Manifest Destiny - Memoirs of a Dreaming Woman

Book Description

Manifest Destiny - Memoirs of a Dreaming Woman combines Spirituality, Paranormal and Magic into one romantic odyssey. D.M. English PhD writes preventive programs for peer-review magazines and clinics. She is at the end of her career and looking for something else... She begins to hear things and to see things, as all of her hand-woven native American rugs begin to unravel. It's happy hour in her small writing cottage in the desert as the spirits begin to dance in the light and shadows on the ceiling, the branches crackle in the fire place, and the apparition of a warrior stands outside watching her, and soon disappears back into the desert. As Dr. English (Maggie) explores the desert, she meets people, or spirits... as she never knows if she's dreaming or awake. Eventually it doesn't matter, they are the same. These spirits explain her "Dreaming Power" to her, a long way from her home on the beaches of the Long Island Sound, where she learned to read the clouds, those great galleons that bring Mr. Rain, or not. As she begins to understand what is happening to her, what happens when we dream, travels through the Astral layer. The universe may have had a beginning, but it was so long ago, the big bangs and tiny quicken-ings, but there is no middle or end. It always was and always will be? As a scientist, an epidemiologist, she knows that how or where it began affects directly how it will end. But confronted with spirits, angels, that travel to and from some fascinating place where there are no limits, no boundaries, she begins to understand that Science and Faith are two sides of the same coin. The Yin-and-Yang, light and dark, full moon and no moon at all. Maggie learns to release to her destiny by manifesting it. She meets a Medicine Man with Coyote Power. He explains to her that where they are going there are no books since books have beginnings, middles, and endings. There aren't even words, since mental telepathy is used. He takes her to higher desert where they will prepare to ascend. She has found her "Twin Flame," that she knew nothing about, and together they will kayak to this amazing place until the water is so shallow that they can walk on it the rest of the way. The Ascension chakra is stimulated and she passes through it. For readers who doubt, B. K. Smith provides the mathematical equation that cements the deal.

Rattle Snake Lodge - Memoirs of a Seeing Woman

Book Description

MY NAME IS AMANDA FRENCH. My family name French, I believe says it all. We, the French women, were born to wear elegant clothing and accessories, the finer brocades and silks, fluid and cool, raw dupioni and nubby shantung, the texture that is pure sex to the hand that appreciates. All the women in my family have some sense of the future and will tell you what it holds; and even before I was sure what it was, I knew I had it, the power to see. My grandmother, a healer, could interpret the sky; predict weather patterns, upcoming anomalies, drought, that sort of thing. My sister read hands; tiny crooked lines leading up and down, front to back, thumb to wrist, are the roads she helps to navigate. My aunt could read dreams and tell an expectant mother the sex of her unborn baby. My great grandmother could heal "troublesome ailments" and call out evil spirits from the sick, the overlooked, and cursed alike. And her mother, my great great grandmother before her, was known to associate with ghosts, the spirits that have passed over but not before promising to return and tell all, which they did by channeling through her in different languages. Her sister, my great aunt, could tell you the day and time of your birth and the day and time of your death. Sometimes I know the future in my breast. Sometimes I see the future coming out like a picture show, images that seep into your head the way rainwater collects in a basement corner, gathering from no place in particular. More often though, I see events in tea leaves, little bits of myself floating to the top of a shapely Spode china cup, tentatively dancing along the fragile gold leaf rim like your last memories in the few minutes before death. Often as I would stare down into my tomorrow, wondering if I should drink the brew or run to the sink and pour it down the drain, I would often do the latter. It's not that a particular vision was so frightening or alien—I grew up after all with these gifted women around me conversing with entities neither you nor I could see—it's just the memory of seeing trouble early in a courtship and remembering what it felt like, one lone tear snaking down my face, and my words all square and neat as I told him, "I love you but... I see no future." Or, I did see a future and there was no happiness in it. But, with this man, with Reed, I never saw a blessed thing. I never saw anything at all in the beginning. If I had, it would have been as shocking I'm sure as seeing blood on the moon. I guess it's true what they say, that you never see the bus that hits you.

A Dream Come True -- Billi Bear, Medicine Woman, and Spider

Book Description

A brilliant portrayal of Cultural Diversity, by behaviorist Barbara Kennedy, who is also the author and narrator of “The Fox and the Hawk.” This gentle illustrated story will make you laugh and cry. The simplicity and clever repartee show the reader what love looks like, pure and simple. The story takes place in a small fishing town, Pink Salmon Bay, Alaska. The reader will understand some of the challenges in a community; what fear looks like, and "mob mentality" in the village. Annika Spider Woman says, “Fear and envy made them mean and stupid.” That was pretty direct and refreshing. This new wave of educating a very broad demographic, with no political agenda and no personal voices, is welcomed in the young reader section. The soft message is tucked inside the legends of the Indigenous Peoples’ Dream Catchers, the Mandalas; how they are made, what they mean, and how they are meant to be utilized. The Spider weaves the webs that will catch the best dreams for the children that Annika puts to bed each evening. The villagers teach Billi Bear to play ice hockey, and he shows them how to catch fish with their hands. Annika, a widow, is lonely and wishes for a family of her own. Spider tells her, " If there is a dream out there, we'll catch it." And she sets out to weave and tat an "installation" that will attract the most extraordinary dream come true. It does not disappoint Annika or the reader. For all ages.

The Holding Pen

Book Description

A Modern Day Romance - if you can call it that. The quintessential Baby Boomer story of mid-life dating. HE lives in Connecticut, runs a high end home furnishings company, works in his garden, has his kids on the weekends, and attends law school at night in order to quell his boredom and loneliness. Oh, and he has a gaggle of women friends. SHE lives in a high-rise in NYC, trades stocks and bonds, has one child who spends a lot of time with his father, SHE attends literature classes at night to encourage her to read something other than financial news. There are snippets of the books she is reading and then a poem that she had to write and submit for the class. It is classic. SHE would like to find someone to love and possibly settle down with. They meet in a restaurant bar in New Canaan and begin a short interlude. Their dialogue is very real and one can only wonder how people do get together, commit, and marry. Never mind stay loyal. If you are out there looking for love, you will clearly see yourself.

Laina & the Vamp

Book Description

For every woman who ever loved a Vampire. "What is your passion?" Vladimir asked Laina. "White," she replied without hesitation. "I eat cottage cheese and pot cheese, farmer's cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, meringue, Reddi-whip, Cool Whip, mashed potatoes, white rice, spring turnips, and I drink non-fat milk and occasionally one glass of Chardonnay–maybe two." The Vampire watched her. Was she kidding? He was expecting something more like jewelry, lingerie, perfume. "My skin is very pale, you see," she continued, "I think I'm anemic." The Vampire muffled a groan, rolling his eyes in ecstasy. This made Laina unsure. After a noticeable interval, and out of sheer discomfort, she asked him the same question. "What is your passion?" Vladimir grew uneasy. His eyes moved to her watch and he smiled uncomfortably and then gazed off again. His favorite color was indeed black, possibly the only aesthetic principal he steadfastly maintained, but he had never been opposed to anything that smacked of style and excess, like red. Finally he leaned into her and answered, "You."

Kitch & Arte

Book Description

KITCH & ARTE Contemporary Art & Infographics Created by Barbara Kennedy How something that oozes out of a thin aluminum tube and onto a primed flat white canvas can convince you of the presence of a three-dimensional world, this translucent paste that conveys the fragrances of pasture and ocean, forest and rain, was to me holy. And I wanted to affect that. I wanted to paint. To see light; to manipulate light; to share it with those who believe, and show it to those who do not. Pundits were hard at work convincing me that a mathematical equation or physical methodology (a logarithm) could produce the same work and, with just as much depth of execution and feeling. Yet, I have never viewed a computer-generated piece of art that evoked me to tears. My work had already crossed over the line that divided art and craft. I was into feeling it organically, not just looking at a scene, owning it, or trading it. Painting with the tip of my nose was not outside my stream of executions, or behaviors, a critic once observed. "ART IS (r)-EVOLUTION. EDUCATION IS A PROCESS."

DREAM CATCHERS - Nature Meets Digital

Book Description

Look inside a thing to know its wonder. Just like snowflakes, no two dream catchers--or dreams--are alike. Stick out your tongue and catch one on the very tip of it. Lick it. Roll it around on your tongue. Awaken your palate. Then take a bigger bite. Worst case, you’ll spit it out. Most likely, you’ll be back. It may take a while. We tend to fight it; it hurts so good. Dreams are sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet. But like a rare single malt Scotch in a crystal tumbler, you acquire a taste for it. You will want more. You will be back. Guaranteed. Everything you need has already been given to you. All you need to add is a dream and shake. Look up. Reach out. Catch a dream, ride a wave. Worst case, you fall out of bed. This book is best when downloaded onto a tablet or device where you can play with the photographs and expand them in order to travel through them and view the precision inner workings of nature. "Ancient legend originates with the Grandmother Spider, who sang the universe into existence but was saddened by the dreams of children." Photography is a marriage of light, subject, and time. An image is frozen in time, in a particular light, at a fractional moment, through a particular lens, and viewed by you. Thus, you become part of the ecology of the image. As you own the emotion evoked by the image, the original energy that snapped the camera in the first place, is re-energized and lives on in the energy you give to it, as the image continues to sensate. –The Ecology of Photography


Book Description

"I finally detached with the understanding that people cannot give to you what they don’t have. I am not feeling the love because… And because of what was probably this unsatisfied need for affection, I have a history of trusting complete strangers, some of whom have, to their credit, risen to the occasion by displaying the kindness thus expected of others at the eleventh hour. I made friends easily. One day, impelled by mutual attraction, or curiosity, you strike up a conversation and discover shared interests and a new friendship is born. You try to live the same hopes and dreams, feeling at ease, even happy, and this friendship becomes part of your life, a little bit like family. Then treachery strikes and a great desolate wind sweeps away those dreams. Wounded and angry, you wish you were dead for ever thinking or believing and falling for it again. Then other similar mirages appear on the horizon, as you walk in your own landscape, and you rise to the occasion once again, and you are disappointed once again, and one fine day all that is left of your spirit is a tiny scar on your heart no bigger than a fingernail scratch. You no longer feel anything either. You no longer care. Only many years later, only when I had given myself passively to this lovelessness in the conviction that I had metamorphosed from a loveless childhood to the adulthood of more of the same, disappointment, betrayal and loss. Only with this wisdom had I come to believe in nothing, and only then was I surprised by love. What is the meaning of ordeal? You’ll know it when you know it. This book contains "Papier Mache Bowls - Vessels of Grieving." 42 full-color photographs,"The creative meaning of ordeal."

Shades of the Planet

Book Description

In a globalizing age, studying American literature in isolation from the rest of the world seems less and less justified. But is the conceptual box of the nation dispensable? And what would American literature look like without it?Leading scholars take up this debate in Shades of the Planet, beginning not with the United States as center, but with the world as circumference. This reversed frame yields a surprising landscape, alive with traces of West Africa, Eastern Europe, Iran, Iraq, India, China, Mexico, and Australia. The Broadway musical Oklahoma! has aboriginal antecedents; Black English houses an African syntax; American slavery consorts with the Holocaust; Philip Roth keeps company with Milan Kundera; the crime novel moves south of the border; and R. P. Blackmur lectures in Japan. A national literature becomes haunted by the world when that literature is seen extending to the Pacific, opening up to Islam, and accompanying African-American authors as they travel. Highlighting American literature as a fold in a planet-wide fabric, this pioneering volume transforms the field, redrawing its institutional as well as geographical map.The contributors are Rachel Adams, Jonathan Arac, Homi K. Bhabha, Lawrence Buell, Wai Chee Dimock, Susan Stanford Friedman, Paul Giles, David Palumbo-Liu, Ross Posnock, Joseph Roach, and Eric J. Sundquist.

California Dreams and American Contradictions

Book Description

California Dreams and American Contradictions establishes a genealogy of western American women writers publishing between 1870 and 1965 to argue that both white women and women of color regionalized dominant national literary trends to negotiate the contradictions between an American liberal individualism and American equality. Monique McDade analyzes works by María Amparo Ruiz de Burton, Helen Hunt Jackson, Sui Sin Far, and a previously unstudied African American writer, Eva Rutland, to trace an archive of western American women writers who made visible what dominant genres subsumed under images of American progress and westward expansion. Read together these writers provide new entry points into the political debates that have plagued the United States since the nation's founding and that set the precedent for westward expansion. Their romances, regional sketches, memoirs, and journalism point to the inherently antagonistic relationship between a Rooseveltian rugged individualism that encouraged an Anglo male-dominated West and the progressive equality and opportunity the West seemingly promised disenfranchised citizens. The writers included in California Dreams and American Contradictions challenged literature's role in creating regional division, conformist communities that support nationally sponsored images of gendered, ethnic, and immigrant others, and liberal histories validated through a strategic vocabulary rooted in "freedom," "equality," and "progress."