Macroeconomic News Announcements and Price Discovery

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This study employs macroeconomic news announcements as proxy for new information arrivals and examines their impact on price discovery of Canadian cross-listed stocks. We compare the price discovery of 38 Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for the period 2004-2011. First, we observe that price discovery shifts significantly during macroeconomic news announcement days. Second, the U.S. market becomes more important in terms of price discovery, regardless of the origin of the news. Third, we examine the relation between price discovery and market microstructure variables. After controlling for liquidity shocks, we find that the impact of news announcements still persists. Intraday analyses of price discovery on periods surrounding news releases further support these findings. These results suggest that there is a difference in information-processing capability of the two markets, with the U.S. market being better at processing information than the Canadian market during macro-economic news announcements. Our results are consistent with the literature which shows that cross-listing in the U.S. is positively associated with an improvement in the stock price information environment.

Macroeconomic Announcements and Price Discovery in the Foreign Exchange Market

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This article examines the price discovery function around releases of macroeconomic announcements to explore the informational efficiency of prices in a 24-hour trading platform. We study the contribution to price discovery of four periods of trading, including the Asian, European, European-U.S. overlapping, and U.S. markets in the Electronic Broking Services (EBS), using EUR/USD and USD/JPY data. Trading in the overlapping trading hours of London and New York dominates price discovery in currency trading only on days when U.S. announcements are released. News effects also occur on the days before and after announcements are released. This study provides evidence that macroeconomic announcements affect price discovery efficacy across sequential trading periods in the EUR/USD and USD/JPY markets.

Micro Effects of Macro Announcements

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Using a new dataset consisting of six years of real-time exchange rate quotations, macroeconomic expectations, and macroeconomic realizations (announcements), we characterize the conditional means of U.S. dollar spot exchange rates versus German Mark, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, and the Euro. In particular, we find that announcement surprises (that is, divergences between expectations and realizations, or 'news') produce conditional mean jumps; hence high-frequency exchange rate dynamics are linked to fundamentals. The details of the linkage are intriguing and include announcement timing and sign effects. The sign effect refers to the fact that the market reacts to news in an asymmetric fashion: bad news has greater impact than good news, which we relate to recent theoretical work on information processing and price discovery.

Macroeconomic News Effects in Commodity Futures and German Stock and Bond Futures Markets

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A well-known concept in modern capital market theory is that only systematic risk factors affect security prices. Macroeconomic announcements are among the most important news for financial markets because the state of the economy is a prime candidate for such a source of non-diversifiable risk. This book investigates the effects of US macroeconomic news on three financial markets that have received less attention in the literature so far. The markets of interest are the commodity futures market, the German stock index futures market, and the German bond futures market. I investigate not only price effects, but also liquidity effects as well as the channels of cross-border information flow. I find that commodity markets as well as international stock and bond markets are likewise affected by the release of US macroeconomic news. The strength of the commodity price response depends on the state of the economy and news about the US economy is more important for German stock markets than domestic economic news. For an investor in any of these markets, this book provides valuable information on how to adjust his trading strategies around the release of macroeconomic news. Moreover, my findings contribute to the understanding of cross-border information flow. First, I find that both domestic and foreign economic news induce significant price and liquidity effects. Second, I find that there are two important channels of information transmission for foreign news: the direct response to the news and the indirect response to the foreign response to the news.

Essays on Asset Prices and Macroeconomic News Announcements

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My dissertation is composed of three chapters that are unified by their exploration of asset prices and macroeconomic news announcements. With respect to asset prices, my main focus is on the price discovery process: how do asset prices reveal information relevant for asset fundamentals? Through my research, I provide new answers to this question. My work gets at core issues in asset pricing: whether financial markets are informationally efficient; why some assets earn unconditionally high premia; and how the sensitivity of prices to information varies over time and across assets. Specifically, chapter one shows evidence that sophisticated traders with an informational advantage inefficiently impound their edge into the aggregate U.S. stock market and U.S. Treasury bonds. In chapter two, I explore a model in which investors are averse to ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty) to explain why the equity premium is concentrated around specific events. Finally, chapter three investigates how the Federal Reserve's zero lower bound affects the response of asset prices, in particular interest rates, to information. Each of the three chapters explores the price discovery process using the unique setting of U.S. macroeconomic news announcements, which are made by government agencies and private-sector organizations and cover macroeconomic data on inflation, output, and unemployment. Analyzing financial markets in this setting deepens our understanding of how asset prices reflect information about macroeconomic fundamentals. At the same time, the results have macroeconomic implications; for example, the assumptions of monetary policy models in theory and the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy in practice.

Price Discovery and Liquidity Recovery

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We examine whether the forex market quality, measured by the speed of price discovery and liquidity recovery after macro statistics announcements, has improved using the EBS high-frequency data for 20 years. Considering the recent rise of computer-based trading, a popular conjecture is that the market quality has improved. Our empirical analysis, however, suggests that an improving trend is only observed in price discovery. Moreover, two measures are negatively correlated because an increasing number of traders improves liquidity but slows down price discovery. Theoretically, the latter finding implies that "fast" traders have a poor interpretation of how the news will impact prices.

Discovering Prices

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Traditional economic theory studies idealized markets in which prices alone can guide efficient allocation, with no need for central organization. Such models build from Adam Smith’s famous concept of an invisible hand, which guides markets and renders regulation or interference largely unnecessary. Yet for many markets, prices alone are not enough to guide feasible and efficient outcomes, and regulation alone is not enough, either. Consider air traffic control at major airports. While prices could encourage airlines to take off and land at less congested times, prices alone do just part of the job; an air traffic control system is still indispensable to avoid disastrous consequences. With just an air traffic controller, however, limited resources can be wasted or poorly used. What’s needed in this and many other real-world cases is an auction system that can effectively reveal prices while still maintaining enough direct control to ensure that complex constraints are satisfied. In Discovering Prices, Paul Milgrom—the world’s most frequently cited academic expert on auction design—describes how auctions can be used to discover prices and guide efficient resource allocations, even when resources are diverse, constraints are critical, and market-clearing prices may not even exist. Economists have long understood that externalities and market power both necessitate market organization. In this book, Milgrom introduces complex constraints as another reason for market design. Both lively and technical, Milgrom roots his new theories in real-world examples (including the ambitious U.S. incentive auction of radio frequencies, whose design he led) and provides economists with crucial new tools for dealing with the world’s growing complex resource-allocation problems.