Ensayo y CríTica Literaria

Book Description

Con muchas aclaraciones de Ensayo y Crítica Literaria, o la (lettera y tur) -arte de la palabra o arte de la letra- para enriquecer más aun sus escondidos tesoros del conocimiento, que cada persona tiene guardada en lo profundo de su corazón, como una reserva especial para los momentos de convivencia con los seres más queridos. Asimismo lo importantes son, llegar a comprender un ínfimo por ciento de las riquezas literarias, entonces la comunicación entre los seres humanos seria más agradables. Y con certeza que maravilloso seria avenirse sin distinción de raza ni lengua, ni credo religioso y color, sino tan solo apreciar con la lettera y tur a los oídos de cada prójimo, y luego salir a la luz para demostrar las riquezas que llevamos por dentro cada ser humano. Además de todos, el dominio del idioma y la cultura si es posible colectivamente, es lo imprescindible en las profesiónes como Políticos y de los Credo Religiosos, pero también el adepto puede adquirir estos principiando en la educación y el estudio de la observación, depurándose en la práctica constantemente para lograr el objetivo. Como el dominio del idioma, la cultura, y perseverar siempre con el buen gusto de la inspiración con sus buenas intenciones.

Developing New Identities in Social Conflicts

Book Description

Conflicts are inherent to human society, but most of them do not concern us directly as participants or eyewitnesses. How we see social conflicts depends on how they are presented to us. This volume gathers together writings by contemporary specialists in different fields, from different backgrounds, cultures and locations, but united by a common thread: the conviction that history and current affairs are constructed and presented, not according to the facts themselves, but according to media, culture, politics, gender, religion and other factors.

New Chapters in the History of Rhetoric

Book Description

This volume gathers over forty papers by leading scholars in the field of the history of rhetoric. It illustrates the current trends in this new area of research and offers a great richness of insights. The contributors are from fourteen different countries in Europe, America and Asia ; the majority of the papers are in English and French, some others in German, Italian, and Spanish. The texts and subjects covered include the Bible, Classical Antiquity, Medieval and Modern Europe, Chinese and Korean civilization, and the contemporary world. Word, speech, language and institutions are addressed from several points of view. One major topic, among many others, is Rhetoric and Religion.


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Arts & Humanities Citation Index

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A multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It fully covers 1,144 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals, and it indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals.

The Semiotic Sphere

Book Description

Although semiotics has, in one guise or another, ftourished uninterruptedly since pre Socratic times in the West, and important semiotic themes have emerged and devel oped independently in both the Brahmanie and Buddhistic traditions, semiotics as an organized undertaking began to 100m only in the 1960s. Workshops materialized, with a perhaps surprising spontaneity, over much ofEurope-Eastern and Western and in North America. Thereafter, others quickly surfaced almost everywhere over the litera te globe. Different places strategically allied themselves with different lega eies, but all had a common thrust: to aim at a general theory of signs, by way of a description of different sign systems, their comparative analysis, and their classifi cation. More or less permanent confederations were forged with the most diverse academic disciplines, and amazingly varied frameworks were devised-suited to the needs of the times and the sites-to carry the work of consolidation forward. Bit by bit, mutually supportive international networks were put together. Today, it can truly be asserted that semiotics has become a global enterprise. This, of course, is far from saying that the map is uniform or even that world-wide homogeneity is in the least desirable. While our conjoint ultimate goal remains steadily in focus, the multiplicity of avenues available for its realization is inherent in the advent ure of the search itself.


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Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Time of Christ

Book Description

In this comprehensive look at life in the time of Jesus, Edersheim examines Jewish homelife, marriage customs, worship, literature, and much more. This publication from Boomer Books is specially designed and typeset for comfortable reading.

How to Read Literature

Book Description

DIV A literary master’s entertaining guide to reading with deeper insight, better understanding, and greater pleasure /div