Manual de razonamiento jurídico : pensar, escribir y convencer

Book Description

Un abogado debe convencer no solo de la justicia del caso que defiende sino también de la validez jurídica de su causa. Para ello, es indispensable un método de argumentación que diga los pasos adecuados tanto desde el punto de vista legal como lógico y que conduzca a un resultado difícil de objetar gracias a la claridad y la solidez de su razonamiento. En este Manual de razonamiento jurídico, Marcial Rubio Correa vuelca los resultados de años de investigación, enseñanza y práctica del método jurídico para ayudar a los profesionales del derecho a construir sus casos, desde el esquema inicial hasta la presentación final. Aunque est́á dirigido principalmente para abogados, se trata de un texto que será útil para estudiantes y profesionales cuya tarea principal sea la comunicación y la persuasión, verbal o escrita.

Entangled Coercion

Book Description

This book investigates the phenomenon of slavery and other forms of servitude experienced by people of African or indigenous origin who were taken captive and then subjected to forced labor in Charcas (Bolivia) in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Interpretation of Law in the Global World: From Particularism to a Universal Approach

Book Description

Capturing the Change: Universalising Tendencies in Legal Interpretation Joanna Jemielniak and Przemys aw Mik aszewicz International and supranational integration on the European continent, as well as the harmonisation of the rules of international trade and the accompanying dev- opment and global popularity of the resolution of commercial disputes through arbitration, constantly exerts a considerable in uence on modern legal systems. The sources of each of these phenomena are different, and their action is dissimilar. Each can be described as reaching either from the top to the bottom, through the direct involvement of interested States and consequently affecting their internal legal s- tems (international and supranational integration; harmonisation of trade regulations through public international law instruments), or bottom-up, as a result of activity by private parties, leading to the achievement of uniform practices and standards (ar- tration, lex mercatoria). Nonetheless, they both enrich national legal cultures and contribute to transgressing the limits of national (local) particularisms in creating, interpreting and applying the law. The aim of this book is to demonstrate how these processes have in uenced the interpretation of law, how they have shaped the methods and techniques of the interpretation and with what consequences for the outcomes of the interpretative procedures. In assessing the extent of this in uence, due regard must be paid to the fact that the interpretation of law is not, in principle, directly determined by the provisions of law itself.

Sobre el razonamiento judicial

Book Description

La presente obra, que es una muestra de diálogo y argumentación jurídica, abre con diez tesis sobre razonamiento judicial. Acto seguido, quince destacados autores de Europa y América discuten sobre tales tesis, creando un valioso debate sobre las mismas. Finalmente, el autor de las tesis cierra el volumen respondiendo a cada uno de los textos.

Razonamiento jurídico y Teoría del Derecho

Book Description

Este libro, que se traduce por primera vez al español, ha sido unánimemente considerado como una de las obras fundamentales para comprender el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Argumentación Jurídica. Originalmente aparecido en 1978, el mismo año en que Robert Alexy publicara su Theorie der juristischen Argumentation (Teoría de la Argumentación Jurídica), el libro de MacCormick supuso un fructífero replanteamiento del debate entre positivismo e iusnaturalismo, pero a través de una metodología que tomaba como punto de partida un cuantioso arsenal jurisprudencial de casos resueltos por jueces y tribunales escoceses.

The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law

Book Description

This volume deals with the tension between unity and diversification which has gained a central place in the debate under the label of ‘fragmentation’. It explores the meaning, articulation and risks of this phenomenon in a specific area: International Criminal Justice. It brings together established and fresh voices who analyse different sites and contestations of this concept, as well as its context and specific manifestations in the interpretation and application of International Criminal Law. The volume thereby connects discourse on ‘fragmentation’ with broader inquiry on the merits and discontents of legal pluralism in ‘Public International Law’.

On Law and Legal Reasoning

Book Description

This book seeks to examine the relations that obtain between law and a theory of law and legal reasoning and a theory of legal reasoning.