Man and World in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

A sense of alienation and isolation is part of the experience of every modern man. Social and political life are governed by fear and uncertainty. People are strangers both to one another and to the world. Why are these conditions more acute now than ever before in history? What meaning can be found in our modern crises? In the light of anthroposophy show how the human being's relationship to the world has changed with each historical epoch. In this book, Stewart Easton gives the reader a clear overview of the complex trrain along this path, explaining that anthroposophy is not so much a philosophical system as a "seed" of new consciousness. Through the very act of becoming conscious of one's true relationship to the world, this relationship changes once again. The alienation is gradually bridged; life begins to have purpose; the seed had beun to grow. The many practical fruits of the tree that grows from this seed are described in the second part of this work: a medical science that is truly holistic, an agricultural system that is in harmony withnature and the cosmos, an educational method that nurtures head, heart, and hand towrd the freedom that comes from reaching one's full potential, and much more. This book provides an informative and comprehensive introduction to snthroposophy and to Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the inaugurator of anthroposophy. Stewart C. Easton recieved his doctorate in history from Columbia University and taught for many years at the City College of New York. He is the quthor of several books on western civilization and currently resides in Ireland.

Man and World in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

Modern Answers for Modern Questions A sense of alienation and isolation is part of the experience of every modern person. Social and political life are governed by fear and uncertainty. People are strangers both to one another and to the world. Why are these conditions more acute now than ever before in history? What meaning can be found in our modern crises? In the light of anthroposophy (literally human-wisdom) we come to see that man's fall from grace is at the same time his path to freedom. As a body of knowledge, anthroposophy shows how the human being's relationship to the world has changed with each historical epoch. In this book, Stewart Easton gives the reader a clear overview of the complex terrain along this path, explaining that anthroposophy is not so much a philosophical system as a "seed" of new consciousness. Through the very act of becoming conscious of one's true relationship to the world, this relationship changes once again. The alienation is gradually bridged; life begins to have purpose; the seed has begun to grow. The many practical fruits of the tree that grows from this seed are described in the second part of this work: a medical science that is truly holistic, an agricultural system that is in harmony with nature and the cosmos, an educational method that nurtures head, heart, and hand toward the freedom that comes from reaching one's full potential, and much more. This book provides an informative and comprehensive introduction to anthroposophy and to Rudolf Steiner, the inaugurator of anthroposophy. Reprint of 1989 revised third edition.

World History and the Mysteries

Book Description

In this landmark series of lectures, Rudolf Steiner challenges the notion that human consciousness has in essence remained the same throughout history. On the contrary, we can only see the past in its true light when we study the differences in human souls during the various historical eras. Consciousness, he says, evolves constantly and we can only comprehend the present by understanding its origin in the past. Delivered in the evenings during the course of the ‘mystery act’ of the Christmas Foundation Meeting – when Rudolf Steiner not only re-founded the Anthroposophical Society but for the first time took a formal role within it – these lectures study world history in parallel with the ancient mysteries of initiation, showing how they are intimately linked. Steiner describes consciousness in the ancient East and follows the initiation principle from Babylonia to Greece, up to its influences in present-day spiritual life. He also discusses Gilgamesh and Eabani, the mysteries of Ephesus and Hibernia, and the occult relationship between the destruction by fire of the Temple of Artemis and the burning of the first Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Published for the first time with colour plates of Steiner’s blackboard drawings, the freshly-revised text is complemented with an introduction, notes and appendices by Professor Frederick Amrine and an index.

Study of Man

Book Description

14 lectures, Stuttgart, August 20 - September 5, 1919 (CW 293) Although these lectures were given to teachers as preparatory material, they are by no means concerned only with education. Study of Man is Steiner's most succinct presentation of his human-centered spiritual psychology, and it is accessible to anyone genuinely interested in the questions of human existence. His approach is unique because it considers not only the influences that affect humanity from the past, but also future states of consciousness and being. Reprinted here in the original "classic" translation by A.C. Harwood and Helen Fox, these lectures were given in 1919 to the teachers of the Waldorf school in Stuttgart--the first to be based on the educational ideas of Rudolf Steiner. After eighty-five years of Waldorf education--and exponential growth around the world--this volume remains the basic study text for teachers in Steiner schools. As well as providing a basis for the work of educators, Study of Man will be of special interest to parents, counselors, psychologists, and students of Rudolf Steiner's philosophy--for whom this volume provides a fundamental picture of the human being according to the anthroposophic understanding of the world. This book is a translation of Allgemeine Menschenkunde als Grundlage der Pädagogik (GA 293), published by Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach.

The Inner Development of Man

Book Description

An introductory lecture on the nature of esoteric training.

The Education of the Child

Book Description

18 lectures in Dornach, January 9 - February 22, 1920 (CW 196) In the vast range of Rudolf Steiner's lectures, jewels of all kinds lie hidden in plain sight, awaiting only our discovery of them. Such lectures contain a kind of wisdom not found anywhere else. And sometimes, as in What Is Necessary in These Urgent Times, they also have a translucency and conviction that makes them transformational. In early 1920, political, economic, social, and spiritual chaos was everywhere. The old world had fallen apart and would need to be rebuilt. Anthroposophy, too, had to be remade. Recognizing this, Rudolf Steiner tirelessly working for the "threefold social order," establishing the first Waldorf school, helping to create businesses, and addressing the talented, educated, and idealistic young people who were beginning to turn toward Anthroposophy for answers. In these lectures, Steiner speaks in the new, direct "Michaelic" way, seeking the path to a new way of doing Anthroposophy. Throughout the critical situation of the time, he never lost his sense of humor or his compassion and equilibrium. His tone is warm, relaxed, and intimate. Rather than following a strictly predetermined path, he speaks directly from the heart about what concerned him. He stresses that the task of spiritual science is to awaken us to reality and to a true understanding of life that sees through illusions and understands the ever-present potential of evil. Speaking both esoterically and exoterically, he returns repeatedly to the importance of community, of meeting one another face-to-face, heart-to-heart, as individuals. Thus, rather than seeking power and control, we are called to cultivate trust and receptivity. This takes a spiritual transformation. We must learn to live this present life in the context of our greater spiritual life, which extends from before birth through earthly life and into the life after death that precedes our next birth. At the same time, we must come to know the Christ, who is to be met only in community. Selfishness, egotism, has no part in the new way: "When someone is alone Christ is not there. You cannot find Christ without first feeling a connection to humanity as a whole. You must seek Christ on the path that connects you with all humankind.... To be connected only with your own inner experiences leads you away from Christ." Steiner deals with many other important themes, as well, including "imperialism," the initiate behind Shakespeare, Bacon, and James I--makers of our modern age--and well as fascinating, initiatory remarks on reincarnation, esoteric physiology, and psychology. Running throughout the talks is the earnest admonition to be true to the spirit and the call to come to our senses and not fall prey to self-pity. Now, as it was then, the world needs us to be awake spiritually, and we need the world to be awake spiritually. There is nowhere to hide. What Is Necessary in These Urgent Times is a translation from German of Geisitige und soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsentwikelung (GA 196).

The Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy

Book Description

"We live today at a time when the full mystery of the Resurrection body can become manifest to human beings out of the inspirations of Michael.... This was accomplished by Rudolf Steiner not just in a theoretical sense but also practically, and came about through the establishing of a path, accessible to all human beings, which leads to a union with the forces of the Resurrection body." Sergei Prokofieff approaches the deepest mysteries of the Turning Point of Time (the Christ event) through Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research. At its heart stands the question of the restoration of the "phantom" of the physical body and its transformation into the resurrected body of Christ through the Mystery of Golgotha. The author draws a broad and differentiated picture of the tasks and possibilities that the Easter event--as well as Ascension and Pentecost--present, both for the individual and humanity. The final chapter considers the mystery of Easter Saturday, through which the two polar aspects of the Mystery of Golgotha--death and resurrection--interconnect, also explaining the relationship between the Earth Spirit and the interior of the Earth. An appendix tackles the phenomenon of stigmatization from a spiritual-scientific perspective.

Man and Animal

Book Description

‘To be man is to know the animals and all the creatures of the earth; it is to recognize our responsibility towards these beings, once of the same order as ourselves, but now obliged to live beside us in an incompleteness that never ceases its appeal to human beings – warning us to make ourselves worthy of the trust invested in us.’ – Hermann Poppelbaum What is the historical and evolutionary relationship between man and animal? In this classic text, based on the anthroposophical science founded by Rudolf Steiner, Poppelbaum, trained in Biology, compares the outer forms of man and animal, revealing their essential differences and contrasting inner experiences. Drawing a bold and clear delineation between the fundamental nature of man and that of the animal, Poppelbaum argues that human beings are not the accidental outcome of animal development, but the hidden source of evolution itself. He goes on to discuss the true relationship of both man and animal to their environment, and develops a critique of contemporary theories regarding human and animal evolution. He argues that, rather than a simple reflex of the nervous system, the human spirit is a microcosmic reflection of the spiritual macrocosm, and our individual consciousness is a crucial seed for future evolution.

The Anthroposophical Understanding of the Soul

Book Description

A new psychology of the human soul... Use of the word soul to denote the inner world of human experience has not been fashionable in the psychology of recent times. However, as Zeylmans van Emmichoven stresses in this groundbreaking study, human inner life is always active as a whole entity, which calls for recognition of the soul as a significant aspect of the human entity. Drawing on the works of Goethe, Franz Brentano, Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, and Rudolf Steiner, this original approach to psychology uses the soul's own self-perception as the method of clarifying the mysteries of the inner life. "The soul as an inner world participates in two worlds: an external world and...a still deeper, interior world." The soul is revealed as a mediator between the outer physical world (including the body) and the inner core of the human being, the "I," or true self. Through its intentional relationship to these two worlds, an ever-shifting stream of dynamic polarities courses continuously through the soul --love-hate, joy-sorrow, pleasure-displeasure, desire-satisfaction, laughing-weeping, life-consciousness. Many soul processes are explored in this context, including doubt, will, mental images, perceiving, judgment and decision, time and space, experience, and sexual identity, as well as how the soul expresses itself in the language of dreams, in everyday speech, in posture, in temperament, and in character. In addition, Van Emmichoven proposes yet another dimension of the human soul through the idea of the soul's "drive for development," which unfolds through the Goethean laws of polarity, enhancement, and metamorphosis. He paints a profound picture of the higher aim of human life --the soul's gradual liberation from physical bonds to become an organ for the "I," yet always balanced by the soul's inclination to become an organ for the body. Along this unfinished journey toward a full human existence, he describes the roles played by love, by wisdom, and by inner death and resurrection. As van Emmichoven points out, with this understanding of the soul, it is clear that there is an area where psychology and a philosophy of life overlap and, indeed, cannot be entirely separated. "If we were to define how the understanding of the soul represented in this book is related to contemporary schools of thought, there are three thinkers --Herder, Goethe, and Steiner --whose spiritual outlook has had a decisive influence. The fact that none of these thinkers became particularly well known in this field is not so surprising if we take into account the comprehensive wisdom and spiritual depth which distinguish their works" (from the introduction). This book is a translation from Dutch of De Menselijke Ziel (1946).