Malignant Echoism

Book Description

The world is suffering from a deadly plague. The Echo Apocalypse is here. Echoes have overrun the world. They're everywhere, ruining everything. An Echo has only one goal in life ... to find her Narcissus. This is an obsession so single-minded, it makes Romeo look like an amateur in his devotion to Juliet. Nietzsche said, "A little woman, pursuing her vengeance, would force open even the iron gates of Fate itself." An Echo feels fated to find her narcissist. It's the only way she can fulfil herself. Why do we have celebrity culture? Because of Echoes. Why do we have vacuous influencers? Because of Echoes. Why do we have absurd princesses? Because of Echoes. Echoes live to adore their narcissist. They can't get on their knees fast enough. "I worship, therefore I am," they say. Why is the world groaning under the weight of narcissists? It's purely because of the sheer mass of Echoes willing to support their weight. Narcissists cannot exist in isolation. They are predators, and their prey are Echoes. But these are the most willing of prey. They dream of being devoured. They want the Narcs' teeth around their throats. It's the only way they can feel alive. Malignant Narcissism is always accompanied by a much higher incidence of Malignant Echoism. The two phenomena coexist: one Narc typically has man Echoes flitting around him. Malignant Echoism is the evil shadow of Malignant Narcissism, and the two together are the greatest evil that humanity faces. We must be rid of both. Do you suffer from Malignant Echoism? Do you devote everything to the man in your life – whether a real man, or a man who appears on your screen whom you have never met, but whom you regard as "perfect"? Are you consumed by him? Can't you imagine life without him? Do you dream of "The One", Mr Right, the Ideal Man, the Perfect Hero, Prince Charming, the Ultimate Protector, the Guru With All Wisdom, the Ascended Master Come to Heal the Nations? Do you want a man to save you, to be your personal salvation, your bespoke Messiah? Come inside and find out all about the disease from which you suffer. You have become a flying monkey of a monster. You swing through the trees whenever he gives the order. Learn how to free yourself. When all of you are free, humanity will be liberated from sick narcissists – the lunatics in our midst who will say and do anything for attention.


Book Description

This book introduces the importance of echoism as a clinical entity and a theoretical concept. In Ovid's version of the myth of Echo and Narcissus, the character Echo receives equal attention to her counterpart, Narcissus, yet she has been completely marginalised in the pervasive literatures on narcissism. The author draws upon her work with patients who have experienced relationships with narcissistic partners or parents, and have developed a particular configuration of object relations and ways of relating for which she uses the term echoism. She uses psychoanalytic theory and existential philosophical ideas to underpin her formulations and inform her clinical thinking. Donnna Savery explores the question 'Am I an Echoist?' and introduces the concept of Echoism in the following YouTube video:

Situation Comedy, Character, and Psychoanalysis

Book Description

Situation Comedy, Character, and Psychoanalysis puts the sitcom character on the analyst's couch and closely examines the characters of Basil Fawlty, Lucy Ricardo and Kim from Australia's Kath & Kim, in order to reveal the essential elements that must exist in a sitcom before even the first joke is written. Original in its approach, D.T. Klika uncovers major findings about the sitcom as well as human behavior and relationships that we find 'arresting' and even "familial†?. By offering a new way of reading the sitcom using psychoanalytic theory, this book can be used as a basis for engaging in critical discourses as well as textual analysis of programs. Psychoanalytic theory enables a reading of character motivations and relationships, in turn elucidating the power struggle that exists between characters in this form of comedy. Situation Comedy, Character, and Psychoanalysis shines a light on what is at play in the sitcom that makes us laugh, and why we love the characters we do, only to discover that this form of comedy is more complex than we first thought.

The Empath Tribe

Book Description

Are you a member of the Empath tribe? These are some of the most tragic people in the world. What they regard as their greatest gift is exactly what sends them into the hands of the predators that prey on them. Empaths have an extraordinary vulnerability that unfailingly brings them into the orbit of the creatures that love to toy with them and torture them. Their empathy draws them to the people who are their formal opposite – those devoid of empathy. Or, rather, those that can fake the highest empathy, while having none. Empaths are not empathic enough to distinguish between fake displays of extreme empathy, and extreme empathy itself. They are irresistibly drawn to extreme empathy, not realizing that those who ostentatiously exhibit extreme empathy are the biggest con artists on earth, who have weaponized extreme empathy precisely to appeal to all the empathic and intuitive men and women in the world and bring them under their cult control. The natural predators for empaths and intuitives are the malignant narcissists. They deliberately target empaths and intuitives as the easiest to control – because they want to be controlled. Empaths and intuitives mistake malignant narcissists for super empaths and intuitives, when in fact they lack both empathy and intuition. That's in fact what makes them so exciting. They are a mystery. Their oddness is exciting. For every Narcissus, you will find an Echo. In fact, many Echoes. Echoes form the Empath tribe, one of the strangest tribes in the world. Find out all about them and why they always mistake fool's gold for real gold, falsehood for truth. They are born to be taken in by those wearing the false gold mask of Narcissus, the most beautifully deceiving mask of all.

Rethinking Narcissism

Book Description

Harvard Medical School psychologist and Huffington Post blogger Craig Malkin addresses the "narcissism epidemic," by illuminating the spectrum of narcissism, identifying ways to control the trait, and explaining how too little of it may be a bad thing. "What is narcissism?" is one of the fastest rising searches on Google, and articles on the topic routinely go viral. Yet, the word "narcissist" seems to mean something different every time it's uttered. People hurl the word as insult at anyone who offends them. It's become so ubiquitous, in fact, that it's lost any clear meaning. The only certainty these days is that it's bad to be a narcissist—really bad—inspiring the same kind of roiling queasiness we feel when we hear the words sexist or racist. That's especially troubling news for millennials, the people born after 1980, who've been branded the "most narcissistic generation ever." In Rethinking Narcissism readers will learn that there's far more to narcissism than its reductive invective would imply. The truth is that we all fall on a spectrum somewhere between utter selflessness on the one side, and arrogance and grandiosity on the other. A healthy middle exhibits a strong sense of self. On the far end lies sociopathy. Malkin deconstructs healthy from unhealthy narcissism and offers clear, step-by-step guidance on how to promote healthy narcissism in our partners, our children, and ourselves.

Traumatic Narcissism

Book Description

In this volume, Traumatic Narcissism: Relational Systems of Subjugation, Daniel Shaw presents a way of understanding the traumatic impact of narcissism as it is engendered developmentally, and as it is enacted relationally. Focusing on the dynamics of narcissism in interpersonal relations, Shaw describes the relational system of what he terms the 'traumatizing narcissist' as a system of subjugation – the objectification of one person in a relationship as the means of enforcing the dominance of the subjectivity of the other. Daniel Shaw illustrates the workings of this relational system of subjugation in a variety of contexts: theorizing traumatic narcissism as an intergenerationally transmitted relational/developmental trauma; and exploring the clinician's experience working with the adult children of traumatizing narcissists. He explores the relationship of cult leaders and their followers, and examines how traumatic narcissism has lingered vestigially in some aspects of the psychoanalytic profession. Bringing together theories of trauma and attachment, intersubjectivity and complementarity, and the rich clinical sensibility of the Relational Psychoanalysis tradition, Shaw demonstrates how narcissism can best be understood not merely as character, but as the result of the specific trauma of subjugation, in which one person is required to become the object for a significant other who demands hegemonic subjectivity. Traumatic Narcissism presents therapeutic clinical opportunities not only for psychoanalysts of different schools, but for all mental health professionals working with a wide variety of modalities. Although primarily intended for the professional psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, this is also a book that therapy patients and lay readers will find highly readable and illuminating.

The Narcissist in Your Life

Book Description

A highly illuminating examination of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and its insidiously traumatic impact on family members and partners. Packed with insight, compassion, and practical strategies for recovery, this is a must-read for survivors and clinicians alike. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has a profoundly dehumanizing effect on those subject to its distortions, manipulations, and rage. The Narcissist in Your Life illuminates the emotionally annihilating experience of narcissistic abuse in families and relationships, acknowledges the complex emotional and physical trauma that results, and assists survivors with compassionate, practical advice on the path of recovery. Whether you are just learning about NPD, managing a narcissistic parent or other family member, leaving a narcissistic relationship, or struggling with complex PTSD, you will find life-changing answers to these common questions: What are the different forms of NPD? Is my partner a narcissist? Why do I keep attracting narcissistic personalities? How can I help my kids? What happens in a narcissistic family? Why did my other parent go along with the abuse? Why am I alienated from my siblings? Why is it so hard to believe in myself and my future? What is complex PTSD and do I have it? What are the health problems associated with narcissistic abuse? Journalist, survivor, and NPD trauma coach Julie L. Hall provides a comprehensive, up-to-date, affirming, and accessible guide that will not only help you understand narcissistic abuse trauma, but will help you overcome trauma cycles and move forward with healing.

Messages, Signs, and Meanings

Book Description

"Messages, Signs, and Meanings can be used directly in introductory courses in semiotics, communications, media, or culture studies. Additionally, it can be used as a complementary or supplementary text in courses dealing with cognate areas of investigation (psychology, mythology, education, literary studies, anthropology, linguistics). The text builds upon what readers already know intuitively about signs, and then leads them to think critically about the world in which they live - a world saturated with images of all kinds that a basic knowledge of semiotics can help filter and deconstruct. The text also provides opportunities for readers to do "hands-on" semiotics through the exercises and questions for discussion that accompany each chapter. Biographical sketches of the major figures in the field are also included, as is a convenient glossary of technical terms." "The overall plan of the book is to illustrate how message-making and meaning-making can be studied from the specific vantage point of the discipline of semiotics. This third edition also includes updated discussions of information technology throughout, focusing especially on how meanings are now negotiated through such channels as websites, chat rooms, and instant messages."--Jacket.

The Virtue of Selfishness

Book Description

A collection of essays that sets forth the moral principles of Objectivism, Ayn Rand's controversial, groundbreaking philosophy. Since their initial publication, Rand's fictional works—Anthem, The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged—have had a major impact on the intellectual scene. The underlying theme of her famous novels is her philosophy, a new morality—the ethics of rational self-interest—that offers a robust challenge to altruist-collectivist thought. Known as Objectivism, her divisive philosophy holds human life—the life proper to a rational being—as the standard of moral values and regards altruism as incompatible with man's nature. In this series of essays, Rand asks why man needs morality in the first place, and arrives at an answer that redefines a new code of ethics based on the virtue of selfishness. More Than 1 Million Copies Sold!