Book Description
Learning may well be the most profound poweron earth. Its force shapes entire civilizations and transforms the world, one individual at a time.Yet, all too often we allow this remarkableforce to become diluted.The moment learning becomes a mundanesuccession of texts, tests, and tedium, is the moment we lose that vital connection to the wonders of human creativity and discovery which infuse our work, our learning and our very lives with purpose.For those seeking to link learning to their life's aspirations, this book off ers the invitation to embark upon the journey of a lifetime.Through a body of stunning historicalphotographs, Eva Koleva Timothy breathes newlife into an age when learning was life's grandadventure and where genius was less a matterof genetics than of passion and perspective.Turning her lens upon the lives of history's heroes, she has revealed the key to a great secret:That we too, like the celebrated luminaries of old, are born: Creators, Discoverers and Dreamers.So come set sail with Columbus, soar amongthe heavens with Galileo, dive into drawings ofDaVinci and discover the passion which movedthe masters of an age as they lost themselvesin the rapture that is great learning.