Lume e barlume

Book Description

Emily. Marco. Alex. Un amore meteoropatico. Un amico tornato da lontano. Una passione. Un romanzo intenso che rivela come non si è mai troppo giovani per amare né troppo adulti per ricominciare. La storia di due uomini in viaggio alla ricerca di sé. E quella di donna che nasce dagli occhi neri e silenziosi di una bambina, scoprendo che la vita sa dispensare gioie e dolori molto più grandi di quanto possa immaginare chi non ha mai osato viverla.


Book Description

Paradise lost

Book Description

Paradise Lost is John Milton's elaboration of Genesis into an epic poem. The poem begins with Milton's invocation to a muse for help. The action switches to hell, where Satan and his followers have been banished from heaven after trying to rebel against God. Bitter, they try to make the best of things by building the palace Pandemonium, all the while plotting whether to get revenge against God by war or trickery. After much debate, they finally decide to try to sabotage the new world of earth and mortal man that God has created. Satan sets off for earth, and meets his offspring, Sin and Death, at the gate of hell. They let him pass, and he journeys onward. Meanwhile, God sees Satan approaching earth and predicts the fall of man. When no one else does, God's Son offers to sacrifice himself to save man.