Male Menopause

Book Description

The comprehensive examination of this very real health issue.

His Change of Life

Book Description

From explanations of the roles of hormones to detailed descriptions of testing options and treatment choices, this book is a guide to male hormones: What they do, what goes wrong, and what can be done about it. Testosterone levels begin to decline in men at the age of 30. But, as this book shows, men can take steps to normalize hormone levels. With the twin goals of education and empowerment, two naturopaths explain the roles of male hormones and why decreasing testosterone levels affect body and mind. His Change of Life: Male Menopause and Healthy Aging with Testosterone offers detailed descriptions of testing options and, most importantly, specific treatment choices offered by both allopathic and alternative models that will enable men of all ages to live life to the fullest. Symptoms the authors address include night sweats, reduced flexibility, loss of muscle mass, low sex drive, and high blood pressure. Solutions they explain include stress management, exercise, nutrition, dietary supplements, and androgen replacement therapy. Conventional treatments are also covered, as are potential side effects of actions men may take. The authors detail which actions are safe to take on your own, and which need the supervision of a medical expert.


Book Description

Women are not the only ones who suffer the consequences of declining hormone levels and associated symptoms. The Clements help men understand their own aging and changing bodies to help them better navigate the changes and still maintain vitality. This book is a man’s education manual about the health effects of hormone imbalance, but just as importantly, it’s a must-read for the women in their life, since it is often the women who inspire and coax men to break through their denial and seek help when they encounter health challenges. That cluster of mid-life hormonal declines is a significant life challenge which all men will eventually face, yet very few of them even realize the condition exists, much less that the vexing symptoms they experience can be remedied. Male menopause (MAN-opause) is a little reported and little understood phenomenon causing irritability, anger, depression, fatigue, weight gain, sexual dysfunction. It is affecting men at younger ages and for far longer in life than ever before. Science has confirmed this emerging phenomenon. Using the latest medical science findings, MAN-opause explains in understandable language how any man---with or without a woman’s participation--can take proactive steps, at any stage of life, to neutralize the impact of andropause and its wide range of debilitating and disturbing symptoms.

The Testosterone Syndrome

Book Description

Testosterone therapy can improve the overall health and feeling of well-being of aging men, improving sex drive, mental functions, and energy levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.--Library Journal


Book Description

Explains male menopause and offers sound advice.

How to Cope with Male Menopause

Book Description

How To Cope with Male Menopause - The Andropause Mystery Revealed is all about the controversial subject of male menopause or “andropause”. It discusses in detail what is male menopause, male menopause symptoms, male menopause treatment, andropause, HRT or hormone replacement therapy, and hormone imbalance.Women may not be the only ones who suffer the effects of changing hormones. Some doctors are noticing that men are reporting some of the same symptoms that women experience in perimenopause and menopause. The medical community is debating whether or not men really do go through a well-defined menopause. Doctors say that men receiving hormone therapy with testosterone have reported relief of some of the symptoms associated with so-called male menopause. Because men do not go through a well-defined period referred to as menopause, some doctors refer to this problem as androgen (testosterone) decline in the aging male -- or what some people call low testosterone. Men do experience a decline in the production of the male hormone testosterone with aging, but this also occurs with conditions such as diabetes.Get all of the facts in “How To Cope with Male Menopause - The Andropause Mystery Revealed”!

A Woman's Guide to Male Menopause

Book Description

Hormone replacement for men, vitamins, herbs for a healthy prostate, and natural alternatives to Viagra are explored in this informative guide which shows women how to help their partners through male menopause.


Book Description

FINALLY! A first! A book on menopause for men! Author Dr. Goodman shows men how to support and survive their partner's menopause, improve sexual intimacy, and end up with a stronger relationship. Dr. Mike has been listening to women for 35 years, and now in his companion book to The Midlife Bible, here in MEN-OPAUSE: The Book for MEN, he: 1. Outlines the issues2. Explains the physiology3. Acknowledges the crazies4. Identifies many things women can do to help themselves5. Shows the men how they can help, and6. Advises when it is best for the men to get out of the way!7. And in a Bonus Chapter - Andropause: The Male Change of Life, he explains how the decline in testosterone can rob men of their energy and sexuality, and explains how they can get their testosterone and erections up to a more sustainable level.Life does not stop at 50! MEN-opause: The Book for MEN will help guide couples through the temporarily troubled waters of midlife.

Hormone Use in Menopause and Male Andropause

Book Description

This book, by two of the most distinguished figures in fertility and reproduction research, answers all the most common questions about menaupause and andropause, and hormone resupplement therapy (HRT) for menopausal women. It offers explanations of all aspects of this subject, presenting balanced and reliable information about benefits, risks, and prospects for this field. Segal invented Norplant, the first long-term implantable contraceptive, and as the leader of Reproductive Biology at the Population Council, he orchestrated and coordinated the research and trials leading to basically every new contraceptive introduced over a period of about 25 years. Mastroianni did more than anyone else to develop in vitro fertizilation as a viable treatment option, and was for many years the chairman of the largest department of obstetrics and gynecology, and the director of the most successful IVF clinic. This book is unique in including coverage of the climacteric in men.


Book Description

"Discover the signs and symptoms of Low T, including proven treatments and diet plan to combat the andropause for a happier, healthier and more sexually-satisfying life." - Cover.