Los siete secretos de los líderes altamente efectivos

Book Description

¿Te gustaría mejorar tus capacidades de influencia y ser más exitoso en tu trabajo? Entonces tienes que leer este libro. Mucho se ha dicho y mucho se ha escrito alrededor de liderazgo sin embargo en la mayoría de los casos, esto ha sido sustentado por ideas (y en ocasiones novelas) y no por hechos y datos. También por modelos e ideologías y no por investigación y sustento. El liderazgo es influencia y esto se puede aprender. Este libro está soportado por muchos años de investigación y experiencia consultiva en varios continentes. Aquellas personas que lo lean se llevarán: - La experiencia consultiva de los autores, que se traduce a décadas trabajando con miles de clientes en el mundo y además entrenando a cientos de miles de ejecutivos en todo el mundo. - Herramientas que permitirán al lector la posibilidad de aplicar asertivamente e inteligente del comportamiento (no tendrán que cambiar de personalidad, simplemente lo que hacen) - Ayuda para el manejo del stress y la presión ante los cambios constantes en el trabajo. - Ayudas para flexibilizar por tanto la conducta y poder reaccionar con efectividad ante cualquier tipo de situación. Los siete secretos de los líderes altamente efectivos es una obra escrita por best selling author: Dr. Robin Stuart-Kotze y Alejandro Serralde. Cuenta con más de 300 citas bibliográficas de fuentes reconocidas por la academia y el mundo empresarial. Algunas investigaciones se han realizado utilizando instrumentos de medición diseñados por Behavioural Science Systems Ltd y Reddin Assessments LLC y que han sido validados por London School of Economics y otras Universidades renombradas.

Los Siete Secretos de Los Lideres Altamente Efectivos

Book Description

¿Qué atributos tienen los líderes efectivos? Mucho se ha dicho y mucho se ha escrito alrededor de este tópico sin embargo en la mayoría de los casos esto ha sido sustentado por ideas y no por hechos, por ilusiones y no por investigación. Este libro está soportado por muchos años de investigación y experiencia consultiva en varios continentes. El liderazgo efectivo se inicia por la aplicación asertiva e inteligente del comportamiento, no por la personalidad; uno influye a través de sus propias capacidades, no por medio de la autoridad; ¿y cómo algunos líderes pueden soportar la presión y el stress y aún así poder influir positivamente y otros no?; ¿qué tan importante es diagnosticar lo que realmente motiva a la gente?. Si deseas aprender sobre liderazgo y hacer la diferencia, no puedes dejar la oportunidad de leer este libro.Este libro está soportado por muchos años de investigación y experiencia consultiva en varios continentes. El liderazgo efectivo se inicia por la aplicación asertiva e inteligente del comportamiento, no por la personalidad; uno influye a través de sus propias capacidades, no por medio de la autoridad; ¿y cómo algunos líderes pueden soportar la presión y el stress y aún así poder influir positivamente y otros no?; ¿qué tan importante es diagnosticar lo que realmente motiva a la gente?. Si deseas aprender sobre liderazgo y hacer la diferencia, no puedes dejar la oportunidad de leer este libro.

Who Are Your Best People?

Book Description

Do you know who the best people in your team are? Have you got a clear idea of how much they deliver? Many companies still proclaim that ‘Our people are our most important asset’, yet fail to treat that asset as valuable. In fact they often ignore their in-house talent, believing that the only way to get the top people is to seek elsewhere.Who Are Your Best People? destroys the widely-accepted myth of a talent shortage and shows how you can unearth and value the hidden talent that already exist in your organisation. This book will open your eyes to the reality of talent management and show you the most effective ways to grow, support and retain the best people for your business. Find out who your best people are - and keep them.


Book Description

Descended from a long and ancient lineage, tapirs are important tropical forest seed dispersers. However, today, all species of tapirs are threatened to various degrees by habitat destruction and hunting. This action plan was written with wildlife biologists, ecologists, administrators, educators and local conservation officials in mind and is aimed at those countries with tapir populations. It provides a brief natural history of each species and its objective is to aid in their conservation by catalyzing conservation action. In addition, it is hoped that the contents of the plan will stimulate further research into this fascinating group of animals.

Secret Judgments of God

Book Description

In the wake of European expansion, disease outbreaks in the New World caused the greatest loss of life known to history. Post-contact Native American inhabitants succumbed in staggering numbers to maladies such as smallpox, measles, influenza, and typhus, against which they had no immunity. A collection of case studies by historians, geographers, and anthropologists, "Secret Judgments of God" discusses how diseases with Old World origins devastated vulnerable native populations throughout Spanish America. In their preface to the paperback edition, the editors discuss the ongoing, often heated debate about contact population history.


Book Description

How do you improve performance? Performance expert Robin Stuart-Kotze reveals that it's all about behaviour and lets us into the secrets of behavioural change that have helped successful people, teams and managers around the world to get ahead, and stay ahead. Behaviour is what drives performance. Personality is not the issue. Definitive scientific research shows that less than 10% of the variance in a person's behaviour is explained by personality. Behaviour is the actions you take and the decisions you make; things you can control. This incisive book shows you how to look critically at your current behaviour, recognise what you need to do differently and how to consciously improve your behaviour to meet the changing requirements of your job with top-level performance.

Teaching Tech Together

Book Description

Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach. There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what motivates and demotivates adult learners, how to be a good ally, fostering a healthy community, getting the word out, and building alliances with like-minded groups. The book includes over a hundred exercises that can be done individually or in groups, over 350 references, and a glossary to help you navigate educational jargon.

Leading Virtual Teams (HBR 20-Minute Manager Series)

Book Description

Manage your team from anywhere. Leading any team involves managing people, technical oversight, and project administration, but leaders of virtual teams perform these functions from afar. Leading Virtual Teams walks you through the basics of: Connecting your people to each other—and to the team’s mission Surmounting language, distance, and technology barriers Identifying and using the right communication channels Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives—from the most trusted source in business.