Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus

Book Description

A new 2023 systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains new translations of the following major works: 1. Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen/ On the Freedom of a Christian (1520) 2. Epistula Lutheri Erasmo / Letter from Luther to Erasmus (1525) 3. Vom unfreien Willen (De Servo Arbitrio) Das der freie wille nichts sey. Antwort D. Martini Luther an Erasmum Roterdam / The Bondage of the Will: That free will is nothing. Answer D. Martini Luther to Erasmum Roterdam (1526) 4. Von der Erbsünde/ On Original Sin (1530) 5. Von der Rechtfertigung des Menschen vor Gott, An Johann Brentius / On the Justification of Man before God, To Johann Brentius (1535) This is volume III of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now. Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters

The Bondage of the Will

Book Description

In 'The Bondage of the Will,' Martin Luther tackles the theological debate over free will and the role of God's grace in human salvation. Written in a clear and forceful prose, the book is a classic of Reformation theology, critiquing the teachings of Erasmus and defending the doctrine of predestination. Luther's arguments are deeply rooted in his understanding of Scripture and his belief in the sovereignty of God. His uncompromising stance on human depravity and the necessity of divine intervention in salvation make this book a foundational text in Protestant theology. Martin Luther's work is marked by its passionate convictions and its polemical style, addressing the theological controversies of his time with intellectual rigor and spiritual fervor. A key figure in the Protestant Reformation, Luther's insights continue to shape Christian thought and provoke thought-provoking discussions about the nature of faith and grace. 'The Bondage of the Will' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of theological debate and the enduring legacy of one of the most influential theologians in history.

Luther and Erasmus

Book Description

This volume includes the texts of Erasmus's 1524 diatribe against Luther, De Libero Arbitrio, and Luther's violent counterattack, De Servo Arbitrio. E. Gordon Rupp and Philip Watson offer commentary on these texts as well. Long recognized for the quality of its translations, introductions, explanatory notes, and indexes, the Library of Christian Classics provides scholars and students with modern English translations of some of the most significant Christian theological texts in history. Through these works--each written prior to the end of the sixteenth century--contemporary readers are able to engage the ideas that have shaped Christian theology and the church through the centuries.

The Captivation of the Will

Book Description

The Captivation of the Will provocatively revisits a perennial topic of controversy: human free will. Highly esteemed Lutheran thinker Gerhard O. Forde cuts to the heart of the subject by reexamining the famous debate on the will between Luther and Erasmus. Following a substantial introduction by James A. Nestingen that brings to life the historical background of the debate, Forde thoroughly explores Luther's "Bondage of the Will" and the dispute between Erasmus and Luther that it reflects. In the process of exposing this debate's enduring significance for Christians, Forde highlights its central arguments about Scripture, God, the will, and salvation in Christ. Luther recognized that the only solution for humans bound by sin is the forgiveness that comes from Christ alone. Convinced that this insight represents the heart of the Christian gospel, Forde concludes with ten sermons that proclaim the message of salvation through Christ alone while elegantly relating theological inquiry to everyday life.

The Bondage of the Will

Book Description

On the Bondage of the Will was Martin Luther's reply to Desiderius Erasmus' work "On Free Will," which had appeared in 1524 as Erasmus' first public attack on Luther after Erasmus had been wary about the methods of Luther for many years. At issue was whether human beings, after the Fall of Man, are free to choose good or evil. Erasmus had asserted that all humans possessed free will and that the doctrine of predestination was not in accord with the teachings contained in the Bible. Luther's response was to reason that sin incapacitates human beings from working out their own salvation, and that they are completely incapable of bringing themselves to God. The debate between Luther and Erasmus is one of the earliest of the Reformation over the issue of free will and predestination.

Willing to Believe

Book Description

What is the role of the will in believing the good news of the gospel? Why is there so much controversy over free will throughout church history? R. C. Sproul finds that Christians have often been influenced by pagan views of the human will that deny the effects of Adam's fall. In Willing to Believe, Sproul traces the free-will controversy from its formal beginning in the fifth century, with the writings of Augustine and Pelagius, to the present. Readers will gain understanding into the nuances separating the views of Protestants and Catholics, Calvinists and Arminians, and Reformed and Dispensationalists. This book, like Sproul's Faith Alone, is a major work on an essential evangelical tenet.

Luther's Table Talks: Conversations with the man

Book Description

A new 2023 systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains his famous "Table Talks" in modern American English, translated directly from the original manuscripts. This is volume VI of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now. Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters

Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties

Book Description

A new 2023 systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains new translations of the following major works: A. Disputation on the Power of Indulgences (The Ninety-Five Theses) (1517) B. Gott und die Seele / God and the Soul (1518) C. Ein Sermon von dem Heiligen Hochwürdigen Sakrament der Taufe/ A Sermon on the Holy Reverend Sacrament of Baptism (1519) D. Briefe an den Papst Leo den Zehnten / Letters to the Pope Leo the Tenth (1520) E. Von den guten Werken / Treatise on Good Works (1520) F. Verteidigungsrede auf dem Reichstag zu Worms / Defense speech at the Diet of Worms (1921) G. Vom ehelichen Leben / On Married Life (1522) I. Von der Wiedertaufe, an zwei Pfarrherrn/ On Rebaptism, for two pastors (1528) J. Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott/ Our God is a Mighty Fortress (1529) K. Vermahnung zum Sacrament des Leibes und Blutes des Herrn/ Admonition to the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord (1530) L. Wider das Bapstum zu Rom vom Teuffel gestifft/ Against the baptism of Rome founded by the Devil (1545) M. Widerruf der Lehre vom Fegefeuer / Revocation of the Doctrine of Purgatory (1530) This is volume I of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now. Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters

Luther's Sermons and Letters

Book Description

A new 2023 systematic of Luther's works across 7 volumes. This volume contains a new translation of his existant sermons and letters in American English, translated directly from the original manuscripts. This is volume VII of "The Essential Luther" from NLP. This series lays out Luther's complete major writings along with the original German or Latin text in the back of the book for quick reference. These are the only Bilingual editions of Luther's works ever printed. These manuscripts have been meticulously translated into English from the Original Fraktur manuscript. The German texts have been transcribed into the modern German text. This series is intended to introduce Luther's works systematically and includes all of Luther's writings including minor and obscure texts in 7 editions. Some of these sermons and letters have had no modern English translation until now. Volume I. Luther Contra Mundum: The Ninety-five Theses and other Major Treaties Volume II. Luther & Scripture: Writings on Hermeneutics, Exegesis and Patristics Volume III. Luther on Divine Sovereignty & Human will: Conversations with Erasmus Volume IV. Luther & the State: Writings on Secularism Volume V. Luther's Creeds: Catechisms & Confessions Volume VI. Luther's Table Talk Volume VII. Luther's Sermons and Letters