Localization for THH(ku) and the Topological Hochschild and Cyclic Homology of Waldhausen Categories

Book Description

The authors develop a theory of THH and TC of Waldhausen categories and prove the analogues of Waldhausen's theorems for K-theory. They resolve the longstanding confusion about localization sequences in THH and TC, and establish a specialized dévissage theorem. As applications, the authors prove conjectures of Hesselholt and Ausoni-Rognes about localization cofiber sequences surrounding THH(ku), and more generally establish a framework for advancing the Rognes program for studying Waldhausen's chromatic filtration on A(*).

The Local Structure of Algebraic K-Theory

Book Description

Algebraic K-theory encodes important invariants for several mathematical disciplines, spanning from geometric topology and functional analysis to number theory and algebraic geometry. As is commonly encountered, this powerful mathematical object is very hard to calculate. Apart from Quillen's calculations of finite fields and Suslin's calculation of algebraically closed fields, few complete calculations were available before the discovery of homological invariants offered by motivic cohomology and topological cyclic homology. This book covers the connection between algebraic K-theory and Bökstedt, Hsiang and Madsen's topological cyclic homology and proves that the difference between the theories are ‘locally constant’. The usefulness of this theorem stems from being more accessible for calculations than K-theory, and hence a single calculation of K-theory can be used with homological calculations to obtain a host of ‘nearby’ calculations in K-theory. For instance, Quillen's calculation of the K-theory of finite fields gives rise to Hesselholt and Madsen's calculations for local fields, and Voevodsky's calculations for the integers give insight into the diffeomorphisms of manifolds. In addition to the proof of the full integral version of the local correspondence between K-theory and topological cyclic homology, the book provides an introduction to the necessary background in algebraic K-theory and highly structured homotopy theory; collecting all necessary tools into one common framework. It relies on simplicial techniques, and contains an appendix summarizing the methods widely used in the field. The book is intended for graduate students and scientists interested in algebraic K-theory, and presupposes a basic knowledge of algebraic topology.

The Irreducible Subgroups of Exceptional Algebraic Groups

Book Description

This paper is a contribution to the study of the subgroup structure of excep-tional algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields of arbitrary characteristic. Following Serre, a closed subgroup of a semisimple algebraic group G is called irreducible if it lies in no proper parabolic subgroup of G. In this paper we com-plete the classification of irreducible connected subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups, providing an explicit set of representatives for the conjugacy classes of such subgroups. Many consequences of this classification are also given. These include results concerning the representations of such subgroups on various G-modules: for example, the conjugacy classes of irreducible connected subgroups are determined by their composition factors on the adjoint module of G, with one exception. A result of Liebeck and Testerman shows that each irreducible connected sub-group X of G has only finitely many overgroups and hence the overgroups of X form a lattice. We provide tables that give representatives of each conjugacy class of connected overgroups within this lattice structure. We use this to prove results concerning the subgroup structure of G: for example, when the characteristic is 2, there exists a maximal connected subgroup of G containing a conjugate of every irreducible subgroup A1 of G.

Double Affine Hecke Algebras and Congruence Groups

Book Description

The most general construction of double affine Artin groups (DAAG) and Hecke algebras (DAHA) associates such objects to pairs of compatible reductive group data. We show that DAAG/DAHA always admit a faithful action by auto-morphisms of a finite index subgroup of the Artin group of type A2, which descends to a faithful outer action of a congruence subgroup of SL(2, Z)or PSL(2, Z). This was previously known only in some special cases and, to the best of our knowledge, not even conjectured to hold in full generality. It turns out that the structural intricacies of DAAG/DAHA are captured by the underlying semisimple data and, to a large extent, even by adjoint data; we prove our main result by reduction to the adjoint case. Adjoint DAAG/DAHA correspond in a natural way to affine Lie algebras, or more precisely to their affinized Weyl groups, which are the semi-direct products W 􀀁 Q∨ of the Weyl group W with the coroot lattice Q∨. They were defined topologically by van der Lek, and independently, algebraically, by Cherednik. We now describe our results for the adjoint case in greater detail. We first give a new Coxeter-type presentation for adjoint DAAG as quotients of the Coxeter braid groups associated to certain crystallographic diagrams that we call double affine Coxeter diagrams. As a consequence we show that the rank two Artin groups of type A2,B2,G2 act by automorphisms on the adjoint DAAG/DAHA associated to affine Lie algebras of twist number r =1, 2, 3, respec-tively. This extends a fundamental result of Cherednik for r =1. We show further that the above rank two Artin group action descends to an outer action of the congruence subgroup Γ1(r). In particular, Γ1(r) acts naturally on the set of isomorphism classes of representations of an adjoint DAAG/DAHA of twist number r, giving rise to a projective representation of Γ1(r)on the spaceof aΓ1(r)-stable representation. We also provide a classification of the involutions of Kazhdan-Lusztig type that appear in the context of these actions.

Operator Theory on One-Sided Quaternion Linear Spaces: Intrinsic $S$-Functional Calculus and Spectral Operators

Book Description

Two major themes drive this article: identifying the minimal structure necessary to formulate quaternionic operator theory and revealing a deep relation between complex and quaternionic operator theory. The theory for quaternionic right linear operators is usually formulated under the assumption that there exists not only a right- but also a left-multiplication on the considered Banach space $V$. This has technical reasons, as the space of bounded operators on $V$ is otherwise not a quaternionic linear space. A right linear operator is however only associated with the right multiplication on the space and in certain settings, for instance on quaternionic Hilbert spaces, the left multiplication is not defined a priori, but must be chosen randomly. Spectral properties of an operator should hence be independent of the left multiplication on the space.

Łojasiewicz-Simon Gradient Inequalities for Coupled Yang-Mills Energy Functionals

Book Description

The authors' primary goal in this monograph is to prove Łojasiewicz-Simon gradient inequalities for coupled Yang-Mills energy functions using Sobolev spaces that impose minimal regularity requirements on pairs of connections and sections.

Theory of Fundamental Bessel Functions of High Rank

Book Description

In this article, the author studies fundamental Bessel functions for $mathrm{GL}_n(mathbb F)$ arising from the Voronoí summation formula for any rank $n$ and field $mathbb F = mathbb R$ or $mathbb C$, with focus on developing their analytic and asymptotic theory. The main implements and subjects of this study of fundamental Bessel functions are their formal integral representations and Bessel differential equations. The author proves the asymptotic formulae for fundamental Bessel functions and explicit connection formulae for the Bessel differential equations.

Traffic Distributions and Independence: Permutation Invariant Random Matrices and the Three Notions of Independence

Book Description

Voiculescu's notion of asymptotic free independence is known for a large class of random matrices including independent unitary invariant matrices. This notion is extended for independent random matrices invariant in law by conjugation by permutation matrices. This fact leads naturally to an extension of free probability, formalized under the notions of traffic probability. The author first establishes this construction for random matrices and then defines the traffic distribution of random matrices, which is richer than the $^*$-distribution of free probability. The knowledge of the individual traffic distributions of independent permutation invariant families of matrices is sufficient to compute the limiting distribution of the join family. Under a factorization assumption, the author calls traffic independence the asymptotic rule that plays the role of independence with respect to traffic distributions. Wigner matrices, Haar unitary matrices and uniform permutation matrices converge in traffic distributions, a fact which yields new results on the limiting $^*$-distributions of several matrices the author can construct from them. Then the author defines the abstract traffic spaces as non commutative probability spaces with more structure. She proves that at an algebraic level, traffic independence in some sense unifies the three canonical notions of tensor, free and Boolean independence. A central limiting theorem is stated in this context, interpolating between the tensor, free and Boolean central limit theorems.