted preparado para lo que viene? Disfrute de un fascinante estudio de los últimos tiempos a través de las palabras y enseñanzas de Jesús, y obtenga lo mejor de lo que puede saber sobre el plan de Dios para el futuro. "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected" Matthew 24:44. There is no shortage of writings about the last days--often full of speculation and sensationalism. Where can we go for information we can trust? Join Bible scholar Ron Rhodes for an in-depth look at what we know to be certain about the last days--based on key teachings directly from Jesus. You'll learn what the Lord Himself said about the rapture, the tribulation period, the second coming, the future judgment, the millennial kingdom, and more. So--are you ready for what is to come? Enjoy a fascinating survey of the end times through the words of Jesus Himself, and gain the very best of what you can know about God's plan for the future.

Earth's Final Days

Book Description

Surely we are in those days, when earthquakes, pestilence, famine, war, and false christs dot the glove. Thses are birth pains, Jesus said. They signal climactic changes in the history of man and the physical realm. The planet is quivering under the pressures brought to bear eons ago.