Los primeros 1000 días del bebé

Book Description

Tener un hijo, criarlo y acompañarlo en su desarrollo es sin dudas, una de las tareas más desafiantes para una persona y una familia. Nos confronta con nosotros mismos, nuestras debilidades, fortalezas y con la forma en que cada uno haya sido criado. Los primeros 1000 días de vida, contando desde la concepción hasta los dos años, son un momento de extrema vulnerabilidad y modelaje. Podemos compararlo con la construcción de un edificio. En estos primeros meses se erigirán los cimientos y los pilares que darán forma y sostendrán toda la estructura. Padres, abuelos, educadores y todos los referentes afectivos de ese bebé tendrán un impacto en la construcción de su personalidad, salud física y emocional. En este libro hablaré sobre los bebés y su desarrollo a la luz de las nuevas evidencias científicas, poniendo especial atención en qué necesitan de sus padres y referentes, siendo conscientes del rol moldeador que asumimos los adultos. Tenemos en nuestras manos la posibilidad de construir un vínculo único, que dará forma a un nuevo ser. Una crianza saludable puede generar verdaderos impactos sociales, desarrollando personas que sean agentes de cambio para nuestra sociedad. Pues la crianza es una forma de cambiar el mundo. Lic. Claudia López Rodríguez

The Role of Nutrition in Integral Health and Quality of Life

Book Description

Achieving integral health is a challenge that necessitates a diversified approach from different disciplines to achieve a coordinated impact on people’s health. Food and nutrition form an essential part of this approach. This new book explores some important advances in the role of nutrition in integral health and quality of life, laying special emphasis on the challenges that humans face in this era of sedentary lifestyles, diseases associated with food consumption, and social, economic, environmental, and cultural crises. The volume discusses interdisciplinary approaches to nutrition, focusing on nutrition for children, the impact of nutrition on chronic noncommunicable diseases and gastrointestinal disorders, the nutritional profile of fermented foods and their health benefits, microstructured particles as bioactive compound carriers, and more. The book also offers an analysis of obesity and its dimensions, covering childhood obesity risks and challenges at home and at school, quality of life in adult patients with diabetes, the role of genetics and epigenetics in obesity, and more. The impact of nutrition on oral and dental health is also addressed in the book.

What to Expect when You're Expecting

Book Description

Cuts through the confusion surrounding pregnancy and birth by debunking dozens of myths that mislead parents, offering explanations of medical terms, and covering a variety of issues including prenatal care, birth defects, and amniocentesis.

Welcome Home, Baby!

Book Description

Rhyming text and illustrations celebrate the joys of family as parents welcome their new baby home, introducing him to the place where he will grow up.

Forthcoming Books

Book Description

Gramática fundamental del español

Book Description

Gramática fundamental del español abarca una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la morfología, la sintaxis y la escritura del español. Usando ejemplos contextualizados y atendiendo a la dimensión cognitiva, esta gramática presenta diferentes maneras de entender numerosos aspectos básicos del uso y el significado de la gramática, incluyendo: frases, cláusulas y oraciones clases de palabras y tipos de oraciones gramática de la palabra construcción y análisis de oraciones gramática y escritura Esta obra incluye información gramatical sobre las variedades más generales del español. También proporciona un amplio conjunto de ejercicios, las soluciones a los ejercicios y un índice de materias y términos gramaticales. Esta gramática es una lectura clave para los estudiantes de español y de estudios hispánicos entre los niveles intermedio-bajo y avanzado-alto de ACTFL o bien entre los niveles B1 y C2, si se sigue el CEFR.

Complementary Feeding of Young Children in Developing Countries

Book Description

This review is intended primarily for health professionals and others concerned with nutrition, health and well-being of children. The objective is to provide the background information that is necessary for the development of scientifically sound feeding recommendations and appropriate intervention programmes to enhance children's dietary intake and nutritional status. Although much of the information may be relevent for young children in industrialized countries, the review focuses on the particular needs of children in low-income sttings, and the recommendations hve been formulated with consideration for the economic and environmental constraints that are common in developing countries. [Author] The review is organized in nine sections : 1. Introduction. - 2. Breast-feeding and complementary feeding : a continuum. - 3. Energy required from complementary foods and factors affecting their intake. - 4. Protein and micronutrients required from complementary foods. - 5. Caregiver feeding behaviours. - 6. Food processing safety and quality. - 7. Global data on child-feeding practices. - 8. Programmatic interventions to improve complementary feeding. - 9. Conclusions

A New Day

Book Description

As one of the first successful Latin crossover artists, Jon Secada dominated the pop music charts in the early 90s, releasing hits such as Just Another Day and Angel and winning multiple Grammy Awards. As a Cuban refuge, Jon understands that life is about starting anew and embracing opportunities, something he never lost sight of while achieving his dream of being a performer and while building new dreams when life took unexpected turns. In his debut book, Jon shares the lessons he learned that made him the resilient person he is today. His moving message reaffirms that wisdom and strength comes from constantly reinventing yourself and finding what you’re made of through doubt and hardships, growing from adversity, and having faith in A New Day.

Human Development

Book Description

Designed for students from a wide range of backgrounds, this text takes a chronological and interdisciplinary approach to human development. With its focus on context and culture, the 8/E illustrates that the status of human development is inextricably embedded in a study of complex and changing cultures.

Hispanic Books Bulletin

Book Description