Building the Information Society

Book Description

In the context of the 18th IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC’04), and beside the traditional organization of conferences, workshops, tutorials and student forum, it was decided to identify a range of topics of dramatic interest for the building of the Information Society. This has been featured as the "Topical day/session" track of the WCC’04. Topical Sessions have been selected in order to present syntheses, latest developments and/or challenges in different business and technical areas. Building the Information Society provides a deep perspective on domains including: the semantic integration of heterogeneous data, virtual realities and new entertainment, fault tolerance for trustworthy and dependable information infrastructures, abstract interpretation (and its use for verification of program properties), multimodal interaction, computer aided inventing, emerging tools and techniques for avionics certification, bio-, nano-, and information technologies, E-learning, perspectives on ambient intelligence, the grand challenge of building a theory of the Railway domain, open source software in dependable systems, interdependencies of critical infrastructure, social robots, as a challenge for machine intelligence. Building the Information Society comprises the articles produced in support of the Topical Sessions during the IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, which was held in August 2004 in Toulouse, France, and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).

Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués

Book Description

Les systèmes embarqués rendent un nombre de services grandissant et font partie de notre vie quotidienne : ascenseurs, transports, téléphonie, médecine, énergie, industrie, etc. Ainsi, si l’on parle de plus en plus de systèmes embarqués, il s’agit avant tout d’un ensemble complet et intégré (matériel + logiciel). Le point central de leur développement est leur interaction avec leur environnement et les conséquences associées en termes de sécurité et de fiabilité. Cet ouvrage dresse un état de l’art du développement des systèmes embarqués. Il se concentre particulièrement sur leur modélisation et leur analyse. Il s’agit d’opérations cruciales qui détermineront la fiabilité du futur système. L’apparition récente des techniques basées sur l’ingénierie des modèles pourrait révolutionner le développement de ces systèmes en assurant une continuité entre le niveau conceptuel et l’implémentation de la partie logicielle. L’ouvrage expose trois approches parmi les plus utilisées : SysML (aspects ingénierie système), UML/MARTE et AADL (conception/analyse).

Mise en oeuvre de la méthode B ; Traité RTA, série Informatique et Systèmes d'Information

Book Description

La mise en place d’un logiciel sans défaut reste primordiale pour plusieurs domaines qui requièrent des applications dites de sécurité comme les transports. La réalisation d’un modèle formel est l’approche la plus efficace pour atteindre l'objectif du zéro défaut, que ce soit en termes de temps ou de maîtrise de la complexité. Ce modèle permet d’analyser et de vérifier le comportement d’un logiciel. Cet ouvrage présente la méthode B, une méthode formelle s’appuyant sur la preuve de propriétés qui, sur la base d’une spécification et de la notion de raffinement, permet d’aller jusqu’à la production automatique de code. Différents outils découlant de cette méthode ainsi que des exemples concrets d’utilisations industrielles de différentes tailles sont aussi exposés dans des domaines tels que l’avionique ou les systèmes manufacturiers.

Advances in Safety and Reliability

Book Description

These three volumes comprise the papers presented at the ESREL '97 International Conference on Safety and Reliability held in Lisbon, Portugal, 17-20 June 1997. The purpose of the annual ESREL conferences is to provide a forum for the presentation of technical and scientific papers covering both methods and applications of safety and reliability to a wide range of industrial sectors and technical disciplines and, in so doing, to enhance cross-fertilization between them.A broad view is taken of safety and reliability which includes probabilistically-based methods, or, more generally, methods that deal with the quantification of the uncertainty in the knowledge of the real world and with decision-making under this uncertainty.The areas covered include: design and product liability; availability, reliability and maintainability; assessment and management of risks to technical systems; health and the environment; and mathematical methods of reliability and statistical analysis of data.The organization of the book closely follows the sessions of the conference with each of the three volumes containing papers from two parallel sessions, comprising a total of 270 papers by authors from 35 countries.

Complex Systems Design & Management

Book Description

This book contains all refereed papers that were accepted to the seventh edition of the international conference « Complex Systems Design & Management Paris» (CSD&M Paris 2016) which took place in Paris (France) on the December 13-14, 2016 These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of complex systems sciences & practices from an industrial and academic perspective, including the main industrial domains (aeronautic & aerospace, defense & security, electronics & robotics, energy & environment, healthcare & welfare services, software & e-services, transportation), scientific & technical topics (systems fundamentals, systems architecture & engineering, systems metrics & quality, system is modeling tools) and system types (artificial ecosystems, embedded systems, software & information systems, systems of systems, transportation systems). The CSD&M Paris 2016 conference is organized under the guidance of the CESAMES non-profit organization, address: CESAMES, 8 rue de Hanovre, 75002 Paris, France.

CENELEC 50128 and IEC 62279 Standards

Book Description

CENELEC EN 50128 and IEC 62279 standards are applicable to the performance of software in the railway sector. The 2011 version of the 50128 standard firms up the techniques and methods to be implemented. This is a guide to its implementation, in order to understand the foundations of the standard and how it impacts on the activities to be undertaken, helping towards better a preparation for the independent evaluation phase, which is mandatory.

Planning Extreme Programming

Book Description

Without careful ongoing planning, the software development process can fall apart. Extreme Programming (XP) is a new programming discipline, or methodology, that is geared toward the way that the vast majority of software development projects are handled -- in small teams. In this new book, noted software engineers Kent Beck and Martin Fowler show the reader how to properly plan a software development project with XP in mind. The authors lay out a proven strategy that forces the reader to plan as their software project unfolds, and therefore avoid many of the nasty problems that can potentially spring up along the way.

Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns

Book Description

This classic book is the definitive real-world style guide for better Smalltalk programming. This author presents a set of patterns that organize all the informal experience successful Smalltalk programmers have learned the hard way. When programmers understand these patterns, they can write much more effective code. The concept of Smalltalk patterns is introduced, and the book explains why they work. Next, the book introduces proven patterns for working with methods, messages, state, collections, classes and formatting. Finally, the book walks through a development example utilizing patterns. For programmers, project managers, teachers and students -- both new and experienced. This book presents a set of patterns that organize all the informal experience of successful Smalltalk programmers. This book will help you understand these patterns, and empower you to write more effective code.