Logik der Psychotherapie

Book Description

Psychotherapy Research

Book Description

This book provides readers with essential information on the foundations of psychotherapy research, and on its applications to the study of both psychotherapy process and outcome. The aim is to stimulate a reflection on these issues in a way that will benefit researchers and clinicians, as well as undergraduate and graduate students, at different levels and from different perspectives. Accordingly, the book presents a balanced mix of chapters summarizing the state of the art in the field from different viewpoints and covering innovative topics and perspectives, reflecting some of the most established traditions and, at the same time, emerging approaches in the field in several countries. The contributors, who were invited from among the experts in our national and international professional networks, also represent a healthy mix of leading figures and young researchers. The first part of the book addresses a number of fundamental issues in psychotherapy research at a historical, philosophical, and theoretical level. The second part of the book is concerned with research on psychotherapy processes; in this regard, both quantitative and qualitative approaches are given equal consideration in order to reflect the growing relevance of the latter. The book’s third and last part examines research on psychotherapy outcomes, primarily focusing on quantitative approaches. Offering a balanced mix of perspectives, approaches and topics, the book represents a valuable tool for anyone interested in psychotherapy research.

Wir teilen diesen Traum

Book Description

Papst Franziskus mutet der Kirche weit reichende Reformen zu. Von einer Revolution von oben ist die Rede. Er arbeitet synodal. Die Bischofskonferenzen wertet er auf. Barmherzigkeit ist zum Leitwort des Tuns der Kirche geworden. Sein Anliegen: Wunden heilen – jene der einzelnen Menschen, welche die Menschen einander (z.B. bei einer Scheidung) schlagen, die Wunden der Armen und jene der Schöpfung. Gegen seine Reform der Kirche erfährt er zunehmend Widerstand. Er wird der Häresie verdächtigt. Deshalb haben Tomáš Halík und Paul Zulehner einen Offenen Brief an den Papst verfasst, um ihn bei seiner Reform zu unterstützen. Über 75.000 Personen haben den Brief unterzeichnet. Nunmehr geben 150 Persönlichkeiten des akademischen Lebens dem Papst Unterstützung. Sie kommen aus allen Kontinenten der Weltkirche: von Taipei bis Sao Paolo, von Oxford bis Harvard, von Warschau bis London und Berlin. Die emotionale Unterstützung wird durch rationale Argumente ergänzt. ” In diesem E-Book werden nun alle 150 Beiträge dokumentiert. ” Paul M. Zulehner hat eine brisante Einleitung dazu verfasst. ----- Pope Francis wishes to see far-reaching reforms in the Church: A revolution from above is happening. His Holiness works synodally. He has upgraded the Conference of Bishops; 'mercy' has become the watchword for pastoral practice in the Church. The Pope is concerned with the healing of wounds – individual wounds, which we use to beat one another (in divorce cases for example), the wounds of the poor and those of creation. In his reform of the Church, the Pope faces increasing resistance, some suspect him of heresy. In response to this, Tomáš Halík and Paul Zulehner have written an open letter to the Pope in support of his reform. Over 75.000 people have signed the letter, including more than 150 prominent figures from the world of academia. These come from every corner of the Universal Church: from Taipei to Sao Paolo, from Oxford to Harvard, from Warsaw to London and Berlin. Emotional support is supported by reason. ” This book documents all 150 contributions. ” Paul M. Zulehner has written an explosive introduction.

Philosophical Praxis

Book Description

Philosophical Praxis, launched by the author in 1981, ushers in a new academic philosophy as an alternative to current therapeutic practices, offering unique insights into the compelling origin and development of a renaissance of philosophy.

Founding Psychoanalysis Phenomenologically

Book Description

The present anthology seeks to give an overview of the different approaches to establish a relation between phenomenology and psychoanalysis, primarily from the viewpoint of current phenomenological research. Already during the lifetimes of the two disciplines' founders, Edmund Husserl (1859 - 1938) and Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939), phenomenological and phenomenologically inspired authors were advancing psychoanalytic theses. For both traditions, the Second World War presented a painful and devastating disruption of their development and mutual exchange. During the postwar period, phenomenologists, especially in France, revisited psychoanalytic topics. Thus, in the so-called second generation of phenomenology there developed an intensive reception of the psychoanalytic tradition, one that finds its expression even today in current hermeneutic, postmodern and poststructuralist conceptions. But also in more recent phenomenological research we find projects concentrated systematically on psychoanalysis and its theses. In this context, the status of psychoanalysis as a science of human experience is discussed anew, now approached on the ‘first person’ basis of a phenomenological understanding of subjective experience. In such approaches, phenomena like incorporation, phantasy, emotion and the unconscious are discussed afresh. These topics, important for modern phenomenology as well as for psychoanalysis, are examined in the context of the constitution of the human person as well as of our intersubjective world. The analyses are also interdisciplinary, making use of connections with modern medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy. The systematic investigations are enriched by historical analysis and research in the internal development of the disciplines involved. The volume presents recent work of internationally recognized researchers – phenomenologically oriented philosophers, psychoanalysts and psychotherapists – who work in the common field of the two disciplines. The editors hope that this selection will encourage further systematic collaboration between phenomenology and psychoanalysis

Psychiatrie Leicht Verstehen Heilpraktiker Für Psychotherapie

Book Description

Vom leicht Verständlichen/Bekannten zum Schwierigen/Unbekannten ...nach diesem, der heutigen Lernforschung entsprechenden Konzept ist Psychiatrie leicht verstehen - Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie aufgebaut. Sie werden Schritt für Schritt an das komplexe Thema herangeführt. Abgedeckt ist die ganz Bandbreite der Psychiatrie - von Angst- und Esstörungen, über Affektive Störungen, Schizophrenie bis hin zu Grenzbereichen der Psychiatrie wie z.B. Neurologische Erkrankungen. 150 einprägsame Fallgeschichten zu jedem Krankheitsbild machen die Inhalte "lebendig und erleichtern das Lernen. Die typischen Symptome sind nach ICD-10 hervorgehoben. Illustrationen, Merkwörter und Gedächtnisstützen helfen Ihnen, sich das Gelernte dauerhaft zu merken.

Nietzsche on Memory and History

Book Description

History and memory rank as central themes in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. As one of the last philosophers of the 19th century, Nietzsche naturally belongs to the so-called ‘historical century’. The contentious exchange with the past and with antiquity – as much as the mechanisms, the dangers, and the lessons of memory and tradition – are continually examined and stand in close relationship with Nietzsche’s vision of life and his project of human development. As Jacob Burckhardt once wrote of the cultural critique to his Basel colleague: "Fundamentally, you are always teaching history" (9/13/1882). Following Burckhardt’s judgment, the contributors focus on the analysis of core questions in the philosophies of history and memory, and their respective convergence in the thought of Nietzsche. The epistemological relevance of these central concepts will be thematized alongside those concerning tradition, and education. The discussion of these rich themes unifies a broad spectrum of questions, ranging from cultural memory to contemporary philosophy of mind. The contributions are revised versions of selected papers presented at the 2018 conference of the annual meeting of the Nietzsche Society in Naumburg.


Book Description

Reviews are an important aspect of scholarly discussion because they help filter out which works are relevant in the yearly flood of publications and are thus influential in determining how a work is received. The IBR, published again since 1971 as an interdisciplinary, international bibliography of reviews, it is a unique source of bibliographical information. The database contains entries on over 1.2 million book reviews of literature dealing primarily with the humanities and social sciences published in 6,820, mainly European scholarly journals. Reviews of more than 560,000 scholarly works are listed. The database increases every year by 60,000 entries. Every entry contains the following information: On the work reviewed: author, title On the review: reviewer, periodical (year, edition, page, ISSN), language, subject area (in German, English, Italian) Publisher, address of journal

Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement

Book Description

Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement is an interdisciplinary volume with contributions from philosophers, cognitive scientists, and movement therapists. Part one provides the phenomenologically grounded definition of body memory with its different typologies. Part two follows the aim to integrate phenomenology, conceptual metaphor theory, and embodiment approaches from the cognitive sciences for the development of appropriate empirical methods to address body memory. Part three inquires into the forms and effects of therapeutic work with body memory, based on the integration of theory, empirical findings, and clinical applications. It focuses on trauma treatment and the healing power of movement. The book also contributes to metaphor theory, application and research, and therefore addresses metaphor researchers and linguists interested in the embodied grounds of metaphor. Thus, it is of particular interest for researchers from the cognitive sciences, social sciences, and humanities as well as clinical practitioners.